This repository includes implementation of following FCN implementations for segmentation task
1. FCN8-VGG16
2. FCN8-VGG19
3. FCN8-ResNet50
Furthermore a custom FCN architecture is also implemented refered here as FCN2 including
1. FCN2-VGG16
2. FCN-VGG16
3. FCN2-ResNet50
Lastly, Unet architecture is implemnted on VGG16 as following
1. UNet-VGG16
FCN2 architecture in comparison with FCN8 is as following
The segmnetation data is taken from Divam Gupta available at image Segmentation git
- FCN2 is the natural extension of FCN architectures
- FCN2 under current experiment settings, donot provide any better performance.
- Ablation studies need to ascertain the performance gaps within the FCN variants
- Unet architecture is the most closest implmentation of proposed FCN2 architecture
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing
author = {{Rafique, Hamza}},
title = {Experimenting with xBD classification task for xview2 challenge using Keras},
year = {2019},
version = {1.0}
address = {Air University, ISB. [email protected]},
url = {}
- Addition of copyrights in code files
- Improving results presentation in git