- Brian McFee https://github.com/bmcfee
- Matt McVicar https://github.com/mattmcvicar
- Dawen Liang https://github.com/dawenl
- Colin Raffel https://github.com/craffel
- Douglas Repetto https://github.com/drepetto
- Dan Ellis https://github.com/dpwe
- Eric Battenberg https://github.com/ebattenberg
- Bryce Walburn https://github.com/BWalburn
- Oriol Nieto https://github.com/urinieto
- Romain Hennequin https://github.com/romi1502
- Ryuichi Yamamoto https://github.com/r9y9
- Rachel Bittner https://github.com/rabitt
- Stefan Balke https://github.com/stefan-balke
- CJ Carr https://github.com/Cortexelus
- Fabian Robert-Stoeter https://github.com/faroit
- Keunwoo Choi https://github.com/keunwoochoi
- Eric Humphrey https://github.com/ejhumphrey
- Carl Thome https://github.com/carlthome
- Seth Kranzler https://github.com/polyrhythmatic
- Waldir Pimenta https://github.com/waldyrious
Some feature extraction code was based on https://github.com/ronw/frontend by Ron Weiss.
Large portions of LibROSA were ported from MATLAB code by Dan Ellis http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/resources/matlab/.
Some spectral features were ported from original MATLAB implementations by Erik Schmidt and Jeff Scott at the Drexel METlab http://music.ece.drexel.edu/
Additional thanks to Emanuele Coviello and Erik Schmidt for testing, bug reports and fixes.