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File metadata and controls

78 lines (59 loc) · 3.38 KB


Generally we should think a git project is made up of three folders or directories: 1- Working directory: Any changes made without saving, tracking or adding to stagging directory. 2- Staging area or staging directory: Here we added our changes from previous stage: modifying files contents, adding new files to our repo. 3- Repository or remote directory: Here is what we have pushed to remote server through other teams or colleagues can pull our projects. Working directory --> Staging area --> Repository

First we should install git to our work station by typing the following command. $ sudo apt-get install git To check git installation, you should type the following command: $ git --version

Later, let us suppose there is a remote repo we want to pull and contribute in it. So First we should clone it to our local by typing the following command: $ git clone https://repo_url

To see git logs, you could type: $ git log The result shows the users (User's email, name and commit's message) who have contributed to the repo chronogically.

To check whether there are changes in your working directory or not, you could type the following command: $ git status the result generally is divided into two parts The first part and colored in green means you added the corresponding files which have modifications you made to the staging directory (they have been mnoved from your working directory into the staging directory). these files need to be commited and pushing later. The second part and in generally colored in red means you either removed them from tracking or didn't added yet them to the stagging directory.

In case you want to revert all your changes and clean the working directory, you should type the following command: $ git reset --hard

To list local branches, type the following command: $ git branch But in order to list all branches local and remote, type the following command: $ git branch -a

To switch to another branch, type the following command: $ git checkout branch_name

To create new branch in your local, type the following command $ git checkout -b new_branch_name

BUT in this case, it is better to push your new local branch to remote server by type the following command: $ git push -u origin your_local_branch_name AND in this case your local branch is set up to the remote branch

To delete local branch, type the following command: git branch -d branch_name To delete remote branch, type the following command: git push -d remote_branch_name Try to make the local and corresponding branches have the same name.