I use yeoman to quickly scaffold repetitive boilerplate.
npm install -g yo
Each directory in this project is essentially an uncompressed npm package. To make a source directory act like an npm package, change to directory of the generator you want to use and tell npm to create a global symlink to that package:
git clone [email protected]:hoorayimhelping/generators.git
cd generators
cd generator-bff
npm link
This is analogous to running npm install -g generator-bff generator-test generator-config
Now that we've installed the bff generator, let's run it to build a web app. Create a directory of the name of the app you want, then run the generator:
mkdir ~/Development/bh-bff
cd ~/Development/bh-bff
yo bff [--skip-install]
Follow the on-screen instructions to generate the bff. The generator creates a number of files, including a package.json
file with some pre-filled dependencies and a basic directory structure and sets up an express server, including running npm install
to handle requests to / at localhost on the port you specify.