Deploy this module on Heroku.
Get the Channel access token and Channel secret from the Channel Console.
Tap the deploy button.
Fill in the form and run your instance.
Contingency In case Step 3 does not work, type the following in your terminal instead. You will need to install
andheroku cli
in your machine. In our lab,git
is installed andheroku cli
is available atL:\apps\comp3111
- git clone
- heroku create
- heroku heroku config:set LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_TOKEN=1234 LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_SECRET=\4567 ITSC_LOGIN=kevinw #assume 1234, 4567, and kevinw are the values you are having from Step 1.
- git push heroku master
Tap the Manage App button and copy the name of your Heroku instance.
Set the webhook URL for your Channel on the Channel Console using the following URL: