- Redux
- Holochain Actions/Reducers
- agents
- goals
- edges
- goal-members
- who-am-i
- UI only Actions/Reducers
- goal-form
- hover
- keyboard
- mouse
- screensize
- selection
- viewport
- Holochain Actions/Reducers
- React
- components
- routes
- HTML5 Canvas
- drawing
- Keyboard, Mouse, and Screen Event Listeners
- event-listeners
- These should be "broken out" into separate files, rather than all stuck in here together, but all these event listeners get set up when the page first loads.
- event-listeners
Folders are, in general, organized according to “features”, which relates to slices of the redux state. Such as “keyboard”. Within the “keyboard” folder is “actions.js” which defines the action types, and “action creators” for those action types Also within “keyboard” is “reducer.js” which defines the reducer which acts as the primary handler for those actions.
Heavy use of “spread” (…) operators in reducers is used, to give immutability:
Installing redux dev-tools is highly recommended, to inspect the state and actions and see how the app behaves.
All the reducers from the different folders are combined in src/reducer.js
The aspects of redux which interact asynchronously with Holochain, use a library called “hc-redux-middleware”
HTML5 Canvas drawing
The folder where this all happens is drawing
exports a render
function which is the main one. It handles the drawing of everything from the redux state, onto the Canvas. A new paint occurs every time the redux state is udpated. It is very fast, so performance is not an issue. In order to repaint, first it clears what was drawn on the Canvas, then paints everything fresh.
Canvas is fairly easy to work with. Great resources for it can be found at MDN:
It uses other functions from the folder such as drawGoal
, etc. Files with draw
in their name are for painting elements to the Canvas.
Because of "zooming and panning" features, there are two coordinate systems that we need to deal with. The regular coordinate system of the browser window, which appear in browser events like clicks and mousemove, etc. Then there's the zoomed and panned coordinate system of the Canvas. coordinateSystems.js
has functions for converting from either one to the other. Internally it uses Matrix math to handle the conversion.
contains the 'auto-layout' algorithm that determines that layout the of the Goals on the screen.
is used to check whether mousemove events, and mouseclick events occur "over" a Goal so that we can change and update the UI, with hover states, or selection.
This is a sample snapshot of the redux state
This entire part (agents, goals, edges, goalMembers, whoami) of the redux state is data from Holochain
Agents are essentially the “users”. More data needs to be fetched from Holochain and stored here
agents: [
“Goals” are the primary content type of the app. They’re fetched from Holochain and stored and updated here in the state
goals: {
QmacZTkPm6qNf7sHFuHa8HEg8EPVJ6kcBi4ZyHLr1JrVCN: {
content: 'Rapid Sensemaking Framework is online and being used everyday',
user_hash: 'HcSciGpYDHTaa5dmw583AO7Jy9kHz9K3gu6MtTsB8Nwbfe3y3hD8rOb9aj5B8za',
unix_timestamp: 1571690582945,
hierarchy: 'Branch',
status: 'Uncertain',
address: 'QmacZTkPm6qNf7sHFuHa8HEg8EPVJ6kcBi4ZyHLr1JrVCN'
QmcHbFkCauYVDBodKu2N1qWr7RNYAet9k7Vd9MC8YwYb4f: {
content: 'Expression of interest for a grant is made',
user_hash: 'HcSciGpYDHTaa5dmw583AO7Jy9kHz9K3gu6MtTsB8Nwbfe3y3hD8rOb9aj5B8za',
unix_timestamp: 1571690614733,
hierarchy: 'Branch',
status: 'Uncertain',
address: 'QmcHbFkCauYVDBodKu2N1qWr7RNYAet9k7Vd9MC8YwYb4f'
Edges are the links between goals, that define a hierarchy in the data
edges: {
QmPQCB3Ke58RGnGXRmQagLAtvh9AToa84zgDMM3QybY5mq: {
parent_address: 'QmacZTkPm6qNf7sHFuHa8HEg8EPVJ6kcBi4ZyHLr1JrVCN',
child_address: 'QmcHbFkCauYVDBodKu2N1qWr7RNYAet9k7Vd9MC8YwYb4f',
address: 'QmPQCB3Ke58RGnGXRmQagLAtvh9AToa84zgDMM3QybY5mq'
QmdH3ZHPYMUsqzMQQzZfTD4NHjdnJfCbwjMoacRJzAB76q: {
parent_address: 'QmcHbFkCauYVDBodKu2N1qWr7RNYAet9k7Vd9MC8YwYb4f',
child_address: 'QmbqbF2dBdZBdzQkHaX8zneCfkMz9GU3i1hYgiDCnDmjbC',
address: 'QmdH3ZHPYMUsqzMQQzZfTD4NHjdnJfCbwjMoacRJzAB76q'
Goal Members are associations between “agents” and “goals”, that relate to who has claimed/assigned to which Goals
goalMembers: {},
Whoami is information about the local authenticated user
whoami: {
dna_address: 'QmTVA7eBGDZ3bg3PYDqDN9voJ267XH3aWwRh8jWy3eXtAe',
dna_name: 'Acorn',
agent_id: {
nick: 'testAgent',
pub_sign_key: 'HcSciGpYDHTaa5dmw583AO7Jy9kHz9K3gu6MtTsB8Nwbfe3y3hD8rOb9aj5B8za'
agent_address: 'HcSciGpYDHTaa5dmw583AO7Jy9kHz9K3gu6MtTsB8Nwbfe3y3hD8rOb9aj5B8za'
This entire part of the state is client side only, it has no persistence or relation to Holochain
ui: {
The UI element that allows users to create a new Goal
goalForm: {
editAddress: null,
parentAddress: null,
content: '',
isOpen: false,
xLoc: 0,
yLoc: 0
Which goals are currently selected
selection: {
selectedGoals: []
Which goal is currently hovered over
hover: {
hoveredGoal: null
Which relevant keyboard keys are pressed
keyboard: {
shiftKeyDown: false,
gKeyDown: false
What’s the size of the screen (needs to update on resize)
screensize: {
width: 914,
height: 1906
Relating to the HTML5 Canvas element, how has the “viewport” been “panned” (translated) and “zoomed” (scaled)
viewport: {
translate: {
x: 475.2022418640423,
y: 174.46835450717361
scale: 0.44932896411722334
Is the mouse currently being pressed (left/dominant click)
mouse: {
mousedown: false