From cb667c7430ffe862f236ac91d9131604f325da7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sebastian Graf Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 13:19:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Only report when not already trying to resume --- packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs | 14 +++- .../src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs | 80 +++++++------------ tests/monaderror-resume.y | 6 +- 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs b/packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs index f175779e..f017515a 100644 --- a/packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs +++ b/packages/backend-lalr/data/HappyTemplate.hs @@ -326,7 +326,19 @@ happyFixupFailed tk st sts (x `HappyStk` stk) = let i = GET_ERROR_TOKEN(x) in DEBUG_TRACE("`error` fixup failed.\n") #if defined(HAPPY_ARRAY) - happyReport i tk (map happyTokenToString (happyExpectedTokens st sts)) (happyResume i tk st sts stk) + let resume = happyResume i tk st sts stk + expected = map happyTokenToString (happyExpectedTokens st sts) in + if happyAlreadyInResumption st sts + then resume + else happyReport i tk expected resume + +happyAlreadyInResumption st sts + | IBOX(n_starts) <- happy_n_starts, LT(st, n_starts) + = False -- end of the stack + | IBOX(st) `elem` happyCatchStates + = True + | CONS(st1,sts1) <- sts + = happyAlreadyInResumption st1 sts1 #else happyReport i tk [] happyAbort #endif diff --git a/packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs b/packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs index 51206219..e790414e 100644 --- a/packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs +++ b/packages/backend-lalr/src/Happy/Backend/LALR/ProduceCode.lhs @@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ The code generator. > import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe ) > import Data.Char ( ord, chr ) -> import Data.List ( sortBy ) +> import Data.List ( sortBy, nub ) -> import Control.Monad ( forM_ ) > import Control.Monad.ST ( ST, runST ) > import Data.Word > import Data.Int @@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ Produce the complete output file. > -- don't screw up any OPTIONS pragmas in the header. > . produceAbsSynDecl . nl > . produceTypes -> . produceExpToksPerState +> . produceTokToStringList > . produceActionTable target > . produceReductions > . produceTokenConverter . nl @@ -604,13 +603,13 @@ machinery to discard states in the parser... > = produceActionArray > . produceReduceArray > . produceRuleArray +> . produceCatchStates > . str "happy_n_terms = " . shows n_terminals . str " :: Prelude.Int\n" > . str "happy_n_nonterms = " . shows n_nonterminals . str " :: Prelude.Int\n\n" > . str "happy_n_starts = " . shows n_starts . str " :: Prelude.Int\n\n" > -> produceExpToksPerState -> = produceExpToksArray -> . str "{-# NOINLINE happyTokenStrings #-}\n" +> produceTokToStringList +> = str "{-# NOINLINE happyTokenStrings #-}\n" > . str "happyTokenStrings = " . shows (drop (fst_term - 1) (elems token_names')) . str "\n" > -- fst_term - 1: fst_term includes eofToken, but that is last in the list. > . str "\n" @@ -713,25 +712,12 @@ action array indexed by (terminal * last_state) + state > . interleave' "," (map shows table) > . str "\n\t])\n\n" -> produceExpToksArray -> | ghc -> = str "happyExpToks :: HappyAddr\n" -> . str "happyExpToks = HappyA# \"" --" -> . hexChars explist -> . str "\"#\n\n" --" -> | otherwise -> = str "happyExpToks :: Happy_Data_Array.Array Prelude.Int Prelude.Int\n" -> . str "happyExpToks = Happy_Data_Array.listArray (0," -> . shows table_size . str ") ([" -> . interleave' "," (map shows explist) -> . str "\n\t])\n\n" - > (_, last_state) = bounds action > n_states = last_state + 1 > n_terminals = length terms > n_nonterminals = length nonterms - n_starts -- lose %starts > -> (act_offs,goto_offs,table,defaults,check,explist) +> (act_offs,goto_offs,table,defaults,check,catch_states) > = mkTables action goto first_nonterm' fst_term > n_terminals n_nonterminals n_starts (bounds token_names') > @@ -763,8 +749,12 @@ action array indexed by (terminal * last_state) + state > . str "\n\t]\n\n" > > ruleArrElems = map (\(Production nt toks _code _prio) -> (nt-first_nonterm',length toks)) (drop n_starts prods) - +> > n_rules = length prods - 1 :: Int +> +> produceCatchStates +> = str "happyCatchStates :: [Int]\n" +> . str "happyCatchStates = " . shows catch_states . str "\n\n" > showInt i | ghc = shows i . showChar '#' > | otherwise = shows i @@ -1166,7 +1156,7 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > , [Int] -- happyTable > , [Int] -- happyDefAction > , [Int] -- happyCheck -> , [Int] -- happyExpToks +> , [Int] -- happyCatchStates > ) > > mkTables action goto first_nonterm' fst_term @@ -1178,14 +1168,14 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > , take max_off (elems table) > , def_actions > , take max_off (elems check) -> , elems explist +> , shifted_catch_states > ) > where > -> (table,check,act_offs,goto_offs,explist,max_off) +> (table,check,act_offs,goto_offs,max_off) > = runST (genTables (length actions) > max_token token_names_bound -> sorted_actions explist_actions) +> sorted_actions) > > -- the maximum token number used in the parser > max_token = max n_terminals (n_starts+n_nonterminals) - 1 @@ -1209,12 +1199,11 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > acts'' = mkActVals acts' default_act > ] > -> explist_actions :: [(Int, [Int])] -> explist_actions = [ (state, concatMap f $ assocs acts) -> | (state, acts) <- assocs action ] -> where -> f (t, LR'Shift _ _ ) = [t - fst token_names_bound] -> f (_, _) = [] +> shifted_catch_states :: [Int] +> shifted_catch_states = -- collect the states in which we have just shifted a catchTok +> nub [ to_state | (_from_state, acts) <- assocs action +> , let (_err:catch:_) = assocs acts +> , (_tok, LR'Shift to_state _) <- return catch ] > > -- adjust terminals by -(fst_term+2), so they start at 2 (error is 0, catch is 1). > -- (see ARRAY_NOTES) @@ -1264,33 +1253,29 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > -> Int -- maximum token no. > -> (Int, Int) -- token names bounds > -> [TableEntry] -- entries for the table -> -> [(Int, [Int])] -- expected tokens lists > -> ST s ( UArray Int Int -- table > , UArray Int Int -- check > , UArray Int Int -- action offsets > , UArray Int Int -- goto offsets -> , UArray Int Int -- expected tokens list > , Int -- highest offset in table > ) > -> genTables n_actions max_token token_names_bound entries explist = do +> genTables n_actions max_token token_names_bound entries = do > > table <- newArray (0, mAX_TABLE_SIZE) 0 > check <- newArray (0, mAX_TABLE_SIZE) (-1) > act_offs <- newArray (0, n_actions) 0 > goto_offs <- newArray (0, n_actions) 0 > off_arr <- newArray (-max_token, mAX_TABLE_SIZE) 0 -> exp_array <- newArray (0, (n_actions * n_token_names + 15) `div` 16) 0 > -> max_off <- genTables' table check act_offs goto_offs off_arr exp_array entries -> explist max_token n_token_names +> max_off <- genTables' table check act_offs goto_offs off_arr entries +> max_token n_token_names > > table' <- freeze table > check' <- freeze check > act_offs' <- freeze act_offs > goto_offs' <- freeze goto_offs -> exp_array' <- freeze exp_array -> return (table',check',act_offs',goto_offs',exp_array',max_off+1) +> return (table',check',act_offs',goto_offs',max_off+1) > where > n_states = n_actions - 1 @@ -1305,16 +1290,14 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > -> STUArray s Int Int -- action offsets > -> STUArray s Int Int -- goto offsets > -> STUArray s Int Int -- offset array -> -> STUArray s Int Int -- expected token list > -> [TableEntry] -- entries for the table -> -> [(Int, [Int])] -- expected tokens lists > -> Int -- maximum token no. > -> Int -- number of token names > -> ST s Int -- highest offsets in table > -> genTables' table check act_offs goto_offs off_arr exp_array entries -> explist max_token n_token_names -> = fill_exp_array >> fit_all entries 0 1 +> genTables' table check act_offs goto_offs off_arr entries +> max_token n_token_names +> = fit_all entries 0 1 > where > > fit_all [] max_off _ = return max_off @@ -1324,15 +1307,6 @@ and @check@ as the way to detect "collisions" (i.e., default entries). > writeArray off_arr off 1 > fit_all ss' new_max_off new_fst_zero > -> fill_exp_array = -> forM_ explist $ \(state, tokens) -> -> forM_ tokens $ \token -> do -> let bit_nr = state * n_token_names + token -> let word_nr = bit_nr `div` 16 -> let word_offset = bit_nr `mod` 16 -> x <- readArray exp_array word_nr -> writeArray exp_array word_nr (setBit x word_offset) -> > -- try to merge identical states. We only try the next state(s) > -- in the list, but the list is kind-of sorted so we shouldn't > -- miss too many. diff --git a/tests/monaderror-resume.y b/tests/monaderror-resume.y index 29a0e079..46ebf9fc 100644 --- a/tests/monaderror-resume.y +++ b/tests/monaderror-resume.y @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ main :: IO () main = do test "1+1;1" $ \(_,mb_ast) -> mb_ast == Just [ExpStmt (One `Plus` One), ExpStmt One] test "1++1;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"]] - test "1++1;+" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] + test "1++1;1;+" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] test "11;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"]] - test "11;++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] - test "11;1++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] + test "11;1;++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] + test "11;1;1++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["';'"], ParseError ["'1'"]] testExp "11" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'+'"]] where test inp p = do