This guide provides detailed instructions for installing and setting up the Requests & Offers application.
- Linux, macOS, or Windows with WSL2
- Holochain Development Environment
- Node.js 16 or later
- pnpm 9.7.0 or later
Follow the official Holochain installation guide for your operating system.
You can quickly install Holochain using this command:
bash <(curl
This will set up the complete Holochain development environment, including Nix and all necessary components.
git clone
cd requests-and-offers
nix develop
pnpm install
This will also download the hREA suite as part of the postinstall script.
The application consists of two main parts:
- Frontend (SvelteKit application)
- Backend (Holochain DNA with multiple zomes)
# Start with default configuration (2 agents)
pnpm start
# Start with custom number of agents
AGENTS=3 pnpm start
# Start with Tauri (desktop application)
pnpm start:tauri
This will:
- Clean the Holochain sandbox
- Build the hApp
- Start the UI server
- Launch the Holochain environment
- Start the Holochain Playground
pnpm test
This runs:
- Zome builds
- Backend tests
- Frontend tests
- Status module tests
# Frontend tests only
pnpm test:ui
# Individual zome tests
pnpm test:misc # Misc zome functionality
pnpm test:users # Users Organizations zome
pnpm test:administration # Administration zome
pnpm test:organizations # Organizations functionality
pnpm test:status # Status module
# Build Holochain zomes
pnpm build:zomes
# Build complete hApp (includes zome builds)
pnpm build:happ
# Create production package (includes hApp and UI)
pnpm package
The project integrates with hREA (Holochain Resource-Event-Agent). The hREA suite is automatically downloaded during installation, but you can manage it with:
# Re-download hREA suite
pnpm run download-hrea-suite
# Remove hREA suite
pnpm run clean:hrea-suite
Port Conflicts The application automatically finds available ports for:
- UI server
- Bootstrap server
- Signal server
Build Issues
# Clean and rebuild pnpm run build:zomes pnpm run build:happ
hREA Integration Issues
# Reinstall hREA suite pnpm run clean:hrea-suite pnpm run download-hrea-suite
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