Download and install WordPress using WP-CLI is straight forward. It takes four steps.
First, you will need to download WordPress using the wp core download
The syntax of the command to download WordPress is the following: wp core download [--path=<path>] [--locale=<locale>] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--force]
$ wp core download --path=wpdemo.test --locale=it_IT
Creating directory '/wpdemo.test/'.
Downloading WordPress 5.4.1 (it_IT)...
md5 hash verified: 3fa03967b47cdfbf263462d451cdcdb8
Success: WordPress downloaded.
The command above creates a wpdemo.test/
folder inside your current working directory and downloads the latest WordPress version. You can replace the --path=wpdemo.test
with your
desired folder name and the --locale=it_IT
with your desired locale. You can omit the --locale
option and, that will download by default WordPress in American English using the locale en_US.
In this step, we will generate a config file and set up the database
credentials for our installation.
The basic syntax of the command is the following: wp config create --dbname=<dbname> --dbuser=<dbuser> [--dbpass=<dbpass>]
$ wp config create --dbname=your_db_name_here --dbuser=your_db_user_here --prompt=dbpass
1/10 [--dbpass=<dbpass>]: type_your_password
Success: Generated 'wp-config.php' file.
The command above generates the wp-config.php
file and adds to it the database credentials that you passed. Make sure to replace your_db_name_here
with the name you want to assign to the database, replace your_db_user_here
with your database user and type the database password when prompted with the following: 1/10 [--dbpass=<dbpass>]:
In this step, we are going to create the database based on the information we passed to the wp-config.php
file in step 2.
$ wp db create
Success: Database created.
Now we are ready to move to the final step where we install WordPress.
To install WordPress now, we need to run one last command.
$ wp core install --title="WP-CLI" --admin_user=wpcli --admin_password=wpcli [email protected]
Success: WordPress installed successfully.
Remember to replace the values passed to each of the following options with your details:
replace with your website url,--title="WP-CLI"
replace WP-CLI with the name you want to assign to the website,--admin_user=wpcli
replace wpcli with the username you want to assign to the website administrator--admin_password=wpcli
replace wpcli with the password you want to use to access the WordPress administrator panel.
Congratulation! You have successfully installed WordPress using WP-CLI.