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React Starter Kit

Easy to use configurable starter kit for small sized projects.

What's it all about?

Built from scratch and added the base component and lint rules for the beautiful codebase. Using a lightweight CSS framework that

Base lint rules added for code quality. StyleLint rules extended styleLint and esLint rules extended Airbnb.

Containing my vsCode editor settings.

Getting started


$ git clone <my-awesome-project>
$ cd <my-awesome-project>

Install dependencies

npm install / yarn install

Build with vitejs

Deploying for local usage

npm run dev / yarn run dev

visit the http://localhost:5174/

Helpful Commands

# prettier
npm run format / yarn format
# eslint
npm run lint / yarn lint

Build for production

Deploying everything for production.

npm run build / yarn run build 

[WIP] Testing

Installed RTL framework You can find further information on this doc also there is a cheatsheet

npm run test / yarn run test

How can I support?

  • Star our GitHub repo ⭐️
  • Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features or documentation updates 🔧