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Library that implements Snackbars from Google's Material Design documentation. Works on API levels >= 8

Get it on Google Play

Example App

Example App

Example App

Example App

Example App


You can import the library from source as a module or grab via Gradle:

compile 'com.nispok:snackbar:2.10.6'


Using the Snackbar class is easy, this is how you would display it on an Activity:

Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
    .text("Single-line snackbar") // text to display
    .show(this); // activity where it is displayed

However, I recommend you use the SnackbarManager to handle the Snackbars queue:

// Dismisses the Snackbar being shown, if any, and displays the new one
    .text("Single-line snackbar"));

If you are using getApplicationContext() as the Context to create the Snackbar then you must specify the target Activity when calling the SnackbarManager:

// Dismisses the Snackbar being shown, if any, and displays the new one
    .text("Single-line snackbar"), myActivity);

You can place the Snackbar at the bottom of a particular hierarchy of views. The sample app makes use of this; check out SnackbarImmersiveModeSampleActivity: snackbar, ViewGroup parent) { } snackbar, ViewGroup parent, boolean usePhoneLayout) { }

If you want an action button to be displayed, just assign a label and an ActionClickListener:
    Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
        .text("Item deleted") // text to display
        .actionLabel("Undo") // action button label
        .actionListener(new ActionClickListener() {
            public void onActionClicked(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Undoing something");
        }) // action button's ActionClickListener
     , this); // activity where it is displayed

If you need to know when the Snackbar is shown or dismissed, assign a EventListener to it. This is useful if you need to move other objects while the Snackbar is displayed. For instance, you can move a Floating Action Button up while the Snackbar is on screen. Note that if you only need to override a subset of the interface methods you can extend from EventListenerAdapter:
    Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
        .text("This will do something when dismissed") // text to display
        .eventListener(new EventListener() {
            public void onShow(Snackbar snackbar) {
            public void onShowByReplace(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.i(TAG, String.format("Snackbar will show by replace. Width: %d Height: %d Offset: %d",
                                        snackbar.getWidth(), snackbar.getHeight(),
            public void onShown(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.i(TAG, String.format("Snackbar shown. Width: %d Height: %d Offset: %d",
                        snackbar.getWidth(), snackbar.getHeight(),
            public void onDismiss(Snackbar snackbar) {
            public void onDismissByReplace(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.i(TAG, String.format(
                                "Snackbar will dismiss by replace. Width: %d Height: %d Offset: %d",
                                snackbar.getWidth(), snackbar.getHeight(),
            public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.i(TAG, String.format("Snackbar dismissed. Width: %d Height: %d Offset: %d",
                                    snackbar.getWidth(), snackbar.getHeight(),
        }) // Snackbar's EventListener
    , this); // activity where it is displayed

There are two Snackbar types: single-line (default) and multi-line (2 lines max. Note this only applies for phones; tablets are always single-line). You can also set the duration of the Snackbar similar to a Toast.

The lengths of a Snackbar duration are:

  • LENGTH_LONG: 3.5s (default)
  • LENGTH_INDEFINTE: Indefinite; ideal for persistent errors

You could also set a custom duration.

Animation disabling is also possible.
    Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
        .type(Snackbar.SnackbarType.MULTI_LINE) // Set is as a multi-line snackbar
        .text("This is a multi-line snackbar. Keep in mind that snackbars are " +
            "meant for VERY short messages") // text to be displayed
        .duration(Snackbar.SnackbarDuration.LENGTH_SHORT) // make it shorter
        .animation(false) // don't animate it
    , this); // where it is displayed

You can also change the Snackbar's colors and fonts.
    Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
        .text("Different colors this time") // text to be displayed
        .textColor(Color.GREEN) // change the text color
        .textTypeface(myTypeface) // change the text font
        .color(Color.BLUE) // change the background color
        .actionLabel("Action") // action button label
        .actionColor(Color.RED) // action button label color
        .actionLabelTypeface(myTypeface) // change the action button font
        .actionListener(new ActionClickListener() {
            public void onActionClicked(Snackbar snackbar) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Doing something");
         }) // action button's ActionClickListener
    , this); // activity where it is displayed

Finally, you can attach the Snackbar to a AbsListView (ListView, GridView) or a RecyclerView.
    Snackbar.with(getApplicationContext()) // context
        .type(Snackbar.SnackbarType.MULTI_LINE) // Set is as a multi-line snackbar
        .text(R.string.message) // text to be displayed
        .animation(false) // don't animate it
        .attachToAbsListView(listView) // Attach to ListView - attachToRecyclerView() is for RecyclerViews
        , this); // where it is displayed

It uses Roman Nurik's SwipeToDismiss sample code to implement the swipe-to-dismiss functionality. This is enabled by default. You can disable this if you don't want this functionality:

NOTE: This has no effect on apps running on APIs < 11; swiping will always be disabled in those cases
    Snackbar.with(SnackbarSampleActivity.this) // context
        .text("Can't swipe this") // text to be displayed
        .swipeToDismiss(false) // disable swipe-to-dismiss functionality
    , this); // activity where it is displayed


There's a sample app included in the project. SnackbarSampleActivity is where you want to start.

Apps Using Snackbar


If you would like to add features or report any bugs, open a PR or refer to the issues section.


Thanks to all contributors!




Go to the releases section for a brief description of each release.