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Live2D integration for PixiJS v6.
This project aims to be a universal Live2D framework on the web platform. While the official Live2D framework is just complex and problematic, this project has rewritten it to unify and simplify the APIs, which allows you to control the Live2D models on a high level without the need to learn how the internal system works.
- Supports all versions of Live2D models
- Supports PIXI.RenderTexture and PIXI.Filter
- Pixi-style transform APIs: position, scale, rotation, skew, anchor
- Automatic interactions: focusing, hit-testing
- Enhanced motion reserving logic compared to the official framework
- Loading from uploaded files / zip files (experimental)
- Fully typed - we all love types!
- PixiJS: 6.x
- Cubism core: 2.1 or 4
- Browser: WebGL, ES6
Cubism is the name of Live2D SDK. There are so far three versions of it: Cubism 2.1, Cubism 3 and Cubism 4; where Cubism 4 is backward-compatible with Cubism 3 models.
This plugin supports all variants of Live2D models by using Cubism 2.1 and Cubism 4.
Before using the plugin, you'll need to include the Cubism runtime library, aka Cubism Core.
For Cubism 4, you need live2dcubismcore.min.js
that can be extracted from
the Cubism 4 SDK, or be referred by
a direct link (however the direct link is quite
unreliable, don't use it in production!).
For Cubism 2.1, you need live2d.min.js
. It's no longer downloadable from the official
site since 2019/9/4, but can be
found here, and with
a CDN link that you'll probably need.
The plugin provides individual bundles for each Cubism version to reduce your app's size when you just want to use one of the versions.
Specifically, there are cubism2.js
and cubism4.js
for respective runtime, along with an index.js
that includes
both of them.
Note that if you want both the Cubism 2.1 and Cubism 4 support, use index.js
, but not the combination
of cubism2.js
and cubism4.js
To make it clear, here's how you would use these files:
- Use
to support Cubism 2.1 models - Use
to support Cubism 3 and Cubism 4 models - Use
to support all versions of models
npm install pixi-live2d-display
import { Live2DModel } from 'pixi-live2d-display';
// if only Cubism 2.1
import { Live2DModel } from 'pixi-live2d-display/cubism2';
// if only Cubism 4
import { Live2DModel } from 'pixi-live2d-display/cubism4';
<!-- Load Cubism and PixiJS -->
<script src="https://cubism.live2d.com/sdk-web/cubismcore/live2dcubismcore.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dylanNew/live2d/webgl/Live2D/lib/live2d.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pixi.js@6.5.2/dist/browser/pixi.min.js"></script>
<!-- if support for both Cubism 2.1 and 4 -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RaSan147/pixi-live2d-display@v0.4.0-ls-2/dist/index.min.js"></script>
<!-- if only Cubism 2.1 -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RaSan147/pixi-live2d-display@v0.4.0-ls-2/dist/cubism2.min.js"></script>
<!-- if only Cubism 4 -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RaSan147/pixi-live2d-display@v0.4.0-ls-2/dist/cubism4.min.js"></script>
In this way, all the exported members are available under PIXI.live2d
namespace, such as PIXI.live2d.Live2DModel
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';
import { Live2DModel } from 'pixi-live2d-display';
// expose PIXI to window so that this plugin is able to
// reference window.PIXI.Ticker to automatically update Live2D models
window.PIXI = PIXI;
var model_proxy; //make a global scale handler to use later
(async function () {
const app = new PIXI.Application({
view: document.getElementById('canvas'),
const model = await Live2DModel.from('shizuku.model.json');
model_proxy = model;
// transforms
model.x = 100;
model.y = 100;
model.rotation = Math.PI;
model.skew.x = Math.PI;
model.scale.set(2, 2);
model.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
// interaction
model.on('hit', (hitAreas) => {
if (hitAreas.includes('body')) {
- First either you need to load your model on Live2d viewer app, or the Website by guansss here
- Check for motion category names (like "idle", "" (blank) etc)
- Screenshot will be added soon
- Under those motion categories, each motions are used by their index
- Motion Priority table,
- 0: no priority
- 1: maybe [for idle animation]
- 2: normal [default when normal action]
- 3: Just do it! Do id now! [Forced] [default when using audio]
- Time to code
var category_name = "Idle" // name of the morion category
var animation_index = 0 // index of animation under that motion category
var priority_number = 3 // if you want to keep the current animation going or move to new animation by force [0: no priority, 1: idle, 2: normal, 3: forced]
var audio_link = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RaSan147/pixi-live2d-display@v1.0.3/playground/test.mp3" //[Optional arg, can be null or empty] [relative or full url path] [mp3 or wav file]
var volume = 1; //[Optional arg, can be null or empty] [0.0 - 1.0]
var expression = 4; //[Optional arg, can be null or empty] [index|name of expression]
var resetExpression = true; //[Optional arg, can be null or empty] [true|false] [default: true] [if true, expression will be reset to default after animation is over]
model_proxy.motion(category_name, animation_index, priority_number, {voice: audio_link, volume: volume, expression:expression, resetExpression:resetExpression})
// Note: during this animation with sound, other animation will be ignored, even its forced. Once over, it'll be back to normal
// if you dont want voice, just ignore the option
model_proxy.motion(category_name, animation_index, priority_number)
model_proxy.motion(category_name, animation_index, priority_number, {expression:expression, resetExpression:resetExpression})
model_proxy.motion(category_name, animation_index, priority_number, {expression:expression, resetExpression:false})
- You can do sound lipsync even without triggering any motion
- This supports expressions arg too (if you have/need any)
- Demo code
var audio_link = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/RaSan147/pixi-live2d-display@v1.0.3/playground/test.mp3" // [relative or full url path] [mp3 or wav file]
var volume = 1; // [Optional arg, can be null or empty] [0.0 - 1.0]
var expression = 4; // [Optional arg, can be null or empty] [index|name of expression]
var resetExpression = true; // [Optional arg, can be null or empty] [true|false] [default: true] [if true, expression will be reset to default after animation is over]
model_proxy.speak(audio_link, {volume: volume, expression:expression, resetExpression:resetExpression})
// Or if you want to keep some things default
model_proxy.speak(audio_link, {volume: volume})
model_proxy.speak(audio_link, {expression:expression, resetExpression:resetExpression})
- Demo code
- Demo code
- This will also stop the motion and audio from running and hide the model
- Demo code
See here for more Documentation: Documentation
When importing Pixi packages on-demand, you may need to manually register some plugins to enable optional features.
import { Application } from '@pixi/app';
import { Ticker, TickerPlugin } from '@pixi/ticker';
import { InteractionManager } from '@pixi/interaction';
import { Live2DModel } from 'pixi-live2d-display';
// register Ticker for Live2DModel
// register Ticker for Application
// register InteractionManager to make Live2D models interactive
Renderer.registerPlugin('interaction', InteractionManager);
(async function () {
const app = new Application({
view: document.getElementById('canvas'),
const model = await Live2DModel.from('shizuku.model.json');
The example Live2D models, Shizuku (Cubism 2.1) and Haru (Cubism 4), are redistributed under Live2D's Free Material License.