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Customizing the Experience section

Guilherme Borges Bastos edited this page Jun 6, 2020 · 25 revisions

< Applying Customizations page

This Wiki page will lead you through the customization of the Experience section. In case of issues, feel free to enter in our community on Gitter and post your questions.

Experience component customizations

Experience Preview Image

The entire code that belongs to the Experience component can be found here:


Component schema

The Experience component files are based on the schema below:

File Description
experience.molule.ts A @NgModule used to encapsulation
experience-interfaces.ts Contains the interfaces used to standardize inputs
experience.component.html Contains the view template
experience.component.scss Contains the styles
experience.component.responsivity.scss Contains the responsive styles
experience.component.ts Contains the component's logic
experience-timeline A folder containing the experience's timeline child component

Understanding the component structure

The Experience section is built dynamically, in case of keeping the original structure, no coding is required. For content customization, it is only required a few changes on the experiences.json file.

In order to avoid issues and re-work, make sure to understand the JSON file data structure in the next topics.

Understanding each interface

The Experience component uses the experience-interfaces.ts in order to standardize the inputs coming from the src/assets/data/experiences.json. Below, it's described each property of the IExperience interface.

Property Name Type or Interface Description Is Mandatory
position number Chronicle order experience position - Unique value ✔️
startAt string The experience's start date - MM-DD-YYYY ✔️
endAt string The experience's end date - MM-DD-YYYY ✔️
companyName string The company name ✔️
website string The company's website URL
backgroundUrl string The city's background image URL ✔️
internationalizations IExperienceInternationalization[ ] Read interface description ✔️

IExperienceInternationalization interface properties

The table below describes the properties of the IExperienceInternationalization interface:

Property Name Type Description
language String Must contain a valid LOCALE_ID value
city String The internationalized city name per language
country String The internationalized country name per language
role String The internationalized role name per language
description String The internationalized experience description per language

JSON example

    "language": "en",
    "city": "Rotterdam",
    "country": "Netherlands",
    "role": "DevOps Engeneer",
    "description": "<b>Swisscom</b> is the <b>#1</b> telecommunications company and one of the leading IT companies in Switzerland. Its products and services range from B2C products, such as <i>Swisscom TV</i>, to B2B IT solutions in multiple industries, such as <i>Banking, Health, Energy, Entertainment, and Advertising</i>.<br><br>In the <i>Swisscom DevOps Center</i> innovation and experimenting are deeply rooted in the DNA of the company. The multicultural environment with 15 nationalities, and a <i>Tribe/Squad</i> culture, contribute to putting us, the employees, as part of an international virtual team, specialized in DevOps among various other top technologies."

IExperienceMedia interface properties

The table below describes the properties of the IExperienceMedia interface:

Property Name Type Description
icon String The social media icon according to the Font Awesome catalog
title String The value displayed in the alt attribute of the icon
http String The HTTP address used in the anchor that wraps the icon

JSON example

    "icon": "linkedin",
    "title": "LinkedIn Swisscom",
    "http": ""