** Accurate rapid 3D object detection example, with positioning accuracy below sub-millimeter and speed is 5-7ms.**
pip install torch=2.4.0 ultralytics=8.3.33
pip install open3d=1.8.0 -i https://pypi.doubanio.com/simple/
logcial file : best.pt and ultraytics in same level directory.
- if find recognition fail or error ,please return image and pointcloud to algorithm engineer. his will send a new best.pt to you repair this question.
- If find accuracy don't enough ,tell your algorithm engineer,he will change foucse in inner circle,current is try deeplearning accuracy. The accuracy must be below submillimeter, for sure.
- obsevertion pointcloud you can install CLOUDCOMPARE.
img,depth_map is camera capture return value.
img,depth_map = acquire_image()
x_index,y_index,width,height, x,y,z=find_mark(img,depth_map)
draw_save(img,depth_map,x_index,y_index,width,height, x,y,z)
python infer.py
《A Fourier-enhanced multi-modal 3D small object optical mark recognition and positioning method for percutaneous abdominal puncture surgical navigation》