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Assemany Cordova/Phonegap Starter


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What is it?

This is a repo for a starter application featuring the acclaimed front-end framework AngularJS and the Cordova/Phonegap technology to make Hybrid Apps. Just clone this repo, install and you have a good foundation for building any application.


Things Todo

  • Translate all sentences.
  • Improve performance.
  • Create a Dashboard page.
  • Create a Login Page.
  • Create more Restful Tests and improve the existing ones.
  • Create more examples with Device plugins.
  • Upload the image taken from camera to a server.
  • Create at least one example of every Angular Material Feature.
  • Improve Gulp Tasks.

How to install

Installation process is very simple.

You must have:

And I recommend installing Bower and Gulp globally: (If you already have these tools, running this command will update them.)

npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp

With these tools ready, go inside the project directory

cd Assemany-Cordova-Phonegap-Starter (Or the directory you put the files in)

And run:

npm install

And after that

bower install

And thats it. You can start developing you own app.

Basic Development Workflow

Open the terminal at project folder:

Run: gulp watch - Read below for more information about this task.

Run: phonegap serve or cordova serve to view the app on browser.

If you want to preview on your phone, read the section below.

Edit/Create files as you normally would with your favorite editor/IDE.

All changes detected will trigger a specific gulp task to compile the necessary files for the app.

If previewing on browser, the browser will automatically reload after a change was made. This feature will not work with cordova serve. I will try to fix it later.

Device Preview

Make sure to add the platform you wish, but before, check if its not already added.

With these commands you can verify which platforms are installed and available:

  • phonegap platform ls or cordova platform ls

Note: If you are on a windows machine, you can remove iOS platform by running phonegap platform rm ios or cordova platform rm ios

And then, if your device is plugged in your computer, with proper configurations(SDK, Debug Mode), running the commands bellow will install the app on your device.

If no device is found, then you will need to have an emulator for the desired platform.

  • cordova run android
  • phonegap run android
  • cordova run ios
  • phonegap run ios

In case you are using Phonegap, an alternative is to download the Phonegap Developer App. It is a fast way to preview apps on your phone skipping all the needed configs.

Available Gulp Tasks

Gulp Watch

gulp watch

This command will watch for file changes at:

  • www/webapp/**/*.js - If a file change here, it will automatically execute gulp acs
  • www/webapp/views/**/*.html - If a file change here, it will automatically execute gulp views
  • www/lib/* - If a file change here, it will automatically execute gulp vendors

If any changes are detected, the respective task will be called.

Gulp Build

gulp build

This task will run gulp acs and gulp views.

Gulp Acs

gulp acs

This taks will compile all Javascript of the application (That can be found here -> 'www/webapp') into a single file called 'app.min.js' that will be located at 'www/js' folder. Thats that only file we need to call on our index.html.

If you edit your js files, dont forget to run this task. Of course, if you are running gulp watch, the views will be automatically compiled when a change is detected.

Gulp Views

gulp views

This task will compile the views into a single file called 'acs.tpls.min.js'. The application will look for this file when point to a view. In this case, we are using angular-template-cache to make things faster.

If you change your views, dont forget to run this task. Of course, if you are running gulp watch, the views will be automatically compiled when a change is detected.

Gulp Vendors

gulp vendors

This task will compile all vendors js files into a single file called vendors.min.js. Thats the only file we need to call on our index.html to import all vendors files.

To include a new Vendor, read the FAQ Below.


How do I add a new Vendor?

  • If possible, include it on you bower.json file then run bower update to download the vendor's files. If the vendor cannot be installed with bower, put the folder with the needed js file inside the www/lib directory.
  • Open the file gulpfile.js and add the path to the vendor js file on the vendors array
gulp.task('vendors', function(){
  • Run gulp vendors to compile all the vendors into a single file called vendors.min.js. After compiled, this file can be found at www/js/.
  • The file vendors.min.js is already added to the index.html, so you dont have to worry about including it.

Why npm install?

Install these Dependencies on 'node_modules' folder

  • gulp
  • gulp-add-src
  • gulp-angular-templatecache
  • gulp-concat
  • gulp-jshint
  • gulp-less
  • gulp-minify-css
  • gulp-minify-html
  • gulp-ng-annotate
  • gulp-notify
  • gulp-rename
  • gulp-shell
  • gulp-uglify

Read the Gulp tasks sections to find more information about it.

Why bower install ?

Install these Dependencies on 'www/lib' folder

  • angular-animate
  • angular-material
  • angular-material-icons
  • angular-resource
  • angular-route
  • angular-sanitize
  • angular-touch
  • angular-translate
  • angular-translate-loader-static-files
  • fastclick
  • ngCordova

Credits and License

Guilherme Assemany ( created this!


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.