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A tiny Azure SQL database Node.js client utility to help you focus on just writing your SQL query.

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npm install azuresql


const { sqlQuery, closePool } = require('azureSql')
try {
  var result = await sqlQuery('select * from tableName where id = @id', { k: 'id', v: 1 })
} catch (e) {

Only call closePool() at the end of application where no further queries to the database are to be performed.


The following environment variables need to be set up:

  • sqlUser

    Azure SQL database user

  • sqlPass

    Azure SQL database password

  • sqlServer

    Azure SQL database server name in a format like:

  • sqlDb

    Azure SQL database name

  • sqlPoolMax

    Connection pool maximum connections. Default 1

  • sqlPoolMin

    Connection pool minimum connections. Default 0

  • sqlPoolIdleTimeout

    Connection pool idle timeout in miliseconds. Default 30000 (30 seconds)

Also make sure your Azure SQL's firewall allows the IPs that are trying to connect.


Multiple queries in one go

var r = await sqlQuery(`SELECT userId FROM ${tableUser} WHERE id = @id; SELECT beginTime FROM ${tableSession} WHERE session = @session`,
  { k: 'id', v: data.userId }, { k: 'session', v: data.sessionNo })
r.recordsets[0] ... // first query results
r.recordsets[1] ... // second query results

Insert and SQL Data Types

const { sql, sqlQuery } = require('azuresql')
var r = await sqlQuery(`insert into ${tableName} (id, notes, amount) vaules(@id, @comment, @money)`,
  { k: 'id', v: 3 }, { k: 'comment', v: 'blah...', type: sql.VarChar(sql.MAX) }, { k: 'money', v: 9876543210.1234, type: sql.Money })

Check more SQL data types.

An upsert example

A slightly complex example using T-SQL's upsert/merge syntax. The code is succinct as the data object has the same property names as the table comlumns.

const columns = ['orderNo', 'details', 'quantity'] // table columns
const sql =
  `merge ${tableName} target
  using (values (@orderNo)) as src (orderNo)
  on target.orderNo = src.orderNo
  when matched then
    update set ${columns.slice(1).map(r => 'target.' + r + '=@' + r).join()}
  when not matched by target then
    insert (${columns.join()})
    values (@${columns.join(',@')})`

// When the data object has the same property names as the table columns, the prepared statement will be easy:
var params = => ({ k: r, v: data[r] }))
var result = await sqlQuery(sql, ...params)

Enable debug info

Set the DEBUG envrionment variable to azuresql.

On Windows CMD:

set DEBUG=azuresql & node app.js

PowerShell (VS Code default)

$env:DEBUG='azuresql'; node app.js


sqlQuery(sql, ...params) ⇒ object

Query Azure SQL database

Kind: global function Returns: object - an object like: { recordsets: [[{...}]], recordset:[{...}], output: {}, rowsAffected: [] }

Param Type Description
sql string T-SQL
...params object rest parameters
param.k string key for prepared statements
param.v string value for prepared statements
[param.type] object SQL data types, optional in normal cases


NOTE: Should only be called at the end of application!

Kind: global function

getRequest() ⇒ object

NOTE: Only when you need to extend and play with other features in mssql package

Kind: global function Returns: object - Request object