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Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. It usually uses an identifier (for example, a username or an email address) and a secret token (such as a password or an access token) to judge if the user is the one whom he claims as. Authentication is the basis of the login feature.

Yii provides an authentication framework which wires up various components to support login. To use this framework, you mainly need to do the following work:

  • Configure the Yiisoft\Yii\Web\User\User service;
  • Create a class implementing the \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityInterface interface;
  • Create a class implementing the \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityRepositoryInterface interface;

Configuring Yiisoft\Yii\Web\User\User

The Yiisoft\Yii\Web\User\User application service manages the user authentication status. It depends on Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityRepositoryInterface that should return an instance of \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityInterface which has the actual authentication logic.

use Yiisoft\Session\Session;
use Yiisoft\Session\SessionInterface;
use Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityRepositoryInterface;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

return [
    // ...

    SessionInterface::class => [
        'class' => Session::class,
        '__construct()' => [
            $params['session']['options'] ?? [],
            $params['session']['handler'] ?? null,
    // User:
    IdentityRepositoryInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container) {
        // instead of Cycle-based repository, you can use any implementation
        return $container->get(\Cycle\ORM\ORMInterface::class)->getRepository(\App\Entity\User::class);


The identity class must implement the \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityInterface which has a single method:

  • [[yii\web\IdentityInterface::getId()|getId()]]: it returns the ID of the user represented by this identity instance.

In the following example, an identity class implemented as a pure PHP object.


namespace App\User;

use Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityInterface;

final class Identity implements IdentityInterface
    private string $id;

    public function __construct(string $id) {
        $this->id = $id;

    public function getId(): string
        return $this->id;


The identity repository class must implement the \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityRepositoryInterface which has the following methods:

  • findIdentity(string $id): ?IdentityInterface: it looks for an instance of the identity class using the specified ID. This method is used when you need to keep the login status via session.
  • findIdentityByToken(string $token, string $type): ?IdentityInterface: it looks for an instance of the identity class using the specified access token. This method is used when you need to authenticate a user by a single secret token (for example, in a stateless REST API).

A dummy implementation may look like the following:

namespace App\User;

use App\User\Identity;
use \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityInterface;
use \Yiisoft\Auth\IdentityRepositoryInterface;

final class IdentityRepository implements IdentityRepositoryInterface
    private const USERS = [
        'id' => 1,
        'token' => '12345'   
        'id' => 42,
        'token' => '54321'

    public function findIdentity(string $id) : ?IdentityInterface
        foreach (self::USERS as $user) {
            if ((string)$user['id'] === $id) {
                return new Identity($id);            
        return null;

    public function findIdentityByToken(string $token, string $type) : ?IdentityInterface
        foreach (self::USERS as $user) {
             if ($user['token'] === $token) {
                 return new Identity((string)$user['id']);            
         return null;

Using \Yiisoft\User\User

You can use \Yiisoft\User\User service to obtain current user identity. As any service, it could be auto wired in either action handler constructor or method:

use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use \Yiisoft\User\User;

class SiteController
    public function actionIndex(ServerRequestInterface $request, User $user)
        if ($user->isGuest()) {
            // user is guest
        } else {
            $identity = $user->getIdentity();
            // do something based on identity

isGuest() determines if user is logged in or not. getIdentity() returns an instance of identity.

To log in a user, you may use the following code:

$identity = $identityRepository->findByEmail($email);

/* @var $user \Yiisoft\User\User */

The login() method sets the identity to the User service. It stores identity into session so user authentication status is maintained.

To logout a user, simply call

/* @var $user \Yiisoft\User\User */

Authentication Events

The user service raises a few events during the login and logout processes.

  • \Yiisoft\User\Event\BeforeLogin: raised at the beginning of login(). If the event handler calls invalidate() on an event object, the login process will be cancelled.
  • \Yiisoft\User\Event\AfterLogin: raised after a successful login.
  • \Yiisoft\User\Event\BeforeLogout: raised at the beginning of logout(). If the event handler calls invalidate() on an event object, the logout process will be cancelled.
  • \Yiisoft\User\Event\AfterLogout: raised after a successful logout.

You may respond to these events to implement features such as login audit, online user statistics. For example, in the handler for \Yiisoft\User\Event\AfterLogin, you may record the login time and IP address in the user database table.