Deadline: 2017-11-30 (demo)
- Logic for index page
- Logic for user log-in and session management
- password salting
- Login library
- Integrate with front end
- Parsing render request (from user) [required data interface to be determined]
- Parse Sphere object info (center, radius, color, reflectivity)
Parse Camera info[cancelled] - Parse Light Source info
- Parse Triangle
- Parse other type of objects
- Unit test
- Render 3D image (pyrt)
- Scene and Camera
- Rendering Sphere
- Rendering Triangle
- Rendering other objects
- Unit test
- Create a separate Lambda function for rending
- Fetching results
- Finalize css style
- Index page
- Login page (and form)
- Bare-bone page
- Login failed message
- User dashboard page (displaying fetched results)
- Bare-bone dashboard
- Polish
- Logout button
- Generate image button
- See public images button
- Public image page
- show image owner
- Request page & request form (include pre-processing logic in js)
- allow adding/removing objects (that will be rendered) in the form
- provide different type of inputs for different type of objects
- set public or private
- Set up new table
- Query table for information (with boto3)
- Store/update information (with boto3)
- Get public requests
- Integrate into Back End [status: integrated with login library]
- Set up new bucket
- Upload file to S3 (with boto3) [status: base library done]
- Integrate with Renderer
- Integrate into Back End
- Test on localhost
Understand how to deploy using zappa
Check if Zappa can handle multiprocessing [status: Zappa cannot have background process if the http request has a shorter life span]
Check if Zappa can handle "local" files[status: Cancelled. Handling file with in-memeory buffer] -
Deploy to AWS
Test deployed app