- Color Scheme: [orange, black, white, beige]
- Font-family: Lato
- style code of index.html -> style.css
- style code of team.html -> teamstyle.css
- Scrollbar Effects
- NavBar Styles
- general styling for dismissable alert
- general styling of the navbar like the background color, alignment...
- styling the name of community beside the logo
- styling the items in the navbar(except logo and community name)
- Dropdown button
- Dropdown content
- Links inside the dropdown
- Show the dropdown menu on hover
- dark mode button positioning
- Header Section
- Typing Cursor style
- header divider wave
- media query
- About Us section
- Past Events section
- Follow Us section
- Achievements section
- Our Team section
- Contact Us section
- Footer section
- media query
- pre loader styles
- Scroll-to-top button styles