Old append function
func append<T: IQModelableCell>(_ type: T.Type, model: T.Model?, section: IQSection? = nil)
New append function accepts an array of models
func append<T: IQModelableCell>(_ type: T.Type, models: [T.Model?], section: IQSection? = nil)
Old initialization function
public init(identifier: AnyHashable,
header: String? = nil, footer: String? = nil,
headerSize: CGSize? = nil, footerSize: CGSize? = nil)
New initialization function changed the order of arguments and also added an optionally accept UIView to show as header/footer
public init(identifier: AnyHashable,
header: String? = nil, headerView: UIView? = nil, headerSize: CGSize? = nil,
footer: String? = nil, footerView: UIView? = nil, footerSize: CGSize? = nil,
model: Any? = nil)