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Velero is a utility to back up and restore your Kubernetes resource and persistent volumes.

To do backup/restore of OpenEBS CStor volumes through Velero utility, you need to install and configure OpenEBS velero-plugin.

Prerequisite for velero-plugin

Specific version of Velero needs to be installed as per the compatibility matrix with OpenEBS versions.

For installation steps of Velero, visit

For installation steps of OpenEBS, visit

Installation of velero-plugin

Run the following command to install OpenEBS velero-plugin

velero plugin add openebs/velero-plugin:ci

This command will add an init container to Velero deployment to install the OpenEBS velero-plugin.

Taking backup of CStor volume data through the Velero

To take a backup of CStor volume through Velero, configure VolumeSnapshotLocation with provider Sample yaml file for volumesnapshotlocation can be found at example/06-volumesnapshotlocation.yaml.

    bucket: <YOUR_BUCKET>
    provider: <GCP_OR_AWS>
    region: <AWS_REGION>

You can configure a backup storage location(BackupStorageLocation) in similar way. Currently supported volumesnapshotlocations for velero-plugin are AWS, GCP and MinIO.

Managing Backups

Once the volumesnapshot location is configured, you can create the backup/restore of your CStor persistent storage volume.

Creating a backup

To back up data of all your applications in the default namespace, run the following command:

velero backup create defaultbackup --include-namespaces=default --snapshot-volumes --volume-snapshot-locations=<SNAPSHOT_LOCATION>

SNAPSHOT_LOCATION should be the same as you configured by using example/06-volumesnapshotlocation.yaml.

You can check the status of backup using the following command:

velero backup get

Above command will list out the all backups you created. Sample output of the above command is mentioned below :

NAME                STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
defaultbackup       Completed   2019-05-09 17:08:41 +0530 IST   26d       gcp                <none>

Once the backup is completed you should see the backup marked as Completed.

Creating a restore from backup

To restore data from backup, run the following command:

velero restore create --from-backup backup_name --restore-volumes=true

With above command, plugin will create a CStor volume and the data from backup will be restored on this newly created volume.

Note: You need to mention --restore-volumes=true while doing a restore.

You can check the status of restore using the following command:

velero restore get

Above command will list out the all restores you created. Sample output of the above command is mentioned below :

NAME                           BACKUP          STATUS      WARNINGS   ERRORS    CREATED                         SELECTOR
defaultbackup-20190513113453   defaultbackup   Completed   0          0         2019-05-13 11:34:55 +0530 IST   <none>

Once the restore is completed you should see the restore marked as Completed.

Note: After restore is completed, you need to set targetip for the volume in pool pod. Steps to update targetip is as follow:

1. kubectl exec -it <POOL_POD> -c cstor-pool -n openebs -- bash
2. zfs set io.openebs:targetip=<PVC SERVICE IP> <POOL_NAME/VOLUME_NAME>

Creating a scheduled backup (or incremental backup for CStor volume)

OpenEBS velero-plugin provides incremental backup support for CStor persistent volumes. To create an incremental backup(or scheduled backup), run the following command:

velero create schedule newschedule --schedule="*/5 * * * *" --snapshot-volumes --include-namespaces=default --volume-snapshot-locations=<SNAPSHOT_LOCATION>

SNAPSHOT_LOCATION should be the same as you configured by using example/06-volumesnapshotlocation.yaml.

You can check the status of scheduled using the following command:

velero schedule get

It will list all the schedule you created. Sample output of the above command is as below:

NAME            STATUS    CREATED                         SCHEDULE      BACKUP TTL   LAST BACKUP   SELECTOR
newschedule     Enabled   2019-05-13 15:15:39 +0530 IST   */5 * * * *   720h0m0s     2m ago        <none>

During the first backup iteration of a schedule, full data of the volume will be backed up. For later backup iterations of a schedule, only modified or new data from the previous iteration will be backed up.

To restore from a schedule

Since backups taken are incremental for a schedule, order of restoring data is important. You need to restore data in the order of the backups created.

For example, below are the available backups for a schedule:

NAME                   STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
sched-20190513104034   Completed   2019-05-13 16:10:34 +0530 IST   29d       gcp                <none>
sched-20190513103534   Completed   2019-05-13 16:05:34 +0530 IST   29d       gcp                <none>
sched-20190513103034   Completed   2019-05-13 16:00:34 +0530 IST   29d       gcp                <none>

Restore of data need to be done in following way:

velero restore create --from-backup sched-20190513103034 --restore-volumes=true
velero restore create --from-backup sched-20190513103534 --restore-volumes=true
velero restore create --from-backup sched-20190513104034 --restore-volumes=true

Compatibility matrix

Image Codebase Velero v0.10.0 Velero v0.11.0 Velero v1.0.0
velero-plugin:0.9.0-RC2 v0.9.x
velero-plugin:0.9.0-RC3 v0.9.x
velero-plugin:ci master

Plugin images are available at and