A various image data sets for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. Maintained by Community: https://www.Neuromancer.kr/
- Coil-20
- NVIDIA food Image classification
- CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100
- Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset
- Street View House Numbers (SVHN)
- Facial Database
- Simple Vector Drawing Datasets
- Places2 (Space)
- Yelp dataset (restorance)
- DeepFashion
- Image to Latex (수식 이미지를 latex 코드로 만드는 데이터셋입니다.)
- NIST Dataset(Fingerprint, Mugshot, OCR)
- Biometics ideal test dataset(Iris, Fingerprint, Face, palmprint, handwriting etc. - 로그인 필요!)
- PASCAL 2012 Dataset (Classification & Detection)
- Inter4K
- Inter4K is a benchmark dataset for video interpolation and super-resolution. It scales over multiple video resolutions and frame rates with the goal of creating challenging benchmarks. Inter4K provides 1K video with a 80-10-10 train-validation-test split. All videos have durations of 5 seconds for standardized benchmarking.
- AdaPool: Exponential Adaptive Pooling for Information-Retaining Downsampling insert_drive_file
- download link https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1YNdzhk0mxFln9_2MetHF1cJIsoeVCskh&export=download
- Inter4K v1
- 1K video clips (5s.)
- 4K video quality 60fps
- Supporting scripts are found at GitHub link