All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update ip2location data @hbb20
- Search for first letters of country name like UAE shows Unite Arab Emirates and USA shows United States of America @hbb20
- Remove preferred countries section if user is entering query. User is searching because they did not find required country in the preferred countries so that section is of no use when searching. Although, preferred country will continue to show up in regular filtered list if matches for query. @hbb20
- Japanese language support by Harsh Bhakta (@hbb20)
- Print multiple translation errors at once to avoid multiple runs (@hbb20)
- Change library theme to avoid possible issue @hbb20
- Option to pass size mode for dialog
- Fix dependency issue for flag pack
- Option to include flagPack
- Fix crash on non-material theme
- Publish to MavenCentral with artifact id
- Remove
- Basic functionality