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Developer Guide

Writing documentation

You contributions to the October documentation are very welcome. Please follow the next rules if you want to contribute. How to style perfect October documentation pages:

  1. Each page that has at least one H2 header should have a TOC list. The TOC list should be the first element after the H1 header. The TOC should have links to all H2 headers on the page.

  2. There should be an introductory text below the TOC, even if there is the Introduction section. You may want to get rid of the Introduction section if it's not really needed. Don't leave the TOC alone.

  3. Try to use only H2 and H3 headers.

  4. Each H2 and H3 header should have a link defined as.

    <a name="page-cycle-handlers" class="anchor" href="#page-cycle-handlers"></a>
  5. Only use UL tags for TOC lists.

  6. Avoid short, 1 sentence, paragraphs. Merge short paragraphs and try to be a bit more verbose.

  7. Avoid short hanging paragraphs below code sections. Merge such paragraphs with the text above the code blocks.

  8. Use the inline code tags for everything related to code - variable names, function names, syntax examples, etc.

  9. Use the strong tag for everything else.

  10. Don't hesitate to make cross links to other documentation articles. Adding links to the same article in the same paragraph is not necessary.

  11. See the or files for your reference.

Developer standards and patterns

This section describes some standards that we highly recommend to follow for everybody, especially if you are going to publish your products on the Marketplace.

Repository naming

Plugins to be named with the -plugin suffix and optional oc- prefix.


Themes to be named with the -theme suffix and optional oc- prefix.


PHP Variable naming

Use camelCase everywhere except for the following:

  1. Postback parameters should use snake_case
  2. Database columns should use snake_case
  3. Language keys should use snake_case

HTML element naming

[Form] Element names should use snake_case (underscores)

<input name="first_name" />

Where the name is an array, the array keys can be either StudlyCase or snake_case.

<input name="ForumMember[first_name]" />
<input name="forum_member[first_name]" />

Element IDs should be camel case or hyphen-case (dashes)

<div id="firstNameGroup">
    <input id="firstName" />

<div id="first-name-group">
    <input id="first-name" />

Element classes names should use hyphen-case (dashes)

<div class="form-group">
    <input class="form-control" />

View file naming

Partial views should begin with an underscore character. Whereas Controller and Layout views do not begin with an underscore character. Since views are often found in a single folder, the underscore (_) and dash (-) characters can be used to organise the files. A dash is used as a substitute for a space character. An underscore is used as a substitute for a slash character (folder or namespace).

index_fancy-layout.htm       <== Index\Fancy layout
form-with-sidebar.htm        <== Form with sidebar
_field-container.htm         <== Field container (partial)
_field_baloon-selector.htm   <== Field\Baloon Selector (partial)

View files must end with the .htm file extension but .html is also accepted (todo).

Class naming

There is a number of class suffixes and prefixes that we recommend to use.

Don't get naming paralysis. Yes, names are very important but they're not important enough to waste huge amounts of time on. If you can't think up a good name in five minutes, move on.

  1. Manager
  2. Builder
  3. Writer
  4. Reader
  5. Handler
  6. Container
  7. Protocol
  8. Target
  9. Converter
  10. Controller
  11. View
  12. Factory
  13. Entity
  14. Bag

Event naming

The term after is not used in Events, only the term before is used. For example:

  1. beforeSetAttribute - this event comes before any default logic.
  2. setAttribute - this event comes after any default logic.

Where possible events should cover global and local versions. Global events should be prefixed with the module or plugin name. For example:

// For global events, it is prefixed with the module or plugin code

// For local events, the prefix is not required

Avoid using terms such as onSomething in event names since the word bind/fire represent this action word.

It is good practise to always pass the calling object as the first parameter to the global event, the local event should not need this. Local events take priority over global events.

// Local event
if ($this->fireEvent('beforeAddContent', [$message, $view], true) === false)

// Global event
if (Event::fire('mailer.beforeAddContent', [$this, $message, $view], true) === false)

When expecting results, it is easy to combine the arrays like so:

// Combine local and global event results
$eventResults = $this->fireEvent('form.beforeRefresh', [$saveData]) + Event::fire('backend.form.beforeRefresh', [$this, $saveData]);

Database table naming

Tables names should be prefixed with the author and plugin name.


Boolean column names should be prefixed with is_


This is because the model attributes can conflict, for example, public $visible; in the Model class conflicts with a database column with the same name. Some column names are exceptions, for example notify_user.

Model naming

When extending other models, you should prefix the field with at least the plugin name.

User::extend(function($model) {
    $model->hasOne['forum_member'] = ['RainLab\Forum\Models\Member'];

The fully qualified plugin name is also acceptable, for example:


Class guidance

These points are to be considered in a relaxed fashion:

  1. In classes, properties and methods should be declared as protected in favor of private. So all classes can be used as base classes.
  2. If a property contains a single value (not an array), make the property public instead of a get/set approach.
  3. If a property contains a collection (is an array), make the property protected with get getProperties, getProperty and setProperty.


When MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES mode is enabled the server performs strict data type validation. It is highly recommended to keep this mode enabled in MySQL during the development. This allows to find errors before your code gets to a client's server with the enabled strict mode. The mode can be enabled in my.cnf (Unix) or my.ini (Windows) file: