Relation behavior
is a controller modifier used for easily managing complex model relationships on a page. Not to be confused with List relation columns or Form relation fields that only provide simple management.
Relation behavior depends on relation definitions. In order to use the relation behavior you should add the Backend.Behaviors.RelationController
definition to the $implement
field of the controller class. Also, the $relationConfig
class property should be defined and its value should refer to the YAML file used for configuring the behavior options.
namespace Acme\Projects\Controllers;
class Projects extends Controller
public $implement = [
public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml';
public $relationConfig = 'config_relation.yaml';
Note: Very often the relation behavior is used together with the form behavior.
The configuration file referred in the $relationConfig
property is defined in YAML format. The file should be placed into the controller's views directory. The required configuration depends on the relationship type between the target model and the related model.
The first level field in the relation configuration file defines the relationship name in the target model. For example:
class Invoice {
public $hasMany = [
'items' => ['Acme\Pay\Models\InvoiceItem'],
An Invoice model with a relationship called items
should define the first level field using the same relationship name:
# ===================================
# Relation Behavior Config
# ===================================
label: Invoice Line Item
list: @/plugins/acme/pay/models/invoiceitem/columns.yaml
form: @/plugins/acme/pay/models/invoiceitem/fields.yaml
recordsPerPage: 10
The following options are then used for each relationship name definition:
Option | Description |
label | a label for the relation, in the singular tense, required. |
emptyMessage | a message to display when the relationship is empty, optional. |
readOnly | disables the ability to add, update, delete or create relations. default: false |
The configuration options listed below are optional.
Option | Description |
list | a reference to list column definition file, see backend list columns. |
form | a reference to form field definition file, see backend form fields. |
pivot | a reference to form field definition file, used for relations with pivot table data. |
view | configuration specific to the view container, see below. |
manage | configuration specific to the management popup, see below. |
These configuration values can be specified for the view or manage options.
Option | Type | Description |
showSearch | List | display an input for searching the records. Default: false |
showSorting | List | displays the sorting link on each column. Default: true |
defaultSort | List | sets a default sorting column and direction when user preference is not defined. Supports a string or an array with keys column and direction . |
recordsPerPage | List | maximum rows to display for each page. |
How the relation manager is displayed depends on the relationship definition in the target model. The relationship type will also determine the configuration requirements, these are shown in bold.
- Related records are displayed as a list.
- Clicking a record will display an update form.
- Clicking toolbar Create button will display a create form.
- Clicking toolbar Delete button will destroy the record(s).
For example, if a Blog Post has many Comments, the target model is set as the blog post and a list of comments is displayed, using columns from the list definition. Clicking on a comment opens a popup form with the fields defined in form to update the comment. Comments can be created in the same way. Below is an example of the relation behavior configuration file:
# ===================================
# Relation Behavior Config
# ===================================
label: Comment
list: @/plugins/acme/blog/models/comment/columns.yaml
form: @/plugins/acme/blog/models/comment/fields.yaml
- Related records are displayed as a list.
- Clicking toolbar Add button will display a selection list.
- Clicking toolbar Delete button will destroy the pivot table record(s).
For example, if a User belongs to many Roles, the target model is set as the user and a list of roles is displayed, using columns from the list definition. Existing roles can be added and removed from the user. Below is an example of the relation behavior configuration file:
# ===================================
# Relation Behavior Config
# ===================================
label: Role
list: @/plugins/acme/user/models/role/columns.yaml
- Related records are displayed as a list.
- Clicking a record will display a pivot data update form.
- Clicking toolbar Add button will display a selection list, then a pivot data entry form.
- Clicking toolbar Delete button will destroy the pivot table record(s).
Continuing the example in Belongs To Many relations, if a role also carried an expiry date, clicking on a role will open a popup form with the fields defined in pivot to update the expiry date. Below is an example of the relation behavior configuration file:
# ===================================
# Relation Behavior Config
# ===================================
label: Role
list: @/plugins/acme/user/models/role/columns.yaml
label: Expires
type: datepicker
- Related record is displayed as a form preview.
- Clicking toolbar Link to button will display a selection list.
- Clicking toolbar Unlink button will orphan the relationship.
- Related record is displayed as a form preview.
- Clicking toolbar Create button will display a create form.
- Clicking toolbar Update button will display an update form.
- Clicking toolbar Delete button will destroy the record.
Before relations can be managed on any page, the target model must first be initialized in the controller by calling the initRelation()
$post = Post::where('id', 7)->first();
Note: The form behavior will automatically initialize the model on its create, update and preview actions.
The relation manager can then be displayed for a specified relation definition by calling the relationRender()
method. For example, if you want to display the relation manager on the Preview page, the preview.htm view contents could look like this:
<?= $this->formRenderPreview() ?>
<?= $this->relationRender('comments') ?>