- Added support for CDN config in wilson-scripts handlebars helper
- Added reverse loading of style dependencies to always use shallowest to deepest inclusion
- Added support for versioned asset paths
- Added support for styles in dependency resolutions given a configured styles directory
- Removed error print on non-existent inherited methods when using the "inherit" property
- Added missing coreTemplates module dependency
- Updated to allow extended-scope behaviors to have $scope.on functionality.
- Fixed missing ComponentLoaderService dependency in wilson run module
- Added missing dependency injection in ComponentFactoryService
- Bug fix for behavior script matching in production mode
- Fixed conditional bug with falsey inherited parent component properties
- Fixed bug with component $broadcastRoot not actually firing on the $rootScope context
- Fixed bug with destroyComponent method that was causing an undefined reference error
- Removed AppStateService - functionality moved directly to components
- Removed TranslationOverrideService as it was no longer necessary
- Added new routeInfo virtual property to wilson (allows removal of AppStateService)
- Added new router construct on wilson for declaring a router (aka routing service) to replace IRouteService
- Implemented a default router to be used if none is specified in the wilson-config
- Implemented support for pre-loading components after initial route fulfillment
- Added support for additional base route property defaultParams which allows default param values routes that have hard segment specificity
- Added support for additional base route property preload which, if true, will load all dependencies for that route silently once the app bootstraps its first route
- Updated getActiveComponentList method to return all component info (now scopes)
- Removed need to resolve $template for components
- Added special wilsonScripts handlebars block helper to expand all necessary wilson scripts into an app index page.
- Added support for components and behaviors to be organized into any sub-folder structure.
- Added "exports" option to component definitions to support exposing only specific methods onto parent components when using the "expose" attribute
- Added "inherit" option to component definitions to support inheriting specific methods from a parent component (if they exist).
- Discontinued and removed all "controller" decorations from components - All decorations now moved to $scope.
- Discontinued and removed support for $scope.auto methods
- Discontinued and removed support for $scope.setPersistentValue, $scope.setPersistentValues and $scope.getPersistentValue
- Updated namespace for component event handlers to $scope.on.()
- Updated namespace for component storage methods to $scope.storage.get() and $scope.storage.set()
- Added service to support window/page unload handling - built-in handler method is now provided on component $scope.on.pageUnload()
- Removed pre-render functionality as it is no longer needed
- Removed printStackTrace method
- Added bool utility as a shorthand alias to parseBoolean
- Renamed IRouteService translateTitle to getTitleText
- WilsonUtils service added to contain utilities
- WilsonLogger service created to abstract logging for apps
- Component implementation consolidated to directives for both page and building block style components
- Methods added for getActiveComponent and getActiveComponentList to client Wilson module which provide scope and controller instances to outer application.
- Prerender client-side services removed as they are no longer necessary
- Deprecation service removed
- Debug Mode removed
- Performance-based disabling of angular $compileProvider features
- Bower.json and bower referenced dependencies for testing removed (now using npm only)
- Create /app directory to use as a test app using the wilson framework
- Created initial wilson-config.json that has wilson settings only. This is divided by client and server.
- Extracted connectionFilters (now tags) to config
- Created tag-middleware concept to allow app to create its own tagging functions
- Added /version and /config routes