What is RPC ?
- Remote procedure call. It is a protocol that one program can use to request a service from a program that is located in another computer.
- Remote procedure calls are the messages a server sends to a remote system to get the task done.
- RPC is a request-response protocol.
- Stub is a piece of code used to convert parameters passed between client and server during RPC call. Main idea is to allow the local computer to call proedures on different computer (server).
Why gRPC ?
- Language Independent Communication : two services say written in python and golang can communicate smoothly.
Protocol Buffers are a language-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data.
gRPC uses protocol buffers for defining the type of data to be sent between the gRPC client and the gRPC server.
There are 4 different types of RPCs
- Unary RPCs --> simple gRPC where it sends a single request to the server and gets back a single response.
- Server streaming RPCs --> client sends a message to the server and receives a stream of message sequence to read. It reads the message until nothing is left.
- Client Streaming RPCs --> Client sends a message stream to the server and receives a response
- Bidirectional streaming RPCs --> both client and server use a stream to send a message sequence.
create calculator.py
import math def square_root(x): y = math.sqrt(x) return y
create protocol buffers: create calculator.proto
syntax = "proto3"; message Number { float value = 1; } service Calculator { rpc SquareRoot(Number) returns (Number) {} }
generate gRPC classes for python
pip install grpcio pip install grpcio-tools python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=. ./calculator.proto --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=.
These files will be generated:
calculator_pb2.py — contains message classes
calculator_pb2_grpc.py — contains server and client classes
Create gRPC server: server.py
import grpc
from concurrent import futures
import time
# import the generated classes
import calculator_pb2
import calculator_pb2_grpc
# import the original calculator.py
import calculator
# create a class to define the server functions, derived from
# calculator_pb2_grpc.CalculatorServicer
class CalculatorServicer(calculator_pb2_grpc.CalculatorServicer):
# calculator.square_root is exposed here
# the request and response are of the data type
# calculator_pb2.Number
def SquareRoot(self, request, context):
response = calculator_pb2.Number()
response.value = calculator.square_root(request.value)
return response
# create a gRPC server
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
# use the generated function `add_CalculatorServicer_to_server`
# to add the defined class to the server
CalculatorServicer(), server)
# listen on port 50051
print('Starting server. Listening on port 50051.')
# since server.start() will not block,
# a sleep-loop is added to keep alive
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Start the server using the command:
python server.py
Create a gRPC client: client.py
import grpc # import the generated classes import calculator_pb2 import calculator_pb2_grpc # open a gRPC channel channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') # create a stub (client) stub = calculator_pb2_grpc.CalculatorStub(channel) # create a valid request message number = calculator_pb2.Number(value=16) # make the call response = stub.SquareRoot(number) # et voilà print(response.value)