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Rebecka Z edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 1 revision


  • To make checking one's homefeed within tinyrobot a part of daily human habit
  • To make one's homefeed informationally valuable (we are providing the users with information they would love to have)
  • To make one's homefeed intuitive (the user understands what the information conveys)
  • Information is presented in a compact and efficient manner, user is able to consume quickly and informatively


  • Time within the homestream
  • Scroll depth


  • What is the user's (active creator) most important type of notification
  • What is the user's (passive consumer) most important type of notification
  • What are the most viewed type of notifications
  • Which notifications have the most engagement
  • Is the metadata valuable to the user? Are we omitting information?
  • Are the notifications large enough/visually appealing to engage the user?


  • A user only receives notifications which are triggered by the actions of their friends or followers.

Homestream retrieval limit:

  • The Home Stream shows items within the last 30 days, or the most recent 10 items, whichever is greater (to account for inactive tr communities)

Types of Notifications:

Notification Type Purpose Details
Bot Created Notifies other users when a bot is created. "username created bot_name!"
Creation Updates Notifies users when a note is added or image is added "username added a photo to bot_name" AND "username added a note to bot_name"
Modify Updates Notifies other users when a note is edited "username edited a note on bot_name"
Share Notifies users of bot shares "username shared bot_name!"

Frequency Rules:

Bot Created:

  • Occurs only once after a user saves bot as public. (The notification is only sent once after a user saves a bot as public for the first time, in order to avoid users trying to hack the system by resaving items as public.
  • Notification is sent to their friends and followers.

Creation Feed:

  • Photos: Occurs each time an image is added. The notification is flattened if multiple images are added within a certain time period. The home notification displays the last image added. (Currently unable to display multiple images).

  • Notification is sent to bot adders (subscribers).

  • Notes: Occurs each time a note is added when there was previously no note. The notification is flattened if multiple edits were made within a certain time period. * Notification is sent to their friends and followers.

  • Notification is sent to bot adders (subscribers).

Modify Updates

  • Notes: The notification is flattened if multiple edits are made within a certain time period.


  • Occurs each time a share is made. The notification is flattened if multiple shares are made within a certain time period to the same person.
  • Share notifications have the option to have optional message which allows them to share a bot with a short 140 character or less message. The homefeed is the only place this optional message displays.



  • If a user creates a bot and then shares the bot. The receiving user for both notifications, should get both notifications. (Currently it works where the receiving user gets the last type of notification, here being the "share" and does not receive the "create bot" notification.
  • Users are only able to share bots with their friends (not followers).
  • Only share notifications have one of the 4 colored filters (pink, blue, purple, green) to make it stand out within the home stream.



  • Only displays with creation updates and shares.

Bot Adders (via user testing we will determine what is the best way to categorize these type of users, are they followers, watchers, etc.):

  • Displays the number of users that have added that bot to their Bot_list
  • Refreshes upon user forced refresh

Image Count:

  • Displays the number of images that have been added to that bot
  • Refreshes upon user forced refresh

Distance Calculation:

  • Displays the straight line distance calculation from the user's current location
  • This is calculated once when the app session starts or the app opens
  • Refreshes upon user forced refresh

Bot Added Icon

  • Displays when a user enters a bot and adds that bot to their bot_list
  • There is a discussion on whether or not this can dynamically occur during one user session.

User Details

  • The user profile image and the username is displayed, both are linkable to the user's user profile


  • There is discussion to implement a new type of timecode. The goal of this timecode is so that users won't have to constantly do the math themselves when a timestamp is displayed. (Was this 3 days ago? Or last week?)
  • The timecode is only calculated (similar to distance calculation): 1) when the app session starts or the app opens 2) recalculated when the user forces an update by swiping down on the top of the home feed.

Per discussions with Bernard:

from what I remember, notifications about a single bot overwrite each other, so you'll always see only the latest one, so if you look at it after the first edit, you'll see the most recent edit - if you make another one the next day, you'll see that edit

Baseline UI:

  • All notifications are full bleed
  • User profile images and usernames are both links that lead to the user profile
  • top bar is always static

Potential Future Stream Updates:

People Updates

  • Follower Updates: username followed you.

Digest Updates:

  • Anonymous Visitation: Digest ntoification of [x] of users visited your bot today!
  • Bots Added: Digest notification of number of users who added your bot.
  • Reshares: Digest notification of how many times a bot was shared within a 24 hour period. Only displays if more than 1 reshare is made.

Push Notifications:

  • Currently, share notifications and message notifications (not part of the Home stream) create push notifications. Per "deep linking" we will enable share notifications to allow users to link exactly to the bot that was shared.