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Example GKE cluster using Terraform

This repository showcases using Terraform to provision a new network and a GKE cluster with nodes within.

By default, this will create a highly available cluster using a NAT gateway for outgoing traffic from private nodes.

See a high level overview of the GKE architecture.

Install and configure

Ensure that kubectl, gcloud, and terraform are installed first.

Ensure the Google Cloud CLI tools are initalised:

gcloud init

Once initialised, ensure your account is added to the Application Default Credentials (ADC) so Terraform can access them:

gcloud auth application-default login

Additionally, ensure that APIs have been enabled:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Setup variables

In terraform.tfvars set the details according to your Google Cloud account.

project_id, location, and name are required to be set.

location can be set to a region or zone. See regional or zone specific cluster docs for more information.

An example terraform.tfvars file of using a single zone cluster with preemptible nodes:

project_id      = "my-project-123"
location        = "australia-southeast1-a"
name            = "mycluster"
node_pools = [
    preemptible        = true
    min_node_count     = 1
    max_node_count     = 8
    machine_type       = "n2-standard-2"
    disk_type          = "pd-standard"
    disk_size_gb       = 40

Check out a list of Google Cloud regions and zones for reference.


terraform init
terraform apply

Configure kubectl

Retrieve the cluster name and location using terraform show, then initialise kubectl configuration:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials mycluster --region australia-southeast1-a

Test it works

kubectl get nodes -o wide

Tearing down

terraform destroy

What now?

Check out google_container_cluster Terraform docs for more details on what GKE parameters can be changed using Terraform.

Some other things: