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ZuriHac 2017

Mikhail Glushenkov edited this page Jun 8, 2017 · 10 revisions

This is a page to collect ideas for Cabal/Hackage hacking tasks/mini-projects for the ZuriHac 2017. It is an updated version of a similar page for the 2016 HaskellX infrastructure hackathon.

Please use the #hackage IRC channel on freenode for online discussions.

Feel free to expand individual bullet points into full (linked) pages or tickets/issues.

Easy tickets suitable for beginners

See and for a list of issues tagged "easy" and "newcomer". New contributors to cabal-install/Cabal code base should be able to find something to cut their teeth on in those lists.

Strategically important projects

Mostly Cabal 2.0/3.0 and related. 2.0 is the next release due Real Soon Now that will have hackage-security enabled by default and an updated preview version of new-build feature (see below). 3.0 is the more distant future version in which new-build will replace old build commands and sandboxes.

  • Package collections in cabal-install and hackage-server

    The idea here is to support package collections directly in our infrastructure. Currently package collections like Stackage are implemented indirectly by specially crafted cabal.config/cabal.project.freeze files. Collections are also to be distributed via hackage, allowing anyone to define and distribute collections.

    A specification was posted to the libraries list recently. There is also some prototype code available for cabal-install. The cabal-install code adds solver support and allows for set-like operations on collections. Nothing has been started yet for hackage-server.

    This is an important feature since package collections are one of the two big solutions to cabal hell. This is not a huge project. There's probably enough for two people to work on the client side and two on the server side.

If the above is not enough, you can pick a task from the list of all open new-build issues (

Not critically important, but good to have

  • Cabal documentation.

    Cabal's user guide got quite a bit better recently, but there's still a lot of room for improvement. In particular, we want to put more emphasis on the cabal-install tool at the expense of the Setup.hs interface and add a tutorial section. The new user guide TOC should look like roughly this:

    1. Intro
    2. Tutorial, p.1 - how to use cabal-install to build and install existing packages
    3. Tutorial, p.2 - how to develop programs using cabal-install and write .cabal files -- basically, an updated version of
    4. .cabal format reference
    5. cabal-install command reference
    6. cabal new-build chapter
    7. Appendix: Cabal spec (i.e., the Setup.hs interface)

    Anyone considering this should feel empowered to make decisions. You could decide to start from scratch with a new structure and just pinch material from the existing docs. You might want to fully split into tutorial and reference.

  • A new website for cabal-install/Cabal.

    Our website hasn't been updated in ages, so a facelift is long due. It doesn't have to be super advanced, a simple Hakyll-based static page with a blog/news feed would suffice. Start by looking at the repo.

  • Improvements in the release process.

    This is mainly about automating the process of producing binaries for various platforms (Linux i386/x86-64, OS X, Windows x32/x64). We can either use Travis and AppVeyor or the infrastructure. The latter requires extending the code of GHC Builder to support arbitrary Haskell projects besides just GHC, because that's what they ( want to use for their build farm. Talk with Gershom (@gbaz/@sclv) if he's online about integration.

  • Include-able Common Stanzas #2832

    Builds on the new parser+AST. Allow to reduce duplication by moving common definitions to include-able common stanzas which can then be included from other stanzas.