Released on 2024/09/29
- Fixed: Have SPI build Swift 6 documentation
Released on 2024/09/28
Released on 2024/07/20
- New #52: DatabaseContext, and convenience queryable protocols.
See the Migrating To GRDBQuery 0.9 guide.
Released on 2023/12/01
- New #49: Make Value an associated type of Queryable.
Released on 2023/03/25
- New #41: Convenience
initializers forVoid
DatabaseContext - New #42: Demo apps access the database via a PlayerRepository package
- Breaking Change #43: Bump minimum Swift version to 5.7
Released on 2023/02/24
- #37: Bump OS dependencies
Released on 2022/10/08
- Prepare for documentation hosting on
Released on 2022/09/04
- Fix Xcode 14 runtime warnings that read "Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed, this will cause undefined behavior."
Released on 2022/05/20
Released on 2022/05/01
- #23 Request Observation Control
- Breaking Change: the
binding andView.mirrorAppearanceState
methods have been replaced withQueryObservation
Released on 2022/04/18
Released on 2021/11/25