Flatpak io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity with MariaDB, local socket and Kerberos
Create AD managed Service Account and Kerberos keytab for MariaDB.
$ sudo sh -c 'umask 0077; mkdir /var/lib/user/mysql'
$ sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/user/mysql
$ adcli create-msa --domain=<DOMAIN> --host-keytab=/var/lib/user/mysql/mysql.keytab --login-user=<AD Administrator>
or if MSA should be created in a separate OU
$ adcli create-msa --domain=<DOMAIN> --domain-OU='CN=Users,OU=Unix,DC=XXX,DC=XXX,DC=XXX' --host-keytab=/var/lib/user/mysql/mysql.keytab --login-user=<AD Administrator>
Follow GSSAPI configuration instructions from https://mariadb.com/kb/en/authentication-plugin-gssapi/
$ cat /etc/my.cnf.d/auth_gssapi.cnf
plugin-load-add = auth_gssapi.so
gssapi = FORCE
gssapi_principal_name = <principal created with adcli above>
gssapi_keytab_path = /var/lib/user/mysql/mysql.keytab
On Fedora use Gnome Software tool, search for "Dbeaver" and install (tested using the Flathub [User] install choice). Follow this by searching for "MariaDB Client" and install.
Launch DBeaver and create a new connection.
Database --> New Database Connection --> MariaDB --> Next
Connect by URL
Username: [clear]
Uncheck "Save password locally"
Click on "Finish"
Edit the new connection ...
- Connection Settings --> Shell Commands
- Select "Before Connect", add
/usr/bin/kinit -ki
to "Command:" and check "Wait for process to finish" - Select "After Disconnect", add
to "Command:" - Click on "OK"
Edit driver to remove prompting for a password ...
- Database --> Driver Manager
- Select "MariaDB" and click on "Edit..."
- Check "No authentication"
- Click on "OK"
- Click in "Close"
$ flatpak run --env="KRB5_CONFIG=/run/user/${UID}/krb5.conf" --env="KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME=/run/user/${UID}/krb5.keytab" --env="KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_${UID}" --filesystem="xdg-run/krb5.conf" --filesystem="xdg-run/krb5.keytab" --filesystem="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" --user io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity
Copy DBeaver script to local binaries directory, modify desktop launcher to point to script.
$ cp DBeaver ~/.local/bin/
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/DBeaver
$ sed --in-place "s|^\(Exec=.*\)\$|#\1\nExec=$HOME/.local/bin/DBeaver|" ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/io.dbeaver.DBeaverCommunity.desktop
$ update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications
Awk snippit (recursive) to expand Kerberos configuration "#includedir" directives.
$ awk -f expand-conf.awk /etc/krb5.conf >$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/krb5.conf