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Sending OpenTelemetry logs to Loki using Alloy
Sending OpenTelemetry logs to Loki using Alloy
Configuring Grafana Alloy to send OpenTelemetry logs to Loki.
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Sending OpenTelemetry logs to Loki using Alloy
Configuring Grafana Alloy to send OpenTelemetry logs to Loki.

Sending OpenTelemetry logs to Loki using Alloy

Alloy natively supports receiving logs in the OpenTelemetry format. This allows you to send logs from applications instrumented with OpenTelemetry to Alloy, which can then be sent to Loki for storage and visualization in Grafana. In this example, we will make use of 3 Alloy components to achieve this:

  • OpenTelemetry Receiver: This component will receive logs in the OpenTelemetry format via HTTP and gRPC.
  • OpenTelemetry Processor: This component will accept telemetry data from other otelcol.* components and place them into batches. Batching improves the compression of data and reduces the number of outgoing network requests required to transmit data.
  • OpenTelemetry Exporter: This component will accept telemetry data from other otelcol.* components and write them over the network using the OTLP HTTP protocol. We will use this exporter to send the logs to the Loki native OTLP endpoint.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following to run the demo:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

{{< admonition type="tip" >}} Alternatively, you can try out this example in our interactive learning environment: Sending OpenTelemetry logs to Loki using Alloy.

It's a fully configured environment with all the dependencies already installed.


Provide feedback, report bugs, and raise issues in the Grafana Killercoda repository. {{< /admonition >}}


In this scenario, we have a microservices application called the Carnivourse Greenhouse. This application consists of the following services:

  • User Service: Manages user data and authentication for the application. Such as creating users and logging in.
  • Plant Service: Manages the creation of new plants and updates other services when a new plant is created.
  • Simulation Service: Generates sensor data for each plant.
  • Websocket Service: Manages the websocket connections for the application.
  • Bug Service: A service that when enabled, randomly causes services to fail and generate additional logs.
  • Main App: The main application that ties all the services together.
  • Database: A database that stores user and plant data.

Each service generates logs using the OpenTelemetry SDK and exports to Alloy in the OpenTelemetry format. Alloy then ingests the logs and sends them to Loki. We will configure Alloy to ingest OpenTelemetry logs, send them to Loki, and view the logs in Grafana.

Step 1: Environment setup

In this step, we will set up our environment by cloning the repository that contains our demo application and spinning up our observability stack using Docker Compose.

  1. To get started, clone the repository that contains our demo application:

    git clone -b microservice-otel
  2. Next we will spin up our observability stack using Docker Compose:

    docker compose -f loki-fundamentals/docker-compose.yml up -d

    {{< docs/ignore >}}

    docker-compose -f loki-fundamentals/docker-compose.yml up -d 

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    This will spin up the following services:

    ✔ Container loki-fundamentals-grafana-1  Started                                                        
    ✔ Container loki-fundamentals-loki-1     Started                        
    ✔ Container loki-fundamentals-alloy-1    Started

We will be access two UI interfaces:

Step 2: Configure Alloy to ingest OpenTelemetry logs

To configure Alloy to ingest OpenTelemetry logs, we need to update the Alloy configuration file. To start, we will update the config.alloy file to include the OpenTelemetry logs configuration.

Open your Code Editor and Locate the config.alloy file

Grafana Alloy requires a configuration file to define the components and their relationships. The configuration file is written using Alloy configuration syntax. We will build the entire observability pipeline within this configuration file. To start, we will open the config.alloy file in the code editor:

{{< docs/ignore >}} Note: Killercoda has an inbuilt Code editor which can be accessed via the Editor tab.

  1. Expand the loki-fundamentals directory in the file explorer of the Editor tab.
  2. Locate the config.alloy file in the top level directory, `loki-fundamentals'.
  3. Click on the config.alloy file to open it in the code editor. {{< /docs/ignore >}}
  1. Open the loki-fundamentals directory in a code editor of your choice.
  2. Locate the config.alloy file in the loki-fundamentals directory (Top level directory).
  3. Click on the config.alloy file to open it in the code editor.

You will copy all three of the following configuration snippets into the config.alloy file.

Recive OpenTelemetry logs via gRPC and HTTP

First, we will configure the OpenTelemetry receiver. otelcol.receiver.otlp accepts logs in the OpenTelemetry format via HTTP and gRPC. We will use this receiver to receive logs from the Carnivorous Greenhouse application.

Now add the following configuration to the config.alloy file:

 otelcol.receiver.otlp "default" {
   http {}
   grpc {}

   output {
     logs    = [otelcol.processor.batch.default.input]

In this configuration:

  • http: The HTTP configuration for the receiver. This configuration is used to receive logs in the OpenTelemetry format via HTTP.
  • grpc: The gRPC configuration for the receiver. This configuration is used to receive logs in the OpenTelemetry format via gRPC.
  • output: The list of processors to forward the logs to. In this case, we are forwarding the logs to the otelcol.processor.batch.default.input.

For more information on the otelcol.receiver.otlp configuration, see the OpenTelemetry Receiver OTLP documentation.

Create batches of logs using a OpenTelemetry Processor

Next, we will configure a OpenTelemetry processor. otelcol.processor.batch accepts telemetry data from other otelcol components and places them into batches. Batching improves the compression of data and reduces the number of outgoing network requests required to transmit data. This processor supports both size and time based batching.

Now add the following configuration to the config.alloy file:

otelcol.processor.batch "default" {
    output {
        logs = [otelcol.exporter.otlphttp.default.input]

In this configuration:

  • output: The list of receivers to forward the logs to. In this case, we are forwarding the logs to the otelcol.exporter.otlphttp.default.input.

For more information on the otelcol.processor.batch configuration, see the OpenTelemetry Processor Batch documentation.

Export logs to Loki using a OpenTelemetry Exporter

Lastly, we will configure the OpenTelemetry exporter. otelcol.exporter.otlphttp accepts telemetry data from other otelcol components and writes them over the network using the OTLP HTTP protocol. We will use this exporter to send the logs to the Loki native OTLP endpoint.

Now add the following configuration to the config.alloy file:

otelcol.exporter.otlphttp "default" {
  client {
    endpoint = "http://loki:3100/otlp"

For more information on the otelcol.exporter.otlphttp configuration, see the OpenTelemetry Exporter OTLP HTTP documentation.

Reload the Alloy configuration

Once added, save the file. Then run the following command to request Alloy to reload the configuration:

curl -X POST http://localhost:12345/-/reload

The new configuration will be loaded. You can verify this by checking the Alloy UI: http://localhost:12345.

Stuck? Need help?

If you get stuck or need help creating the configuration, you can copy and replace the entire config.alloy using the completed configuration file:

cp loki-fundamentals/completed/config.alloy loki-fundamentals/config.alloy
curl -X POST http://localhost:12345/-/reload

Step 3: Start the Carnivorous Greenhouse

In this step, we will start the Carnivorous Greenhouse application. To start the application, run the following command:

{{< admonition type="note" >}} This docker-compose file relies on the loki-fundamentals_loki docker network. If you have not started the observability stack, you will need to start it first. {{< /admonition >}}

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Note: This docker-compose file relies on the loki-fundamentals_loki docker network. If you have not started the observability stack, you will need to start it first.

{{< /docs/ignore >}}

docker compose -f loki-fundamentals/greenhouse/docker-compose-micro.yml up -d --build 

{{< docs/ignore >}}

docker-compose -f loki-fundamentals/greenhouse/docker-compose-micro.yml up -d --build

{{< /docs/ignore >}}

This will start the following services:

 ✔ Container greenhouse-db-1                 Started                                                         
 ✔ Container greenhouse-websocket_service-1  Started 
 ✔ Container greenhouse-bug_service-1        Started
 ✔ Container greenhouse-user_service-1       Started
 ✔ Container greenhouse-plant_service-1      Started
 ✔ Container greenhouse-simulation_service-1 Started
 ✔ Container greenhouse-main_app-1           Started

Once started, you can access the Carnivorous Greenhouse application at http://localhost:5005. Generate some logs by interacting with the application in the following ways:

  • Create a user
  • Log in
  • Create a few plants to monitor
  • Enable bug mode to activate the bug service. This will cause services to fail and generate additional logs.

Finally to view the logs in Loki, navigate to the Loki Logs Explore view in Grafana at http://localhost:3000/a/grafana-lokiexplore-app/explore.


In this example, we configured Alloy to ingest OpenTelemetry logs and send them to Loki. This was a simple example to demonstrate how to send logs from an application instrumented with OpenTelemetry to Loki using Alloy. Where to go next?

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Back to Docs

Head back to where you started from to continue with the Loki documentation: Loki documentation

{{< /docs/ignore >}}

Further reading

For more information on Grafana Alloy, refer to the following resources:

Complete metrics, logs, traces, and profiling example

If you would like to use a demo that includes Mimir, Loki, Tempo, and Grafana, you can use Introduction to Metrics, Logs, Traces, and Profiling in Grafana. Intro-to-mltp provides a self-contained environment for learning about Mimir, Loki, Tempo, and Grafana.

The project includes detailed explanations of each component and annotated configurations for a single-instance deployment. Data from intro-to-mltp can also be pushed to Grafana Cloud.