Plugin to control Google Cast enabled devices.
- Sound control (mute, +/-)
- Media control (play/pause/stop ...)
- Stop app in progress
- Broadcast a web page on a screen
- Play audio and video files via url
- Return of status on the main functionalities
- Display of the current reading
- Text To Speech (TTS)
- Recovery/modification of equipment configuration
Google Cast compatible models
- Chromecast Audio/Video
- Android TV, Nexus Player, TV (Vizio, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Philips)
- Google Home
- Soundbars and speakers (Vizio, Sony, LG, Philips B&O Play, Grundig, Polk Audio, Bang & Olufsen, Onkyo, Pioneer ...)
- Other models labeled Google Cast
Other links
- Wikipedia GoogleCast
- List of Google Cast enabled applications
What is it for ?
The plugin is normally functional from the installation with the default setting.
In a few steps:
- Install the market plugin, the dependencies and start the daemon,
- Start a scan of Google Cast available on the network,
- Save the equipment found,
- Go to the dashboard and test the 'demo' buttons (media, web ...),
- To change/adapt the setting, read the rest of the documentation.
- GoogleCast plugin (googlecast)
- Dashboard
- Quick Start
- Toble of Content
- Plugin Configuration
- Configuration des équipements
- Custom commands
- Special applications
- Advanced commands
- Adding a command action of type List
- Use in scenarios
- Use with interactions and IFTTT
- Known limitations and bugs
- FAQ - No detection during the scan - No commands seems to work - Some commands do not work - Dependencies can't install properly - Text To Speech (TTS) doen't work - Broadcast Jeedom without authentication on a Google Cast - Get an API Key for Google Cloud Text-to-Speech' API - TTS 'Google Cloud Text-to-Speech' API key is not working anymore
- Changelog
After downloading the plugin:
- Activate the plugin
- Start the installation of dependencies
- Recommended log level: info
- Launch the demon.
Configuration settings do not usually need to be changed
- Demon - Internal communication socket port. Only modify if necessary (ex: if it is already taken by another plugin) - Special configuration (eg: Docker, VM). Only change if it does not work without the option. - Refresh frequency. Only change if the normal frequency has a significant impact on overall performance
- TTS - Use the external Jeedom address: by default uses the internal Jeedom web address - Default language: TTS engine language used by default - Default engine: the TTS engine used (PicoTTS, Google Translate, Google Cloud Text-to-Speech) - Speech rate: speed of pronunciation of the text - Do not use cache: disables use of Jeedom cache (deprecated) - Clean cache: cleans the temporary directory for generating sound files - Automatic cache deletion of more than X days: deletes unused TTS sound files for X days (daily cron). 0 deletes all the cache.
- Notifications - Disable notifications for new Google Cast: These are notifications when discovering new Google Cast unconfigured
Notes for TTS (Text To Speech)
- PicoTTS does not require an internet connection, the Google Translate API requires web access and rendering is better.
- For Google Cloud Text-to-Speech, a key is required (see FAQ). Rendering is better than Google Translate API.
- A cache mechanism makes it possible to generate the sound reproduction only if it does not already exist in memory (RAM). The cache is deleted when the server is restarted.
- In the event of failure on one of the motors other than picotts (ex: problem of Internet connection), the command will be launched via picotts.
Google Cast device setup is available from the Plugins> Multimedia> Google Cast menu.
Once the devices are connected, run a scan to detect and add them automatically. If no equipment appears, check that the equipment is accessible and powered.
The view 'Health' allows to have a synthetic view of equipment and their current states.
It's not possible to manually add a Google Cast
Basic commands are generated automatically.
You can also add new commands (see section below).
List of non-visible commands by default:
- Player Status: info displaying the media playback status (eg PLAYING/PAUSED);
- Title: Title of the current media;
- Artist: Artist of the current media;
- Custom Cmd: This component is intended to be used via a scenario or for testing (see section [Use in a scenario] (# use-in-a-scenario));
- Pincode: pincode for quick association (example of advanced configuration)
To see them on the dashboard, you have to activate 'Show' in the commands tab.
Notes on order info 'Status' (status_text)
- status_text returns the current status of the Google Cast.
- In case of error when launching an order, status_text is at 'CMD UNKNOWN' if the command does not exist, 'NOT CONNECTED' if offline or 'ERROR' for other errors
- At rest (no action in progress), status_text =
& nbsp;
The information type command called 'Playing Widget' (visible by default) displays the image of the current playback.
The display refreshes every 20 seconds by default.
- Displayed by default after installation. Disable the display to hide.
- For use in a dashboard, it is possible to use a virtual by creating a command of the type info/others with the command Playing Widget (not internal nowplaying) of the Google Cast. Then apply the dashboard widget googlecast_playing (via tab View of the advanced configuration of the command)
- For use in a design, add the Playing Widget command directly into the design.
optional CSS settings (via '*Optional Widget Settings'):
- fontSize (ex: 35px, default = 25px): basic font size
- fontColor (ex: blue, default = white): color of the display
- fontFamily (ex: 'Arial'): change the font of the display
- backColor (ex: blue, default = black): color of the bottom of the display
- playingSize (ex: 300px, default 250px): width and height of the current playback picture
- contentSize (ex: 70px, default 50px): height of the textual part
- additionalCss (css format, ex: '.blabla {...}'): to add/modify other CSS (advanced user)
Not available for mobile
A widget is available for action type and message subtype commands to allow you to enter text for the TTS and adjust the volume.
- An example is displayed by default after installation to test the TTS function.
- For use in a dashboard, it is possible to use a virtual one by creating a command of the type action/message with value the command Custom Cmd of Google Cast. Then apply the dashboard widget googlecast_speak (via tab View of the advanced configuration of the command)
- The contents of the action command (subtype message) can contain the variables #message# and #volume#
optional CSS settings (via '*Optional Widget Settings'):
- width (ex: 35px, default = 150px): size of the widget
- default_volume (ex: blue, default = 100): default valume
- default_message (ex: 'Test'): default text in the widget
- additionalCss (css format, ex: '.blabla {...}'): to add/modify other CSS (advanced user)
Not available for mobile
- Web: Display a web page on a Google Cast. The available parameters are url, force, and reload time (ex: value = '',False,0 to load Google without forcing (necessary for some sites) and without reloading)
- Media: play an audio or video file from a URL
- YouTube: display a video with a video ID (at the end of the URL) => Does not work at the moment
- Backdrop: show the Google Cast wallpaper or screen saver (depending on model)
- Plex: play a file or playlist from a Plex server
- See the buttons created by default for an example of use
- Youtube is not functional at the moment
They must be seperated by |
- app : name of application (web/backdrop/youtube/media)
- cmd : name of command (dépend of application)
* tts : text to speech, use value to pass text
* notif : send sound notification based on existing media file (ex: mp3)
* warmupnotif : prepare device before receiving 'tts' or 'notif' commands (useful for group broadcast)
* refresh
* reboot : reboot the googlecast device (doesn't work since end of 2019)
* volume_up
* volume_down
* volume_set : use value (0-100)
* mute_on
* mute_off
* quit_app
* start_app : use value to pass app id
* turn_on : try to turn on device by opening basic app (may turn on device for some model)
* turn_off : equivalent to quit_app (may turn off device for some model)
* play
* stop
* rewind : go back to begining of the current media
* previous : got to previous media in playlist (if any)
* skip : got to next media in playlist (if any)
* next : same as skip
* seek : use value in seconds. Can use +/- to use relative seek (ex: +20 to pass 20 seconds)
* pause
For application dependant commands
* web : load_url (default)
* media : play_media (default)
* youtube : play_video (default)/add_to_queue/remove_video/play_next
* backdrop : no command
* plex : play_media (default)/play/stop/pause
- value : chain of parameters separated by ',' (depending of command)
- vol (optional, between 1 et 100) : adjust volume for the command
- sleep (optional, int/float) : add a break after end of command in seconds (eg: 2, 2.5)
- uuid (optional) : redirect to other google cast uuid in new thread (parallel processing). Useful when using sequences on several device.
- nothread (optional) : if uuid provided, disable use of thread for parallel processing. (eg: nothread=1)
ex web : app=web|cmd=load_url|vol=90|value='',True,10
ex TTS : cmd=tts|vol=100|value=Mon text a dire
String length for commands are limited in Jeedom to 128 characters. Use scenarios (see below to override this limitation)
- value: str - seperated by ',' (see notes)
* url: str - url of the media (mandatory).
* content_type: str - mime type. Example: 'video/mp4' (optional).
Possible values: 'audio/aac', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav', 'image/bmp',
'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp','video/mp4', 'video/webm'.
* title: str - title of the media (optional).
* thumb: str - thumbnail image url (optional, default=None).
* current_time: float - seconds from the beginning of the media to start playback (optional, default=0).
* autoplay: bool - whether the media will automatically play (optional, default=True).
* stream_type: str - describes the type of media artifact as one of the following: "NONE", "BUFFERED", "LIVE" (optional, default='BUFFERED').
* subtitles: str - url of subtitle file to be shown on chromecast (optional, default=None).
* subtitles_lang: str - language for subtitles (optional, default='en-US').
* subtitles_mime: str - mimetype of subtitles (optional, default='text/vtt').
Possible values: 'application/xml+ttml', 'text/vtt'.
* subtitle_id: int - id of subtitle to be loaded (optional, default=1).
- live: 1 (optional) - To be specified if this is a live stream such as online radio.
ex short : app=media|cmd=play_media|value='http://contentlink','video/mp4','Video name'
ex short : app=media|cmd=play_media|value='http://contentlink',title:'Video name'
ex short : app=media|value='http://contentlink','video/mp4','Video name' (implicit play_media command call)
ex live stream : app=media|value='http://liveradiostream','audio/mpeg','Video name'|live=1
ex long : app=media|cmd=play_media|value='http://contentlink','video/mp4',title:'Video name',
- Les url et chaînes de caractères sont entourées de guillements simples ('). Les autres valeurs possibles sont True/False/None ainsi que des valeurs numériques entières.
- Il est nécessaire de remplacer le signe '=' dans les url par '%3D'
- Un média local situé dans le répertoire /plugins/googlecast/data/media/ peux être utilisé en appelant l'url local:// (ex: local://bigben1.mp3)
- url: str - website url.
- force: bool - force mode. To be used if default is not working. (optional, default False).
- reload: int - reload time in seconds. 0 = no reload. (optional, default 0)
ex 1 : app=web|cmd=load_url|value='',True,10
ex 2 : app=web|cmd=load_url|value='http://mywebsite/index.php?apikey%3Dmyapikey'
ex 3 : app=web|value='http://mywebsite/index.php?apikey%3Dmyapikey' (implicit load_url command call)
- Urls and strings are surrounded by single quotes ('). Other possible values are True/False/None and integer numeric values.
- It is necessary to replace the sign '=' dans les url par '%3D'
- value: str - search query. It will play the first element returned.
- type: str - type of content. Example: 'video/audio' (optional, default=video).
- server: str - URL if token is provided, friendly name of Plex server if user & pass provided.
- user: str - account login possibly as an email account (optional if token provided).
- pass: str - account password (optional if token provided).
- token: str - token if any (optional if user & pass provided).
- shuffle: 0/1 - shuffle playlist if several media (optional, default=0).
- repeat: 0/1 - repeat media (optional, default=0).
- offset: int - media offset (optional, default=0).
ex using user & pass :
app=plex|cmd=play_media|user=XXXXXX|pass=XXXXXXXXXXX|server=MyPlexServer|value=Playlist Jeedom|shuffle=1|type=audio
ex using token :
app=plex|cmd=play_media|token=XXXXXXXXX|server=http://IP:32400|value=Playlist Jeedom
ex using token with implicit play_media command call :
app=plex|token=XXXXXXXXX|server=http://IP:32400|value=Playlist Jeedom
- When using user & pass, internet access is required
- Token value is displayed in logs (debug) when user & pass has been used the first time
- you can simulate result of search query (value) in main search field of Plex web UI
- value: str - text
- lang: str - fr-FR/en-US or any compatible language (optional, default is configuration)
- engine: str - jeedomtts/ttsws/picotts/gtts/gttsapi. (optional, default is configuration)
- quit: 0/1 - quit app after tts action.
- forcetts: 1 - do not use cache (useful for testing).
- speed: float (default=1.2) - speed of speech (eg: 0.5, 2).
- vol: int (default=previous) - set the volume for the time TTS message is broadcast. Previous volume is resumed when done.
- sleep: float (default=0) - add time in seconds after tts is finished (before volume resume)
- silence: int (default=300, 600 for group cast) - add a short silence before the speech to make sure all is audible (in milliseconds)
- generateonly: 1 - only generate speech file in cache (no action on device)
- forcevol: 1 - Set volume also if the current volume is the same (useful for TTS synchronisation in multithreading)
- noresume: 1 - disable recovery of previous state before playing TTS.
- forceapplaunch: 1 - will try to force launch of previous application even if not launched by plugin.
- highquality: 1 - increase tts sound file bitrate and sample rate. Use this setting for test.
- buffered: 1 - stream to google cast as buffered stream instead of live. Use this setting for test.
- voice (gttsapi only): overwrite default voice (eg: 'fr-FR-Standard-A')
- usessml (gttsapi only): 1 - use ssml format insteaf of text in 'value' field. See ('=' symbols must be replace by '^')
- pitch (gttsapi only): 0 - speaking pitch, in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. 20 means increase 20 semitones from the original pitch. -20 means decrease 20 semitones from the original pitch.
- volgain (gttsapi only): 0 - volume gain (in dB) of the normal native volume supported by the specific voice, in the range [-96.0, 16.0].
ex : cmd=tts|value=My text|lang=en-US|engine=gtts|quit=1
ex : cmd=tts|value=Mon texte|engine=gtts|speed=0.8|forcetts=1
ex voice/ssml : cmd=tts|engine=gttsapi|voice=fr-FR-Standard-A|value=<speak>Etape 1<break time^"3s"/>Etape 2</speak>
- By default, the plugin will try to resume previous app launched (will only work when previous application has been launched by the plugin).
- You can try to force resume to any application using 'forceapplaunch=1' but there is a good chance that it will not resume correctly.
- value: str - local media filename (located in '<jeedom>/plugins/googlecast/data/media/' folder)
- quit: 0/1 - quit app after notif action.
- vol: int (default=previous) - set the volume for the time notif message is broadcast. Previous volume is resumed when done.
- duration: float (default=file duration) - override play duration of notification.
- sleep: float (default=0) - add time in seconds after notif is finished (before volume resume)
- forcevol: 1 - Set volume also if the current volume is the same (useful for notif synchronisation in multithreading)
- noresume: 1 - disable recovery of previous state before playing notif.
- forceapplaunch: 1 - will try to force launch of previous application even if not launched by plugin.
ex : cmd=notif|value=bigben1.mp3|vol=100
- By default, the plugin will try to resume previous app launched (will only work when previous application has been launched by the plugin).
- You can try to force resume to any application using 'forceapplaunch=1' but there is a good chance of failure.
- Existing sounds in plugin : house_firealarm.mp3, railroad_crossing_bell.mp3, submarine_diving.mp3, tornado_siren.mp3, bigben1.mp3, bigben2.mp3
It's possible to launch several orders afterwards by separating by $$
ex 1 : cmd=tts|sleep=2|value=Je lance ma vidéo$$app=media|cmd=play_video|value='http://contentlink','video/mp4','Video name'
ex 2 : app=media|cmd=play_video|value='http://contentlink','video/mp4','Video name',current_time:148|sleep=10$$cmd=quit_app
ex TTS command on several google cast in parallel making sure the file is already cached :
cmd=tts|value=My TTS message|generateonly=1$$uuid=XXXXXXXXXXX|cmd=tts|value=My TTS message$$uuid=YYYYYYYYYYY|cmd=tts|value=My TTS message
adding 'uuid' parameter will redirect to this uuid device in new thread. This can be used to send a sequence to several device in one command.
Some configurations can be retrieved in an info command (cmd=getconfig).
These commands are refreshed every 15 minutes or manually via the 'refreshconfig' command (not visible by default)
A list is available by connecting to the equipment: http://IP:8008/setup/eureka_info?options=detail
For more info, check out
- value: str - uri base after 'setup/' based on API doc (default is 'eureka_info'). If starts with 'post:', a POST type request will be issued.
- data: str - json path to be returned separated by '/'. To get several data, separate by ','. Alternatively, JsonPath format can be used (
- sep: str - seperator if several data is set (default = ',').
- format: json/string/custom - output format (default = 'string'). 'custom' follows 'sprintf' php function format (ex: %d, %s).
- error: 1 - seperator if several data is set (default = ',').
- reterror: str - value to be returned if connection fails. Default will not change previous state.
- Récupération du pincode d'une Google Chromecast :
- Google Home : Récupération de l'état de la première alarme (-1 en cas de problème ou non existant) :
- Google Home : Récupération de la date et heure de la première alarme au format JJ-MM-AAAA HH:MM :
cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[0].fire_time|fnc=ts2long|reterror=00-00-0000 00:00
- Google Home : Récupération de la date et heure de l'alarme avec id connu au format JJ-MM-AAAA HH:MM :
cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[?(].fire_time|fnc=ts2long|reterror=00-00-0000 00:00
- Changer le nom du Google cast :
cmd=setconfig|data={"name":"Mon nouveau nom"}
- Google Home : Désactiver le mode nuit :
cmd=setconfig|value=assistant/set_night_mode_params|data={"enabled": false}
- Google Home : Changer luminosité du mode nuit :
cmd=setconfig|value=assistant/set_night_mode_params|data={"led_brightness": 0.2}
Some configurations can be modified in an action type command (* cmd = setconfig *).
See the Google API on this link for what is editable :
- value: str - uri base after 'setup/' based on API doc.
- data: str - json data.
- Disable notification on Google home :
cmd=setconfig|value=assistant/notifications|data={'notifications_enabled': false}
- Google Home : Volume au plus bas pour alarme :
cmd=setconfig|value=assistant/alarms/volume|data={'volume': 1}
The following commands can be used in an 'info' or scenario command (via fonction getInfoHttpSimple()) :
- gh_get_alarms_date : retourne la date de toutes les alarmes.
- gh_get_alarms_id : retourne les identifiants uniques de toutes les alarmes et timers.
- gh_get_alarm_date_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne la date de la prochaine alarme au format dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm.
- gh_get_alarm_datenice_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne la date de la prochaine alarme au format {'Today'|'Tomorrow'|dd-mm-yyyy} HH:mm.
- gh_get_alarm_timestamp_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne le timestamp de la prochaine alarme.
- gh_get_alarm_status_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : statut de l'alarme (1 = configuré, 2 = sonne).
- gh_get_timer_timesec_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne le nombre de secondes avant déclenchement du timer.
- gh_get_timer_time_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne la date de déclenchement du timer.
- gh_get_timer_duration_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : retourne la durée originale configurée du timer.
- gh_get_timer_status_# (#=numéro, commence par 0) : statut du timer (1 = configuré, 3 = sonne).
- gh_get_donotdisturb : retourne l'état de la fonction 'Do Not Disturb'.
- gh_get_alarms_volume : récupère le volume des alarmes et timers.
- conf_pincode : retourne le code pin d'association.
- conf_getbonded_bluetooth : retourne tous les équipements bluetooth enregistrés.
- conf_getconnected_wifi : retourne le nom du réseau wifi configuré.
Les commandes suivantes peuvent être utilisé dans une commande 'action' ou scénario (via fonction setInfoHttpSimple() ou commande Custom Cmd) :
- gh_set_donotdisturb_on : active la fonction 'Do Not Disturb'.
- gh_set_donotdisturb_off : désactive la fonction 'Do Not Disturb'.
- gh_set_donotdisturb_# (#=true/false) : active/désavtive la fonction 'Do Not Disturb'
- gh_set_alarms_volume_# (# = entre 0 et 100 (eg: 10)) : configure le volume des alarmes et timers.
- bt_connectdefault : connecte l'équipement bluetooth configuré par défaut.
- bt_connect_X (#=adresse mac au format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) : connecte l'équipement bluetooth donné en paramètre.
- bt_disconnectdefault : déconnecte l'équipement bluetooth configuré par défaut.
- info type command
- action type command
To create an action command of type List whose several parameters change, the command must imperatively be called cmdlist_XXXX with XXXX being able to be replaced by a name (example cmdlist_radio).
The Value List field must contain the list of commands and follow the format <commands>|<displayed text>;<commands>|<displayed text>;;...
The separator needs to be changed from '|' to '^'.
Example for web sites :
Example for webradio :
app=media^value='http://urlFluxRadio1/flux.mp3','audio/mpeg','Radio 1'|Radio 1;
app=media^value='http://urlFluxRadio2/flux.mp3','audio/mpeg','Radio 2'|Radio 2;
app=media^value='http://urlFluxRadio3/flux.mp3','audio/mpeg','Radio 3'|Radio 3
For simpler commands (only one parameter changes), it is still possible to use the placeholder #listValue# in a command.
Example :app=web|cmd=load_url|value=#listValue#
avec comme liste de valeurs|Google;|Facebook
The command called Custom Cmd is used to launch a raw command from a scenario.
For example, to launch Google on a Google Cast from a scenario, add the command with the desired value in the 'message' field.
Examples using php bloc :
$googlecast = googlecast::byLogicalId('XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX', 'googlecast');
if ( !is_object($googlecast) or $googlecast->getIsEnable()==false ) {
$scenario->setData("_test", "None");
// variable _test contains 'None' if google cast does not exist or is disable
else {
// Run a command
$ret = $googlecast->helperSendCustomCmd('cmd=tts|value=Test Scénario PHP|vol=100');
$scenario->setData("_test", $ret);
// Command launched
// $ret = true if command has been ran, false if deamon is not running
// variable _test contains 1 if true, 0 if false
// Configure a Google Home equipement
$ret = $googlecast->setInfoHttpSimple('bt_connect_xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx');
// or $googlecast->helperSendCustomCmd('bt_connect_xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'); (return false if deamon not running, true otherwise)
// Try to connect a bluetooth device (mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) to Google Home
// $ret = true if command has been launched, false if failed (Google Home not accessible)
// Get curent GH alarm time (via long command)
$ret = $googlecast->getInfoHttpSimple('cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[0].fire_time|fnc=ts2long|reterror=Undefined');
// variable _test contains dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm (Undefined if failed)
// Get curent GH alarm time (via pre-configured command)
$ret = $googlecast->getInfoHttpSimple('gh_get_alarm_date_0');
// or $googlecast->helperSendCustomCmd('gh_get_alarm_date_0'); (return false if deamon not running, true otherwise)
// variable _test contains dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm (Undefined if failed)
// Get curent GH alarm date only (via long command with formatting)
$ret = $googlecast->getInfoHttpSimple('cmd=getconfig|value=assistant/alarms|data=$.alarm.[0].date_pattern|format=%02d%02d%04d|reterror=00000000');
// variable _test contains JJMMAAAA (00000000 if failed)
Example of TTS or NOTIF command waiting until finished :
// -----------------------
// entire code
$maxwait = 30; // 30 sec of max waiting
$retrydelay = 500*1000; // will retry every 500 ms
$command_string = 'cmd=tts|value=Test Scénario PHP pour gérer le délai !|vol=100';
$googlecast = googlecast::byLogicalId($uuid, 'googlecast');
if ( !is_object($googlecast) or $googlecast->getIsEnable()==false or $googlecast->isOnline()==false ) {
else {
sleep(2); // make sure command has started
$status = $googlecast->getInfoValue('status_text');
$starttime = time();
while ($status=='Casting: TTS' or $status=='Casting: NOTIF' ) {
usleep($retrydelay); // or sleep(1); // 1 sec
$status = $googlecast->getInfoValue('status_text');
if ( (time()-$starttime)>$maxwait ) {
// -----------------------
// using helper static method
// params: uuid, command, time in second before failing (default 30), retry delay in ms (default 500), initial delay in seconds (default 2)
// return true if success, false if uuid is wrong, disable, offline or delay has passed.
$ret = googlecast::helperSendNotifandWait_static('XXXXXXXX', 'cmd=tts|value=Test Scénario PHP pour gérer le délai', 30, 500);
// with default values : $ret = googlecast::helperSendNotifandWait_static('XXXXXXXX', 'cmd=tts|value=Test Scénario PHP')
// -----------------------
// or using helper instance method
$googlecast = googlecast::byLogicalId($uuid, 'googlecast');
// params: uuid, command, time in second before failing, retry delay in ms, initial delay in seconds (default 2)
// return true if success, false if disable, offline or delay has passed.
$ret = $googlecast->helperSendNotifandWait('XXXXXXXX', 'cmd=tts|value=Test Scénario PHP pour gérer le délai')
Three type of actions possible :
- TTS interactions (Text To Speech)
- Ask type reply
- Run a custom command
Compatibility with IFTTT de type TTS using the following url in the configuration (GET or POST) :
Optional :
&vol=X (between 1 and 100)
&noresume=1 (will not try to resume previous app)
&silence=X (in milliseconds, ex: 1000 for 1 sec)
Documentation Jeedom et IFTTT :
Compatibility with IFTTT and ask type reply (scenarios) using the following url in the configuration (GET or POST) :
- uuid can have value any to test all google cast devices potentially waiting for answers.
- Action ask of a scenario can either use Custom Cmd command (ex: cmd=tts|value="Confirmer commande ?"|vol=60) or Speak ! command.
Send a custom command using webhooks (GET or POST)
Notes :
#CUSTOM_CMD# : as defined in documentation (eg : app=web|cmd=load_url|value='')
It may be necessary to encode #CUSTOM_CMD# using
- PicoTTS engine does not handle accented sentences (removed)
- Check that the Google Cast is available from an application allowing the visualization of compatible devices;
- Jeedom must be on the same network as Google Cast devices (for Docker, the container must be configured to be on the same network, in VM, the machine is in bridge mode);
- Check that there are no blockages at the firewall for discovery via the 'Zeroconf' protocol;
- To put Docker on the same network, see #8
- Check that Google Cast works with other devices;
- Check that nothing has changed since the scan;
- It may depend on the model and the application using it;
- Check the logs for the source of the error. The plugin requires the installation of python3 and pip3.
- Try with the following parameters: 'Use external Jeedom address' or 'Do not use cache'
- If Jeedom does not have web access, use the picoTTS engine
- Check the logs for the nature of the error
This is possible via the web mode. To manage the authentication automatically, use the plugin 'autologin' (see doc of the plugin).
Since version 2.13 (Janaury 2020), make sur 'Google Cloud Text-to-Speech' API is enabled in Google CLoud project credential configuration.