Q.what's the login and passowrd
A. login "linux" and password "changeme". you can change login
Q. how do i boot image
A. chekc out here
Q. how do i install the image onto chromebook / there is no installer
A. look here (at the bottom), make sure to read eveything
Q. my desktop is weird, i want diffrent one
A. this is to be expected, you can change it
Q. is there [insert image not listed inside release] image
A. not really, unless it's available on earlier releases
- when it comes to ubuntu jammy - you may request an image (but it will take unspecified ammount of time)
- when it comes to debian-derrivatives (not ubuntu)(like kali/raspbian) - you may try adding distro repo to your sources.list, like here (do not open issues about it, discussions are fine for this)
- unrealeated distro - build it yourself, this framework should have all ya need in scripts directory if you know how to bootstrap your distro (do not open issues about it, this is out of scope of the project)