Releases: homarr-labs/homarr
Releases · homarr-labs/homarr
1.0.0 (2025-01-17)
Changes at a glance
- Asynchronous integrations system: In versions prior to 1.0, we fetched data upon each request synchronously. This means that the user had to wait for the requests to finish so any data would appear. A page reload will trigger another request - and worse, this will happen for every user accessing your dashboard. In 1.0, we have implemented a new system that gets rid of this system and scales linearly. It will fetch data in background, even if you are not on the page.
- Permissions system: You can now use detailed permissions to allow or prohibit users from certain actions. For easier management, you can organize users into groups and manage them all at the same time.
- Integration testing: Starting from 1.0, we will require you to test the integration before you can use it. This guarantees that you've configured your integration correctly and helps you find errors faster.
- Re-imagined widgets: All widgets have been rewritten & improved. They offer much better performance, reliability and scalability compared to < 1.0.
- Improved performance: We have upgraded the underlying framework of Homarr and take advantage of an in-memory message bus and websockets to deliver data near realtime to you.
New features
- Apps managment: Apps are now certalized and can easily be reused on multiple boards.
- Integrations: Integrations are no longer linked to apps and instead have there own management page. Widgets that support he integration allow the selection of those in the edit modal.
- Custom search engines: Search engines are no longer predefined and can be managed through the search engine management pages
- Certificates: We no longer blindly trust any https endpoint and instead allow you to configure the self signed certificates you want to trust.
- Local media managment: You can now manage local icons directly through the UI.
- Settings: There is now a global settings page where you can configure the behaviour of analytics, SEO beside other things like global home boards, default color scheme and default language.
- New dynamic section to group widgets in smaller groups.
- New minecraft server status widget.
- Support for mysql database.
- Support for multiple docker sockets.
1.0.0-beta.13 (2025-01-14)
Bug Fixes
- app: missing noreferer attribute for anchor tag (#1915) (986e013)
- category: remove not always working and ignoring dynamic sections (#1939) (d4bb014)
- deps: update dependency @ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports to ^4.4.1 (#1936) (1e406a8)
- deps: update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v10 (#1937) (75c7918)
- deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-react to ^7.37.4 (#1934) (2ea763c)
- deps: update dependency sass to ^1.83.3 (#1945) (99c69ba)
- deps: update dependency sass to ^1.83.4 (#1946) (ff1a003)
- deps: update dependency typescript-eslint to ^8.20.0 (#1938) (feecdd3)
- deps: update mantine monorepo to ^7.16.0 (#1948) (a03a01b)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.64.0 (#1922) (b399cb6)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.64.1 (#1935) (a53e0f7)
- media-request: media and media-request status can have missing values (#1911) (ec3bda3)
- trpc removed export anything from client in react-query (#1941) (56755d1)
1.0.0-beta.12 (2025-01-10)
- app: add search and pagination (#1860) (ccb19e0)
- auth: add env variable for oidc-name-attribute-overwrite (#1850) (c349bf8)
- board: add board duplication (#1856) (49d10f7)
- docker add to homarr (#1825) (64cc078)
- icons: add upload button to icon picker (#1859) (1e9098d)
- items: add search to selection (#1887) (62da953)
- spotlight: add default search engine (#1807) (65befa2)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency @tabler/icons-react to ^3.27.1 (#1875) (e46b1c4)
- deps: update dependency @tabler/icons-react to ^3.28.1 (#1891) (ffdc8d3)
- deps: update dependency better-sqlite3 to ^11.7.2 (#1858) (1f0116d)
- deps: update dependency dockerode to ^4.0.3 (#1854) (92f4f94)
- deps: update dependency glob to ^11.0.1 (#1908) (7d1b1d8)
- deps: update dependency ldapts to v7.3.1 (#1896) (a69c64d)
- deps: update dependency mantine-react-table to v2.0.0-beta.8 (#1902) (86a9259)
- deps: update dependency octokit to ^4.1.0 (#1898) (3860af3)
- deps: update dependency sass to ^1.83.1 (#1852) (812469d)
- deps: update dependency trpc-to-openapi to ^2.1.2 (#1900) (8edf922)
- deps: update dependency typescript-eslint to ^8.19.1 (#1874) (be4e753)
- deps: update dependency undici to v7.2.1 (#1904) (b034dcb)
- deps: update mantine monorepo to ^7.15.3 (#1880) (7807b28)
- deps: update nextjs monorepo to ^15.1.4 (#1885) (f4f02ca)
- deps: update nextjs monorepo to v15 (major) (#1844) (d985525)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.14 (#1846) (2358f6f)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.15 (#1853) (53f07f8)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.16 (#1877) (eb424d7)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.63.0 (#1893) (e33e0a4)
- deps: update tiptap monorepo to v2.11.1 (#1909) (dc3d27e)
- deps: update tiptap monorepo to v2.11.2 (#1913) (9a7e421)
- dns-hole-summary: calculation for domains and percentage for multiple integrations (#1894) (546c824)
- iframe: remove second scrollbar from item card (#1828) (bf12944)
- security: restrict link protocols to http and https (#1888) (a12dd10)
- translation: query parameter in search with escaped (#1895) (80c02ef)
- widget: set-options from widget components should be partial (#1882) (e695fb6)
1.0.0-beta.11 (2025-01-03)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency zod-form-data to ^2.0.5 (#1822) (a234fc8)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.12 (#1843) (bc5e25e)
- icons: picker does not allow multiple words (#1827) (6e21863)
- login page in light mode is always black (#1821) (cc7d53e)
- prowlarr integration indexers status changed from id to indexerId (#1837) (ee8831a)
- remove import beta badge (#1829) (6305c74)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2024-12-31)
For all users that are in a previous beta version, before you upgrade to this beta I'll suggest you to follow the migration guide. We had to move the integration secrets encryption key from an anonymous volume to an env variable (SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY
). When you are unable to retrieve the old key you'll need to reenter all integration secrets, as they all were encrypted with an other key.
- add request media (#1811) (91e1cef)
- docker: add support for pgid and puid env variables (#1759) (aeb681a)
- integration: add search engine creation (#1816) (f507645)
- widget: add minecraft server status widget (#1801) (0ebf4bc)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency octokit to ^4.0.3 (#1806) (75aefcb)
- deps: update dependency trpc-to-openapi to ^2.1.1 (#1788) (4943e7b)
- deps: update dependency typescript-eslint to ^8.19.0 (#1814) (598f004)
- deps: update tiptap monorepo to v2.11.0 (#1813) (eacda4c)
- docker: replace anonymous docker volume with env variable for encrypting secrets (#1809) (56b57ad)
- health-monitoring: add months to uptime, fix status update (#1792) (c91aae5)
- media-server: redesign widget (#1775) (23c7d0b)
For the PGID and PUID env variables you can find the documentation here
1.0.0-beta.9 (2024-12-27)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-beta.8 (2024-12-25)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency @ctrl/deluge to ^7.1.0 (#1776) (ecae80d)
- deps: update dependency @ctrl/transmission to ^7.2.0 (#1777) (3e2ffbd)
- deps: update dependency drizzle-orm to ^0.38.3 (#1783) (82c6ce7)
- deps: update dependency drizzle-zod to ^0.6.1 (#1782) (555212e)
- oldmarr import user casing wrong (#1784) (e37279f)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2024-12-24)
Bug Fixes
- auth: oidc redirect does not respect https protocol (#1763) (0336803)
- board: item background and border overridden by mantine card styles (#1769) (425359b)
- board: tiles order not respected on firefox (#1770) (8893b72)
- copy media link (#1750) (d78c6ed)
- deps: update dependency @ctrl/qbittorrent to ^9.2.0 (#1768) (8b416a6)
- deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-react to ^7.37.3 (#1767) (fe95334)
- deps: update dependency jotai to ^2.11.0 (#1756) (4e85bbb)
- deps: update dependency mysql2 to v3.12.0 (#1758) (d02ded5)
- deps: update dependency react-error-boundary to v5 (#1748) (01db27c)
- deps: update dependency typescript-eslint to ^8.18.2 (#1762) (9223dd0)
- deps: update mantine monorepo to ^7.15.2 (#1757) (dfacb08)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.10 (#1772) (c410b06)
- deps: update tanstack-query monorepo to ^5.62.9 (#1761) (42da2b9)
- icons: local icon repository does not work with medias (#1765) (e220087)
- onboard: missing admin permission assignment for external group (#1764) (b948337)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2024-12-20)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-beta.5 (2024-12-19)
Bug Fixes
- about version is one behind because of missing package-json update in deploy (#1725) (8c11562)
- allow additional file-type for oldmarr import (#1723) (1e8a535)
- always require db-user and password for mysql (#1730) (d2584b6)
- deps: update dependency tldts to ^6.1.69 (#1726) (c0f6816)
- deps: update dependency undici to v7.2.0 (#1718) (61afab5)
- deps: update dependency zod-form-data to ^2.0.3 (#1717) (a7bd664)
- deps: update dependency zod-form-data to ^2.0.4 (#1719) (3b7e6cc)
- deps: update nextjs monorepo to ^14.2.21 (#1727) (2b4bc83)
- deps: update tiptap monorepo to v2.10.4 (#1729) (2ae3d93)
- mysql operations not working (#1728) (550bca6)
- update of dev branch has no credentials (#1724) (bb7f751)