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Bot Configuration and Interaction Guide


  • config.js: This file is used to configure the basic settings for the bot.

Embedded Messages

Sending and Editing

To handle embedded messages, use the sendEmbed or editEmbed functions from tools/sendingTools.

Example of sendEmbed

let msg = await sendEmbed(message, { title: 'Your Message', description: `You mentioned me! Here’s your message: "${message.content}"` });

Located in message.js.

Example of editEmbed

msg = editEmbed(interaction.message, { title: titleInput, description: textInput }, interaction);

Located in interactionHandling/modalHandling/inputModal.js.

Mention Handling

  • Mentions are handled by default in message.js.

Setting Commands

Creating Commands

  1. Navigate to Interaction Handling: Start by navigating to the interaction handling section.

  2. Create a New Command: Create a new .js file for the command, optionally placing it inside a folder.

  3. Define the Command: Use SlashCommandBuilder (or ContextMenuCommandBuilder for context menu commands) in discord.js and include the handler function.

  4. Export the Command: Use module.exports = { ... } to export the handler function and the command itself.

    module.exports = { handleCommand1, com1 };

    Located in command1.js.

User-Installable Commands

  • Use makeUserInstallable to enable the command as a user-installable app.

    module.exports = { handleMsgInfoCom, comMsgInfo: makeUserInstallable(comMsgInfo) };

    Located in ContextMenuCommands/msgInfo.js.

Setting Buttons

Recommended Method

Use the addButton function from tools/addInteractions.js.


msg = await addButton(msg, { id: 'delete_message', label: 'Delete', emoji: '🗑️' });

Located in message.js.

Handling Button Interactions

  • Create a new .js file in interactionHandling/buttonHandling for the button handler.
  • Export the handler function in this format: module.exports = { button_id: handleButtonFunction };.

Setting Select String Menu

Recommended Method

Use the addStringMenu function from tools/addInteractions.js.


msg = await addStringMenu(msg, menu, interaction);

Located in interactionHandling/buttonHandling/test/listButton.js.

Handling Select Menu Interactions

  • Create a new .js file in interactionHandling/selectMenuHandling for the handler.
  • Export the handler function in this format: module.exports = { menu_id: handleMenuFunction };.

Setting Modal (Forms in Discord)

  • Define the model using ModalBuilder in discord.js.

    Example in interactionHandling/buttonHandling/sendButton.js.

  • Create a new .js file in interactionHandling/modalHandling for the handler.

  • Export the handler function in this format: module.exports = { model_id: handleModelFunction };.

Tools Overview

tools Folder Features

  • checks.js: Contains a saneUserCheck function to verify if the button press was intended for the user.
  • getTable.js: Includes convertJsonToTable and objectToTable for converting JSON into tables.
  • LargeResponseDm.js: Manages large responses, offering a textDmSendButton for sending full content as a file/link.
  • messageSplit.js: Handles large responses by sending multiple split messages.
  • others.js: Includes the makeUserInstallable function.
  • addInteractions.js: Provides addButton, addStringMenu, and clearComponents functions.
  • sendingTools.js: Offers sendEmbed, editEmbed, and sendErrorDM functions.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of configuring and handling interactions with the bot, ensuring a seamless user experience.