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Guy Davis edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 28 revisions

The project is still in beta, join the Discord for support and to help out.

Releases of Machinaris can be found on:

The most recent ChangeLog is found on Github.


The following image tags will be available:

  • (aka: docker pull <-- This is the one you want. Stable release!
  • --> Generally holds upcoming changes, stable enough for testing out the new stuff.
  • --> Changes regularly as development happens, not stable. Will break!


UPDATE 2021-06-02: After testing showed between a 15% to 30% speed-up in plotting, with good stability and valid checked plots, we've adopted this patch in the main Machinaris v0.3.1+ release. No need to pull the now-defunct :chiapos testing image below.

As of May 2021, the Chiapos multithreading improvements are available in a separate Machinaris image, for potentially improving plotting speed, particularly on faster/newer CPUs. While it doesn't speed plotting up on all systems, you may want to give it a try at your own risk. This image is exactly the Machinaris mainline plus the patch.

To use it, pull image:


When you start a plot with this patched version, look for Using optimized chiapos... at the top of the plot job log like this:


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