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201 lines (159 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (159 loc) · 11.1 KB


A React table component designed to display large data with high performance.


  • 🚀High Performance: Turn on virtual scrolling when the amount of data is large
  • 🎨Customization: Simple and flexible API, rich customization capabilities
  • 💎Useful Properties: Support complex functions such as sorting, searching, pagination, fixed header, left/right lock columns, custom operations, etc.



online example:


npm i react-customize-data-table


Install dependencies,

$ npm i

Start the dev server,

$ npm start

Build documentation,

$ npm run docs:build

Run test,

$ npm test

Build library via father,

$ npm run compile


import Table from 'react-customize-data-table';

ReactDOM.render(<Table />, container);



Property Description Type Default
className Custom class names for table string -
style Custom style for table React.CSSProperties -
dataSource Data record array to be displayed object[] -
columns Columns of table ColumnsType<T> -
rowKey Row's unique key, the default value is key string | ((row: T) => string | number) key
striped Show stripe or not. boolean false
bordered Whether to show all table borders boolean false
loading Loading status of table boolean | React.ReactNode false
showHeader Whether to show table header boolean true
size Size of table default | small | large default
rowClassName Row's className (record: T, index: number) => string -
rowStyle Row's style ((record: T, index: number) => React.CSSProperties) | React.CSSProperties -
cellClassName custom class names for a cell ((column: ColumnType<T>, rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) => string) | string -
cellStyle custom style for a cell ((column: ColumnType<T>, rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) => React.CSSProperties) | React.CSSProperties -
headerCellClassName custom class names for a cell in table header ((column: ColumnType<T> | ColumnGroupType<T>, rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) => string) | string -
headerCellStyle custom style for a cell in table header ((column: ColumnType<T> | ColumnGroupType<T>, rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) => React.CSSProperties) | React.CSSProperties -
headerRowClassName custom class names for a row in table header ((rowIndex: number) => string) | string -
headerRowStyle custom style for a row in table header ((rowIndex: number) => React.CSSProperties) | React.CSSProperties -
onHeaderRowEvents Set events on per header row (rowIndex: number) => object -
onHeaderCellEvents Set events on per header cell (column: ColumnType<T> | ColumnGroupType<T>, rowIndex: number) => object -
onRowEvents Set events on per row (record: T, rowIndex: number) => object -
onCellEvents Set events on per cell (record: T, rowIndex: number) => object -
pagination Config of pagination PaginationProps -
empty Displayed text when data is empty string | React.ReactNode -
locale The i18n text LocalType -
rowHeight The expected height of the table row number -
renderMaxRows Maximum number of rows per render number -
width The width of the table number -
height The height of the table. Unit: px / When this prop is set, if the content height is larger then the set value, the header will be fixed at the top. number -
virtualized Whether to enable the virtual list boolean -
onScroll The callback function after scrolling. (x: number, y: number) => void -
onColumnResize columns resize callback (newWidth: number, oldWidth: number, column: ColumnType<T>, event: Event) => void -
rowSelection Row selection, config object -
onSort Sort event (sortResult: { column: ColumnType<T>, order: asc | desc | null, field: string | undefined }) => void -
onFilter Filter event (filterInfo: Record<React.Key, React.Key[]>) => void -
expandable Config expandable content, config object -
treeProps Configure tree data properties, config object -
summary Render footer { render: () => React.ReactNode; colSpan?: number; rowSpan?: number }[][] -


One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API.

Property Description Type Default
type Set column type expand | checkbox | radio | default default
align The specify which way that column is aligned left | center | right left
className The className of this column string -
dataIndex Display field of the data record string -
key Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique dataIndex string -
fixed Column fixed If multiple adjacent columns need to be locked, you only need to specify the outermost column, and it will take effect with horizontal scrolling left | right -
render Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a ReactNode (text: any, record: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode -
title Title of this column React.ReactNode -
width Width of this column number | string -
maxWidth Maximum column width number | string -
minWidth Minimum column width number | string -
ellipsis The ellipsis cell content boolean | { tooltip: boolean; tooltipTheme?: dark | light; renderTooltip?: (trigger: React.ReactNode, tip: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode;} -
colSpan The header columns are merged, when set to 0, no rendering number -
resizable Whether to allow drag and drop to adjust the width The border attribute needs to be enabled, and for multi-level headers only supports drag and drop to adjust the width of the last level header boolean -
onCell Set props on per cell (record: T, rowIndex: number) => { colSpan?: number; rowSpan?: number } -
defaultSortOrder Default order of sorted values asc | desc -
sortOrder Order of sorted values asc | desc | null -
sorter Sort function ((rowA: T, rowB: T) => number) | { compare: (rowA: T, rowB: T) => number; weight: number; } -
renderSorter Customize sort icons (params: { activeAsc: boolean; activeDesc: boolean; triggerAsc: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; triggerDesc: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; }) => React.ReactNode -
defaultFilteredValue Default filtered values React.Key[] -
filteredValue Controlled filtered value React.Key[] -
filterMultiple Whether multiple filters can be selected boolean -
filterIcon Customized filter icon (filtered: boolean) => React.ReactNode -
filterSearch Whether to be searchable for filter menu ((value: string, record: FilterMenus) => boolean) | boolean -
filters Filter menu config { label: string; value: string }[] -
filterMethod Function that determines if the row is displayed when filtered (value: React.Key, record: T) => boolean -


Refer to config of column, but ignore dataIndex and type attribute, add children attribute, children is the collection of column configuration attributes.


Properties for expandable.

Property Description Type Default
columnTitle Set the title of the expand column React.ReactNode -
columnWidth Set the width of the expand column string | number -
expandedRowRender Expanded container render for each row (record: T, index: number, expanded: boolean) => React.ReactNode -
expandedRowClassName Expanded row's className (record: T, index: number) => string -
rowExpandable Enable row can be expandable (record: T) => boolean -
defaultExpandAllRows Expand all rows initially boolean false
defaultExpandedRowKeys Initial expanded row keys string[] | number[] -
expandedRowKeys Current expanded row keys string[] | number[] -
expandIcon Customize row expand Icon (record: T, expanded: boolean, onExpand?: (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void) => React.ReactNode -
onExpand Callback executed when the row expand icon is clicked (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void -


Configuration of tree functions.

Property Description Type Default
indentSize indent of each level number 15
treeColumnsName The name of the column where the icon is expanded string -
defaultExpandAllRows Expand all rows initially boolean false
defaultExpandedRowKeys Initial expanded row keys string[] | number[] -
expandedRowKeys Current expanded row keys string[] | number[] -
expandIcon Customize row expand Icon (record: T, expanded: boolean, onExpand?: (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void) => React.ReactNode -
onExpand Callback executed when the row expand icon is clicked (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void -


Properties for row selection.

Property Description Type Default
columnTitle Set the title of the selection column React.ReactNode -
columnWidth Set the width of the selection column string | number 44px
getCheckboxProps Get Checkbox or Radio props (record: T) => any -
renderCell Renderer of the table cell. Same as render in column (checked: boolean, record: T, index: number, originNode: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode -
selectedRowKeys Controlled selected row keys string[] | number[] -
defaultSelectedRowKeys Initial selected row keys string[] | number[] -
type checkbox or radio checkbox | radio checkbox
onChange Callback executed when selected rows change (selectedRowKeys: (string | number)[], selectedRows: T[]) => void -
onSelect Callback executed when select/deselect one row (record: T, selected: boolean, selectedRows: T[], nativeEvent: Event) => void -
onSelectAll Callback executed when select/deselect all rows (selected: boolean, selectedRows: T[], changeRows: T[]) => void -


The i18n text for filter。

Property Description Type Default
filterSearchPlaceholder Filter Search Box Prompts string 'Search in filters'
filterEmptyText Prompt copy when there is no filter menu string 'No filters'
filterResult filter search results string 'Not Found'
filterConfirm filter OK button string 'Filter'
filterReset filter reset button string 'Reset'