All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Bump holochain to 0.3.1
- Add license and description
- Fix readme crate name
- Bump holochain to 0.2.6
- Changelog
- Update readme
- Move package dir to match name
- Rename package 'hc_prefix_index'
- Bump package version
- Add changelog
- Changelog
- Fmt + clippy
- Migrate tests from tryoama to sweettest
- Holochain-0.2.3-beta-rc.1
- Upgrade holochain to 0.2.4
- Bump version to 0.6.0
- Package lock
- Bump deps to hdk 0.2.2 + hdi 0.3.2
- Bump version to 0.6.0
- Actually it should be 0.7.0
- Bump flake lock
- Better caching in github action
- Clippy + fmt
- [breaking] Entry hashes from linkable
- Unstable is_ok_and
- Bump holochain 0.2.1-beta-dev.0 & update for compatibility
- [breaking] Upgrade to holochain v0.3.0-beta-dev.8
- Upgrade to holochain 0.3.0-beta-dev.9
- Upgrade client & tryorama
- Bump holochain deps to 0.2.1
- Update nix flake for 0.2.1, fix github action commands
- Note letter casing in README
- Title gotchas
- Add function to get random results from index
- Bump version to 0.5.0
- Ignore letter case in index, preserve letter case in result
- Bump version to 0.4.0
- Support for indexing text with a distinct leaf text
- File rename for clarity
- Return TypedPath to result in add_result()
- Remove vitest results file from git repo
- Remove warn logs
- Make validation functions callable via PrefixIndex trait
- Basic explanation
- Readme code fix
- Add future desired features to README
- Search prefix index working w/ tests
- Rename PrefixSearchIndex to PrefixIndex
- Readme markdown
- License under CAL
- Split out utils into their own file
- Tests for prefixes width different width + depths