- Access: Hide differences in data representation and resource access
- Location: hide where the resource is located
- Migration: hide when resource is moved
- Replication: hide multiple copies may exist for reliability and availability
- Concurrency: hide resources may be shared concurrently
- Failure: hide failure and recovery of resource
- Relocation: Hide resources being moved during use
- Def: the interfaces are clearly specified and freely available
- Interoperability: two different applications or systems working together
- Portability: run on different systems
- Extensibility: easy to add new features
- Client app -> client stub -> client os -> server os -> server stub -> server app
- RPC Implementation types:
- Shallow integration: must use lots of libcalls to set things up
- Deep integration: data formatting done based on type declarations
- RPC Challenges - solution is expose remoteness to client:
- Partial failures
- Latency
- Memory Access
- RPC major overheads: copies and marshaling/unmarshaling
- Why DFS:
- Data sharing among multiple users
- location transparency
- User mobility
- Scalability
- Backups and centralized management
- Challenges:
- Heterogeneity
- Performance
- Scalability
- Security
- Failures
- Concurrency
- Consider geographic distance and high latency
- Design Choices and implications:
- Client-side caching
- Consistency
- timeout
- callbacks
- tokens (similar to lock)
- Naming
- Authentication and access control
- Semantics of file sharing
- Unix: every operation is instantly visible
- Session: visible to other processes after file is closed
- Immutable: no changes allowed
- Transactions: all changes occur atomically
- Lamport clock
- Vector clock
- Requirements:
- Correctness/safety
- fairness
- Totally-Ordered Multicast
- each msg is timestamped
- msg multicast to everyone, including the sender
- receiver puts msg into a local queue, then send acks to everyone
- only deliver msg when it is at the head of queue, and acked by everyone
- Single server case: Two phase locking
- Distributed transactions: two phase commit
- Recovery strategies
- backward recovery
- con: checkpointing is expensive
- forward recovery
- con: all errors need to be considered upfront. When one occurs, knows how to forward the system.
- backward recovery
- Shadow pages
- atomicity and durability
- Essentially copy-on-write where a new page is pointed to (atomically) when commit
- When abort, just discard the new page
- Write-Ahead-Logging (WAL):
- Write to a log (disk) before applying changes (in memory)
- Considered durable once logged to disk
- After crash, replay changes in log to recover
Strong Levels
- Strict serializability
- Linearizability
- Sequential
- Causal
- Eventual
- Total Order: There exists a legal total ordering of operations
- legal: a read operation sees the latest write operation
- Preserves real-time ordering: Any operation A that completes before operation B begins, occurs before B in the total order
Strict Serializability
- Total Order: There exists a legal total ordering of transactions
- legal: a read operation sees the latest write operation
- Preserves real-time ordering: Any transaction A that completes before transaction B begins, occurs before B in the total order
- writes in a completed transaction appear to all future reads
- Once a read sees a value, all future reads must see the same value until new write
- pro: easily reason about correctness of transactions
- cons: high read and write latencies
- total order & preserves real-time ordering on operations
- difference from strict serializability:
- in linearizability, clients only have consistency guarantees for operations (instead of transactions)
- strict serializability allows clients to use transactions
- A completed write appears to all future reads
- Once a read sees a value, all future reads must also return the same value
- Pros: easy to reason correctness
- cons: high read and write overheads
Sequential Consistency
- total order: there exists a legal total ordering of operations
- preserves process ordering: all of a process' operations appear in that order in the total order
- difference from linearizability:
- sequence of ops across processes not determined by real-time, so more orderings than linearizability
- pros: can have more orderings than linearizability
- cons: many possible sequential executions
Causal+ consistency
- Partial order: order causally related ops the same way across all processes
- +: replicas eventually converge
- difference from sequential consistency:
- only causally related ops are ordered
- concurrent ops may be ordered differently across different processes
- pros: preserves causality while improving efficiency
- cons: need to reason about concurrency
Eventual Consistency
- Eventual convergence: if no more writes, all replicas eventually agree
- difference from causal consistency:
- does not preserve causal relationships
- frequently used with application conflict resolution
- pros: highly available
- cons: no safety guarantees, need conflict resolution
- Sequential Consistency:
- Operations seem to appear to take place in some total order
- The total order is consistent with the order of operations on each individual process
- Causal Consistency:
- Writes that are potentially causally related must be seen by all processes in the same order
- Concurrent writes may be seen in different order
- Replicate:
- Propagate only a notification of update, so invalidate other processes' existing state
- Propagate update operation and data
- Propagate only update operation, no data transfer
- Primary-Backup
- Primary handles operations
- Backup are passive
- Clients see failures and handle it
- Problem: if something fails, response time will be large
- Quorum consensus
- Paxos:
- lets all nodes to agree on the same value despite f node failures, network failures, and delays
- Correctness: all nodes agree on the same value; the value is proposed by some node
- Fault-tolerance: reach consensus eventually if <=f nodes fail
- Liveness is not guaranteed
- lets all nodes to agree on the same value despite f node failures, network failures, and delays
- Paxos:
- FLP Impossibility Result
- It is impossible for a set of processors in an asynchronous system to agree on a binary value, even if one processor is subject to an unannounced failure
- async: timeout is not perfect
- It is impossible for a set of processors in an asynchronous system to agree on a binary value, even if one processor is subject to an unannounced failure
- Paxos general approach
- A leader is elected
- The leader asks other replicas to exclusively listen to him
- Replicas ack
- The leader proposes a value, send to replicas
- Replicas ack
- The leader sends commit after receiving a majority of acks
- Error detection
- Parity checking: Single Bit Parity
- Block Error Detection bit: redundancy
- Checksum
- cyclic redundancy check (CRC): can detect error, as well as correct error
- Error recovery
- Redundancy: 1) Error correction code; 2) replication/voting
- retry
- Multiple disks
- Capacity
- Performance
- Availability
- DNS is a large distributed database
- scalability
- robustness
- independent state
- Hierarchical structure
- DB contains tuples called resource records (RR)
- Various kinds of mappings:
- 1-1 mapping between domain name and IP addr
- multiple domain names mapping to the same IP addr
- Single domain name mapping to multiple IP addr
- Some valid domain name doesn't map to any IP addr
- Caching
- DNS responses are cached
- DNS negative queries are cached
- cached data periodically time out
- Reliability
- DNS servers are replicated
- UDP used for queries
- Recursive vs. iterative DNS name resolution
- Name lookup styles
- table lookup: name
- recursive: context + name
- multiple lookup: try multiple contexts to resolve name
- Naming model: 3 elements
- Name space: alphabet+symbol that specifies name
- Name-mapping: name -> value
- Universe of values: objects
- Content-based naming
- Name items by their hash
- self-certifying names
- Pre-image resistance: given an input h1, it is hard to find any m such that h1 = h(m)
- Collision resistance: it is hard to find values m1, m2 such that h(m1)=h(m2)
- Consistent hashing
- when a hash table is resized, only n/m keys need to be remapped on average (n=key #, m=node #)
- Desired features
- balanced: load is equal across nodes
- smoothness: little impacts when buckets added/removed
- spread: small set of nodes may have an object
- load: across all views, # of objects assigned to hash bucket is small
- Message authentication code (MAC)
- H(data, key): can only create or verify hash with the key
- Server selection
- Application based
- HTTP to the primary server, then use HTTP redirection - have drawbacks
- Naming based
- client does name lookup for service
- name server chooses appropriate server address
- name server make decision based on:
- server load/location
- info in the name lookup request
- Application based
- How akamai works?
- Akamai only replicates static content
- an Akamai server receives a request -> checks local cache -> ask primary server if not present
- Caching proxies
- capacity: mem & disk
- compulsory: first access/non-cacheable contents
- consistency: doc has been updated/expired before reuse
- Leverage the resources of client machines (peers)
- P2P routing
- centralized
- flooding
- swarming: 1) contact centralized tracker for peers; 2) be a tracker; 3) get tracker info by google; 4) fetch and upload to peers
- unstructured
- structured: chord
- Chord
- ring-based
- Finger table
- Map and then reduce
- Overview
- a file system with files distributed across nodes
- Store multiple (3 copies)
- Any node has access to any file
- map -> shuffle -> reduce
- Characteristics
- Computation broken into many small tasks
- input and output are files on disk
- Strength
- Great flexibility in placement, scheduling, and load balancing
- Can access large files
- Scalability adv.
- distributed system principles -> scalable
- dynamically scheduled tasks
- Provision adv.
- Can have consumer grade hardware
- Can have heterogeneous hardware
- Operational adv.
- Minimal staffing
- no downtime
- Weakness
- Higher overhead
- lower raw performance
- Coarse-grained parallelism: low communication
- no locality of data or activity
- map/reduce needs to complete sequentially
- Implementation
- Built on top of parallel file system (GFS, HDFS)
- breaks works into tasks
- input/output are files
- Provide APIs that provide a determined set of features made available to language and programs.
- Isolation
- Fault isolation
- performance isolation
- Encapsulation
- capture all VM states
- enable vm clones/snapshots
- Portability
- Migrate VMs
- Interposition
- transformations on instructions, memory, I/O
Types of System Virtualization
- Native/Bare metal: hardware -> supervisor -> VMs
- Hosted: host OS (supervisor (VMs))
Types of Virtualization
- Full virtualization
- No OS modification, virtualization is transparent to OS
- poorer performance because of binary translation
- Para virtualization
- OS modified to use on virtualization layer
- Performance at the cost of transparency
Virtual Machine Monitor
- definition: an efficient, isolated duplicate of the real machine
- Properties:
- Equivalent execution: programs running in the virtualized environment run identically as natively
- Performance: minor decrease in performance
- Safety and isolation: VMM has complete control over access to system resources
- Virtualize CPUs
- timeslice the VMs, each VM runs OS/Apps
- Virtualize Memory
- VMM partitions machine memory to physical memory for VM OS to use (3 abstractions of mem: machine, physical, virtual)
- Shadow Page Table:
- VMM page tables, that map from virtual to machine
- Needs to be consistent with OS's page tables
- Virtualize I/O
- Many devices, not realistic to writer drivers to all
- solution: Present virtual I/O devices to guest VMs and channel I/O requests to a trusted host VM
- Networking: bridge (direct access) or NAT
- VM strorage
- Store as files in the host file system
- network attached storage
Disk Striping: interleave data across multiple disks
Parity: XOR all disks
- parity disk is the bottleneck, all writes go to it, degraded reads go through it -> solution is to strip parity disk
RAID Levels
Definition Capacity Reliability Performance Read Perf. Write Perf. RAID 0 Striping only N 0 Nx 1x random read Nx RAID 1 Mirror disk N/2 1 1/2 Nx for write, 2Nx for read 2Nx 1/2 Nx RAID 4 Block-based striping + centralized parity N-1 1 N read, bad for write Nx random read centralized parity -> write bottleneck RAID 5 Block-based striping + distributed parity N-1 1 Good for both read and write 1x random read 1/2x: write amplification is required to update parity RAID 6 P+Q Redundancy (2x distributed parity) N-2 2 worse for write compared to RAID5 1x random read 1/3x: write amplification to update both parities
Three Modes of Operation
- Normal mode: max efficiency
- Degraded mode: some failure, use degraded mode operations
- Rebuild mode: degraded mode + compete with rebuild
- A failure is when a system cannot meet its promises
- An error of a part of the system can lead to failures
- The cause of an error is called a fault
- Crash failure
- Omission failure: fails to respond to incoming requests
- Timing failure: timeouts
- Response failure: wrong response values
- Arbitrary failure: arbitrary response at any time
- Any two quorums must have one honest node: (N-f) + (N-f) - N = f+1 -> N = 3f+1
- Messages are delivered correctly
- The receiver knows who sent the message
- Message delivery time is bounded
Byzantine Agreement Algorithm
- Each process sends it value to everyone
- Each process uses the received messages to construct a vector of messages, and send to everyone
- Each process uses the received vector of messages to compute
Async BFT:
- Async because:
- faulty network can violate timing assumptions
- can prevent liveness
FLP Impossibility
- Async consensus may not terminate
BFT Limitations:
- Expensive
- Protection only when <= f nodes fail
- Other attacks possible:
- Steal SSNs from servers
Needed for a secure communication channel
- Authentication: you are who you are
- Confidentiality: My data is not exposed
- Integrity: My data is not modified
- Authenticity attack: impersonate a node
- Integrity attack: delay msg, modify msg, release msg
- Availability attack: destroy hw/sw; corrupt pkts
- Hashing
- Consistent
- one-way
- collision resistant
- Secret-key cryptography: symmetric key
- Use the same key for both encryption and decryption
- fast crypto
- need to share secrete beforehand
- Confidentiality:
- Steam ciphers: key-generated stream of L bits XOR with msg of length L => encrypted ciphertext
- Block ciphers: break into blocks, feed into encryption/decryption engine using key
- Integrity:
- hash(msg, key) => MAC
- Append MAC to msg, and send
- Receiver calculates hash again, verify MAC is correct => authentication + integrity
- Authentication:
- HMAC and nonce (A random bitstring used only once). Alice sends nonce to Bob as a challenge, Bob replies with MAC result
- Public-key cryptography: asymmetric key
- Key pair, one public, one private, inverse of each other
- slower crypto
- no need to share secret beforehand
- Confidentiality:
- encrypt with the public key of receiver
- Integrity:
- Sign message with private key of the sender
- Authentication:
- entity being authenticated signs a nonce with private key, signature is then verified with the public key
Key Distribution Center (KDC)
Alice, Bob need shared symmetric key
KDC: server shares different secret key with each registered user
Alice, Bob know own symmetric keys for communicating with KDC
When Alice talks to Bob:
- Send a request to KDC, sign using their own KDC's symmetric key
- KDC gives Alice a session key R1 with Bob, and sign K(A, R1)
- Alice sends K(A, R1) to Bob, Bob can verify it's from KDC
KDC is the centralized trust and point of failure
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- A system in which "root of trust" authoritatively assigns public keys to real-world identities
- A significant stumbling block in deploying many "next generation" secure Internet protocol or applications
Certification Authority (CA)
- binds public key to a specific entity, E
- Registration:
- E provides proof of identity to CA
- CA binds E to E's public key, CA signs E's public key with CA's private key. A certificate is created
- The certificate contains E's public key, and CA's signature on E's public key
- Verification of Bob's public key:
- Alice gets Bob's certificate somewhere
- Alice verifies CA's signature, then accepts
Transport Layer Security (TLS) aka. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Between application and transport layer
- Used for protocols like HTTPS
- Handles confidentiality, integrity, authentication
SSL setup with server
- Client and server agrees on exact cryptographic protocols
- Server sends client a certificate with CA public key
- Client sends server a challenge
- Server proves it has the secret key
- A symmetric session key is used afterwards
How SSL works
- receive a stream of data
- separate into segments
- a session key is used to encrypt and MAC each chunk
- Fed segments to TCP as a stream
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
- Situation: Generate keys between two people, securely, no trusted, even if someone is listening in
- Overview:
- Decide on a public color
- each has a secret color
- share publicly the mix of public + secret color
- mix the received result with their secret color
- The result color is the symmetric key