Releases: helium/blockchain-node
Speculative Nonces and Blockchain Updates
- Store extended transaction json
- Adds
* Add speculative nonce support for payments - Add speculative_nonce output to
- Updates blessed snapshot from
- Updates blockchain-core from
Chain Halt Fix
This upgrades the core to 2021.06.25.1
to fix a chain halt at Block 896679
NOTE This upgrade is required to avoid halting your blockchain instance.
Validator / State Channel Fixes
This upgrades the core the 2021.06.23.1 to fix a number of validator issues and scaling for chain state channel support.
NOTE This upgrade is required for full validator and state channel support. Your node will halt if this upgrade is not applied
Upgrade Core for Validators
This upgrades the core the 2021.05.29.0 to complete the validator integration.
NOTE This upgrade is required for full validator support
Quick Snapshot Load
- Adds a default s3_base_url to to enable quick snapshot syncing of the configured snapshot
Core Chain Variable Fix
- This upgrades blockchain core to get past a staking variable format change error
- Bumps the snapshot block and hash
NOTE: This upgrade is required to get past an invalid staking key chain var transaction
Core Upgrade and Lock File Fix
This release fixes a missing version lock file which would cause the previous release (1.1.25) to stall when assert_location_v2 was activated.
NOTE: An upgrade to this version is required to stop your node from halting at the assert_location_v2 block height 802413
Assert Location V2
This release introduces support for the assert_location_v2 transaction as described on the engineering blog.
NOTE: When the assert_location_v2 chain variable is activated your node must be at least at this version to avoid halting.
Planned chain variable activation: April 12, 2021 at 11am Pacific Time
Rewards V2
This release introduces support for the rewards_v2
transaction as described on the engineering blog.
When the rewards_v2 chain variable is activated your node must be at least at this version to avoid halting.
New Chain Variable
As per this release upgrades the blockchain core and increases the snapshot hash for faster initial syncs