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PureEngineering edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the LeptonModule wiki!


This is for the raspberry pi you have to enable the spi and i2c ports for this code to work.

  1. sudo vi /etc/modules
  2. add # in front of spi-bcm2708 and ic2-dev
  3. to compile the code just run "gcc raspberry_pi_capture.c"
  4. to capture an image run "sudo ./a.out"
  5. an file called image.pgm will be created, you can use GIMP to view the image

To connect to the Raspberry pi board P1 is used. The following pins are wired

  • CS -> Pin 24, CE0
  • MOSI -> Pin 19, MOSI
  • MISO -> Pin 21, MISO
  • CLK -> Pin 23, CLK
  • GND -> Pin 25, GND
  • VIN -> Pin 1, 3V3
  • SDA -> Pin 3, SDA
  • SCL -> Pin 5, SCL

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