- initial release
- Doc changes
- Add examples
- Improve Performance
- Add support to named routes
- Add routes navigation with no context
- Fix bug currentState = null
- Update docs, readme, and add full support to flutter_web
- Update docs
- Improve performance
- Fix Get.back arguments
- Improve performance
- Added Get.removeRoute // ability to remove one route. Get.until // back repeatedly until the predicate returns true. Get.offUntil // go to next route and remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true. Get.offNamedUntil // go to next named route and remove all the previous routes until the predicate returns true.
- Improve performance and bug fix
- Add more documentation
- Add support to dialogs
- Add color and opacity to dialogs
- Add support to snackbars
- Add docs and improve performance
- Fix bugs on blurred Snackbars
- Clean code.
- Improve performance.
- Improve geral performance. Get.to Wrap now consumes even less RAM and CPU. In an application with 20 screens, it obtained 82% less RAM usage compared to the traditional method Navigator.push and had a CPU normalization of 23% in a Moto z2, against 64% CPU usage in Navigator.push with MaterialPageRoute. Test it for yourself!
- Added BottomSheet with no context
- Added modern Blur Snackbar
- Added customs transitions
- Improve dialogs performance
-Fix docs
-Fix bottomsheet on macos
-Added transitions docs
-Fix dialog child error
-Add Get.close method. -Add many Snackbars features
-Fix new snackbar features