Tags: Split and List, Subset Sum
Key ideas:
- Problem ressembles subset sum, with the specialty that we have a constraint sum of items (< T) while only getting a minimum certain amount (>= D)
- --> NP-hard problem, which is why the instances are very small (<= 30)
- for m=0:
- just enumerate all possible subsets, calculate there sums and check if they satisfy constraints < T and >= D
- I took the code from the subset sum tutorial slides: the recursive version (which works for testsets 1-3) and an iterative version using bitshifts
- For larger m:
- We have the invariant that if we take gulp s_j and we have a solution, then we also have a solution for j' >= j
- hence: can do binary search to find the smallest j, for each choice s_j add the distance to all elements, later subtracting it again
mid = (l+r)/2
if(subset_sum_exists) {
r = mid;
if(l == r) break;
} else {
l = mid + 1;
- For latest testcase: need split and list!
- split the set into two roughly equally sized sets
- compute the sums of d and sums of t for each set
- if there already is a solution, can return true
- sort the 2nd set sums after the time, then do binary search for each value in first set
- important step: for increasing t, use the maximum sum of d over the smaller t'
- why? when doing the binary search, we look for the largest t that still fits with sum < T, but we want to maximize the sum D. hence, copy over the max sum_D for t' < t