diff --git a/pkg/utils/flags.go b/pkg/utils/flags.go index a2bfbc60..7e71370b 100644 --- a/pkg/utils/flags.go +++ b/pkg/utils/flags.go @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ type OSArgs struct { SyncPeriod time.Duration `long:"sync-period" default:"5s" description:"Sets the period at which the controller syncs HAProxy configuration file"` CacheResyncPeriod time.Duration `long:"cache-resync-period" default:"10m" description:"Sets the underlying Shared Informer resync period: resyncing controller with informers cache"` HealthzBindPort int64 `long:"healthz-bind-port" default:"1042" description:"port to listen on for probes"` - HealthzBindThread string `long:"healthz-bind-thread" description:"default healthz service bind thread params eg: 1-1" default:"1-1"` + HealthzBindThread string `long:"healthz-bind-thread" description:"default healthz service bind thread params eg: 1-1" default:""` LogLevel LogLevelValue `long:"log" default:"info" description:"level of log messages you can see"` DisableIPV4 bool `long:"disable-ipv4" description:"toggle to disable the IPv4 protocol from all frontends"` External bool `short:"e" long:"external" description:"use as external Ingress Controller (out of k8s cluster)"`