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Solo Makeover

We will be revamping the following dashboard.

Dull Dashboard

Prerequisite: We first need to import this dashboard. Follow these steps to Import it:

  1. Click the menu button (☰) at the top left, and then click on Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards screen, click the New button and then click Import.
  3. On the Import Dashboard screen, in the Import via field, type in 16413 and then click Load.
  4. You will be asked to choose three of your dashboard's data sources:
    • For TestData DB, choose TestData DB.
    • For Prometheus (Cloud), choose Prometheus (Cloud).
    • For LokiNginxLogs, choose LokiNginxLogs.
    • Click on Import.

While our existing dashboard already has useful information such as RED metrics - request rates, errors, and duration/latency - for our service as well as state information for the underlying Kubernetes pods and end-user activity from a geographic lens, our aim is to make the information on the dashboard easier to understand and more visually appealing.

Convert the 'Error Rates' panel from a time series to a stat panel

We will edit the Error Rates panel first. We want to add context to what error rates are acceptable, in a danger zone, or are in violation of an internal Service Level Objective (SLO).

Error Rate Panel

  1. Edit the Error Rates panel (hover over the panel's title, click on the three vertical dots at the top right, and then click Edit)

  2. Switch the Visualization Type from Time Series (or Graph in older versions of Grafana) to Stat

  3. Under Stat styles:

    • Change Orientation from Auto to Horizontal.
    • Change Color Mode from Value to Background Gradient.
  4. Expand the 'Value Mappings' section and then click Add value mappings:

    • If there is a default setting that null maps to N/A, click on the trash icon 🗑 to remove that default.
    • Click Add a New Mapping and then Range. Set range from 0 to 1 with Display Text of OK. Set color to Blue.
    • Click Add a New Mapping and then Range. Set range from 1 to 2 with Display Text of Service Degraded. Set color to Yellow.
    • Click Add a New Mapping and then Range. Set range from 2 to 100 with Display Text of SLO Violation. Set color to Orange.
    • Click on Update

    The value mapping settings should look like this:

    Value Mappings

  5. Change the Panel Title to SLO Status(Errors) per Data Center

  6. Click on Apply

Convert the 'K8s Service Status' panel from a table to a polystat panel

This table is showing us tons of information that we already know. The original goal of this table was to show a state of 1 (UP) or 0 (DOWN) for each of our service containers. Our new goal is to simplify the presentation of the information using a polystat panel.

  1. Edit the K8s Service Status panel (hover over the panel's title, click the three vertical dots to show the context menu, and then click Edit)

  2. Switch the Visualization Type from Table to Polystat

    You will notice that all of the rows have been aggregated into one average of all values. To separate our data per container, change the query's Format from Table to Time Series. In newer versions of the Grafana UI, this option is under Options.

    Table to Timeseries

  3. In the panel options, under the Global settings group, change Decimals from 2 to 0 as the Instant value will always be a 0 or 1.

  4. Change the Polygon Border Color to Transparent.

  5. Under Thresholds, click on Add Threshold:

    • For the default threshold, leave the value of 0, but change Color Mode from ok to critical. Additionally, change the Color from Red to Orange.
    • Click Add Threshold to add a second threshold level. A new Threshold will appear.
    • For the second threshold, set value to 1 with Color Mode ok. Additionally, change the Color from Green to Blue.
  6. At the bottom of the options panel, click on Add value mappings.

    • Add a Value mapping, setting the value condition to 1, and the display text to UP.
    • Add a second Value mapping, condition 0 and display text DOWN.
  7. Change the Font Family to 'Inter'.

  8. Toggle Automate Font Color to the OFF position. This should render the text in black. Or, use the Font Color box to pick a color of your choice.

  9. Click Apply to the leave the edit mode of that panel. The panel should look similar to what is shown below:

    K8s Service Status

Convert the 'Customer Activity' panel from a stat panel to a geomap

This one is a mess. I've been told that this data is from OSS Loki, our logging tool, and represents the number of hits coming from each geographic region. It is colorful, but I have a very difficult time interpreting the information. Let's change the visualization to a map!

  1. Edit the Customer Activity panel (hover over the panel's title, click the three vertical dots to show the context menu, and then click Edit)
  2. Switch the Visualization Type from Stat to Geomap
  3. In the Search options box in the top right, type basemap layer. The basemap layer option will be shown, and all other options will be hidden.
  4. Under Basemap layer, change the Layer type to ArcGIS MapServer with a Server instance of World Ocean. Base layer
  5. Click the '× Clear' text in the Search bar to clear your search for "basemap layer".
  6. CRITICAL! Since this is a point-in-time view, validate the Query Type of the query is Instant and not Range. Query Type
  7. We want to add markers on the map. Again using the Search options in the top right, find Map layer and click on Layer 1 markers. We want a lookup of the country by our geoip_country_code field.
  8. To do this, under Location Mode, click Lookup and then under Lookup Field, choose geoip_country_code. You should now see data on your map. But we're not done!
  9. Under Styles, change Size from Fixed Value to Value #Hits by geolocation.
  10. Change Symbol from Circles to Star. Do this by selecting the circle.svg text, selecting Star and hitting 'Select'.
  11. Change Color from Fixed color to Value #Hits by geolocation.
  12. The colors of blue and orange seem to blend in a bit much on the map, so we need to make them stand out a bit more. Using the Search options box in the top right, enter thresholds. Change the base color to Dark Purple by clicking on the orange circle, then clicking on dark purple, and then click outside of that popup window.
  13. For a threshold of 10, change the color to dark Orange using the same method as above.
  14. Delete the 3rd threshold value of 20 by clicking on its garbage can icon.
  15. Click Apply to the leave edit mode of that Panel.

Update the 'Latency for Sockshop App' panel

Since this service latency graph is viewed by dozens of people, we know statistically that at least 2 people viewing this graph are colorblind. That said, the Product owner of Sockshop called the colors 'uninspiring'. You also notice that the legend is rough around the edges.

  1. Edit the Latency for Sockshop App panel (hover over the panel's title, click the three vertical dots to show the context menu, and then click Edit)

  2. Switch the Visualization Type to Time Series, if it isn't already.

  3. Let's fix the legend first:

    • Under the query on the left, in the Options panel, change the Legend type from Verbose to Custom and enter {{ job }}. You will notice that the name of the job is displayed at the bottom of the graph, instead of the raw key/value pair. But we still don't like the fact that the namespace of development still appears. So, let's use a transformation to rename our fields.
    • Click on Transform and then Rename by Regex (scroll down the list or use the 'Add transformation' search). For match, let's do 2 string captures - before and after the /.
    • For match, type in .+/(.+)
    • For the Replace field, type in $1
  4. Someone else said this graph, denoted in seconds, would be easier to understand if it were in milliseconds.

    • Let's change the query on the left hand side by adding * 1000 to the end of the query
    • Add a unit to the y-axis: Under the panel's search options (top right), type in Unit. For the unit, use Time / milliseconds (ms).
  5. We now want to make it easier for our colorblind colleagues to read.

    • For all lines in the graph: Use the Graph Styles, choose a Line Width of 2 and a Fill opacity of 0

      Graph styles

    • Let's make dataset user a dashed line. In the upper right, click on Overrides and Add field override. Then, choose "Fields with Name" user. Next, add override property Graph styles > Line style. Change from Solid to Dash. Keep 10,10 as the line,space setting.

    • We will make field payment a dashed line as well. Again, click on Add field override, choosing "Fields with Name" payment. Next, add override property Graph styles > Line style. Change from Solid to Dash. Use a 5,10 dash line style.

    • Let's make dataset catalogue a dashed line. Add an override for Fields with name catalogue, adding a Line Style override. For the dash pattern, we want to see long-short-short, and so to do this, we choose 30,3,3, the last item in the dropdown.

    • Choose field with name carts and Add override property. In search, find Graph styles > Line style. Change from Solid to Dots and keep the 0,10 line,space setting.

    • We will keep orders as-is.

  6. Click Apply. Below is what your panel should look like:

    Sockshop App

  7. One more fix! We notice that the two blue colors are just too similar, and we want to make it obvious. So, right from the dashboard, we click on the blue line associated with user in the legend, and a set of default colors appear. Choose Purple.

  8. Save the dashboard.

Convert the 'Server Request Rates' panel from a time series to a bar gauge panel

Like our first panel, we want context to understand what good looks like. Knowing our internal data patterns, we want to avoid service overload conditions where end-user performance can be affected.

  1. Edit the Server Request Rates panel (hover over the panel's title, click the three vertical dots to show the context menu, and then click Edit)
  2. Change the Panel Title to Server Request Rates per Second (i.e. add "per Second" for clarity)
  3. Switch the Visualization Type from Time Series to Bar Gauge
  4. Under Bar Gauge:
    • Change Orientation (Layout Orientation) from Auto to Horizontal.
    • Change Display Mode from Gradient to Retro LCD
  5. Under Thresholds (At the bottom of the menu panel on the right):
    • Change the base color from Green to Blue
    • Change the 2nd color from Red to Yellow and the threshold level from 80 to 45.
    • Add a third threshold level, 55. Set color to Orange.
    • Select Apply to apply your panel settings.

Below is what your panel should look like:

Webserver Request Rates

Add existing library panels

Remembering that someone saved some valuable service KPI panels to your Panel Library, adding them will give our users a better picture of how our service is being delivered.

  1. From your dashboard, click the Add button at the top of the screen, and then Import from Library.

  2. Search for the word "Apdex" and choose Panel, "Service APDEX".

    Add Library Panel

    ⚠️ NOTE: This Library Panel is created from a test data source, so it will initially appear blank. Continue with the next steps to add the two other panels.

  3. Repeat this process, searching for "Score" and choosing panel, "Infrastructure - Error Score".

  4. Repeat this process a third time, searching for "sock" and choosing panel, "Latency Profile, Sockshop Application".

  5. Critical - Save your dashboard as you've done some fine work thus far! Then you can reload the dashboard to see the new panels.

After adding these panels, you notice at the top they all have a link icon. These Panel drilldown links go to another, more detailed dashboard... score! That will save us a ton of time building the detailed service view.

To import that drilldown dashboard (Called Sockshop Performance):

  1. Click the menu button (☰) at the top left, and then click on Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards screen, click the New button and then click Import.
  3. In the Import via field, type in 16416 and then click Load.
  4. You will be asked to choose your dashboard's data source:
    • For Prometheus (Cloud), choose Prometheus (Cloud).
  5. Click on Import.

However, you want to add a similar drilldown to the SLO Status (Errors) per Data Center panel (i.e. the renamed "Error Rates" panel) just in case users don't see the panel links.

  1. Open the "dull dashboard" (find it in Home → Dashboards).
  2. Edit the SLO Status (Errors) per Data Center panel and find the category Data Links (3rd from the bottom - not Panel Links).
  3. Click Add Link and add the following:
    • For Title, type in Sockshop Service Details.
    • For URL, paste in /d/b2kdXLwnz/sockshop-performance?orgId=1
    • Select Open in new tab and click Save.
  4. Click Apply to return to the Dashboard and then click the Save icon to save your changes.
  5. Now that you have saved your work, click anywhere on the SLO Status (Errors) graph to validate it drills into that other detailed dashboard.

Add our company logo

For a bit of flair, we'd like to add our company logo. To do so:

  1. In the (formerly) dull dashboard, click on the Add button, then select Visualization.

  2. On the right hand side, click on the default "Time Series" and search for 'Text'. Choose a Text panel.

  3. For mode in the bottom right, switch from Markdown to HTML.

  4. Remove the default text and paste in the following HTML:

    <center><img align="center" src="" ></center>
  5. Remove the Panel Title, Click on Transparent Background and click Apply.

  6. Size the panel appropriately.

Arrange our panels

Finally, we need to arrange our panels so that the most important graphs are in that Z pattern, spaced appropriately, and properly sized. We may need to add some spacing to our dashboard. To do so, choose the blank text panel we have saved in our library.

  1. First, let's add a row for our RED metrics (request rates, errors, and duration/latency).
    • Click on the Add button click Row.
    • Hover over the new row, click on the Gear icon to change the row title to Service RED Metrics. Going left to right, move Server Requests per Second, SLO Status (Errors) per Data Center, and Latency for Sockshop App on the top row.
  2. Add a 2nd row called Key Performance Indicators
    • Move the rest of the graphs into this grouping. In the middle row, going left to right, move Service Apdex, Latency quantiles, and then our logo to this middle row.
    • In the bottom area, we should have K8s Service Status on the left, Infrastucture - Error Score below it, and the Customer Activity map to the right of those two graphs.
    • To reorder rows, click on the arrow to the left of each row's title to collapse the row, then use the dragging handle at the far right of the row to move it up or down.
  3. Click Add and then Import from Library. Choose Panel, "Blank Space". Add a small row of blank space after our row of Service RED Metrics.
  4. Choose Add Panel and then Import from Library. Choose Panel, "Blank Space". Add a small row of blank space after our top row of Key Performance Indicators.

After arranging our panels and adding space, your dashboard should look something similar to this:

Final-Dashboard One

If you didn't quite finish but would like a working copy of our result you can import the dashboard: Steps to Import:

  1. Click the menu button (☰) at the top left, and then click on Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards screen, click the New button and then click Import.
  3. In the Import via field, type in 16414 and then click Load.
  4. You will be asked to choose three of your dashboard's data sources:
    • For TestData DB, choose TestData DB.
    • For Prometheus (Cloud), choose Prometheus (Cloud).
    • For LokiNginxLogs, choose LokiNginxLogs.
    • Click on Import.