diff --git a/NiFi Templates.xlsx b/NiFi Templates.xlsx
index 4739602..4f5f049 100644
Binary files a/NiFi Templates.xlsx and b/NiFi Templates.xlsx differ
diff --git a/templates/CassandraProcessors.xml b/templates/CassandraProcessors.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce724c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/CassandraProcessors.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+A basic template that executes multiple CQL commands using QueryCassandra and PutCassandraQL. In Cassandra there first must be a "simplex" so that PutCassandraQL create a "users" table within it. Then QueryCassandra can be used to query it.CassandraProcessors9e8fc19c-e894-4d08-9366-6220f318bffa7b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a0 MB07b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782abfec692f-6149-4421-90b6-17f873be2e94PROCESSOR0 sec1success07766b0d8-8e0e-438b-94c9-86f1a229eff97b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a0 MB07b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782aea6cb3cb-7c09-437a-94e0-efdf7e4f6a7bPROCESSOR0 sec1success062f2124c-a03f-4ddf-8633-c3055a3b32c97b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a0 MB07b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782ab981b959-92b8-4779-9e66-3985ecc82db8PROCESSOR0 sec1success0b981b959-92b8-4779-9e66-3985ecc82db87b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a984.071.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?JSON container optionsnonenonearrayarrayarrayDetermines how stream of records is exposed: either as a sequence of single Objects (none) (i.e. writing every Object to a new line), or as an array of Objects (array).JSON container optionsfalseJSON container optionstruefalsefalseWrap Single RecordtruetruefalsefalsefalseDetermines if the resulting output for empty records or a single record should be wrapped in a container array as specified by 'JSON container options'Wrap Single RecordfalseWrap Single Recordtruefalsefalsefalse30 secJSON container optionsarrayWrap Single Recordfalse00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secConvertAvroToJSONtrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if it cannot be parsed as Avro or cannot be converted to JSON for any reasonfailurefalseA FlowFile is routed to this relationship after it has been converted to JSONsuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.avro.ConvertAvroToJSONdc4cd3e0-d243-47e1-93aa-6420b9f180667b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a467.072.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?CQL select queryCQL select queryCQL select queryfalseCQL select querytruefalsetrueCassandra Contact PointsContact points are addresses of Cassandra nodes. The list of contact points should be comma-separated and in hostname:port format. Example node1:port,node2:port,....Cassandra Contact PointsfalseCassandra Contact PointstruefalsefalseKeyspaceThe Cassandra Keyspace to connect to. If none is specified, the query will need to include the keyspace name before any table reference.KeyspacefalseKeyspacefalsefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService7e6b8b13-bc3d-425e-93b2-a6f4c0698864The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseClient AuthWANTWANTREQUIREDREQUIREDNONENONENONEClient authentication policy when connecting to secure (TLS/SSL) cluster. Possible values are REQUIRED, WANT, NONE. This property is only used when an SSL Context has been defined and enabled.Client AuthfalseClient AuthfalsefalsefalseUsernameUsername to access the Cassandra clusterUsernamefalseUsernamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword to access the Cassandra clusterPasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseMax Wait Time0 secondsThe maximum amount of time allowed for a running CQL select query. Must be of format <duration> <TimeUnit> where <duration> is a non-negative integer and TimeUnit is a supported Time Unit, such as: nanos, millis, secs, mins, hrs, days. A value of zero means there is no limit. Max Wait TimefalseMax Wait TimetruefalsefalseFetch size0The number of result rows to be fetched from the result set at a time. Zero is the default and means there is no limit.Fetch sizefalseFetch sizetruefalsefalsefalse30 secCQL select queryselect * from usersCassandra Contact Points127.0.0.1:9042KeyspacesimplexSSL Context ServiceClient AuthUsernamecassandraPasswordMax Wait Time10 secondsFetch size005 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secQueryCassandratrueSQL query execution failed. Incoming FlowFile will be penalized and routed to this relationshipfailuretrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the query cannot be completed but attempting the operation again may succeedretryfalseSuccessfully created FlowFile from SQL query result set.successSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.cassandra.QueryCassandrabfec692f-6149-4421-90b6-17f873be2e947b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a989.0482.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Cassandra Contact PointsContact points are addresses of Cassandra nodes. The list of contact points should be comma-separated and in hostname:port format. Example node1:port,node2:port,....Cassandra Contact PointsfalseCassandra Contact PointstruefalsefalseKeyspaceThe Cassandra Keyspace to connect to. If none is specified, the query will need to include the keyspace name before any table reference.KeyspacefalseKeyspacefalsefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService7e6b8b13-bc3d-425e-93b2-a6f4c0698864The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseClient AuthWANTWANTREQUIREDREQUIREDNONENONENONEClient authentication policy when connecting to secure (TLS/SSL) cluster. Possible values are REQUIRED, WANT, NONE. This property is only used when an SSL Context has been defined and enabled.Client AuthfalseClient AuthfalsefalsefalseUsernameUsername to access the Cassandra clusterUsernamefalseUsernamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword to access the Cassandra clusterPasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseMax Wait Time0 secondsThe maximum amount of time allowed for a running CQL select query. Must be of format <duration> <TimeUnit> where <duration> is a non-negative integer and TimeUnit is a supported Time Unit, such as: nanos, millis, secs, mins, hrs, days. A value of zero means there is no limit. Max Wait TimefalseMax Wait TimetruefalsefalseBatch Size100The preferred number of FlowFiles to put to Cassandra in a single transactionBatch SizefalseBatch Sizetruefalsefalsefalse30 secCassandra Contact Points127.0.0.1:9042KeyspacesimplexSSL Context ServiceClient AuthUsernamecassandraPasswordMax Wait TimeBatch Size00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutCassandraQLtrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if Cassandra cannot be updated and retrying the operation will also fail, such as an invalid statement or an integrity constraint violationfailuretrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if Cassandra cannot be updated but attempting the operation again may succeedretrytrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship after Cassandra is successfully updatedsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.cassandra.PutCassandraQLea6cb3cb-7c09-437a-94e0-efdf7e4f6a7b7b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a985.0292.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?DirectoryThe directory to which files should be written. You may use expression language such as /aa/bb/${path}DirectoryfalseDirectorytruefalsetrueConflict Resolution StrategyreplacereplaceignoreignorefailfailfailIndicates what should happen when a file with the same name already exists in the output directoryConflict Resolution StrategyfalseConflict Resolution StrategytruefalsefalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruetruefalsefalsetrueIf true, then missing destination directories will be created. If false, flowfiles are penalized and sent to failure.Create Missing DirectoriesfalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruefalsefalseMaximum File CountSpecifies the maximum number of files that can exist in the output directoryMaximum File CountfalseMaximum File CountfalsefalsefalseLast Modified TimeSets the lastModifiedTime on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. You may also use expression language such as ${file.lastModifiedTime}.Last Modified TimefalseLast Modified TimefalsefalsetruePermissionsSets the permissions on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be either UNIX rwxrwxrwx with a - in place of denied permissions (e.g. rw-r--r--) or an octal number (e.g. 644). You may also use expression language such as ${file.permissions}.PermissionsfalsePermissionsfalsefalsetrueOwnerSets the owner on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.owner}.OwnerfalseOwnerfalsefalsetrueGroupSets the group on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.group}.GroupfalseGroupfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDirectory/Users/mburgess/tmpConflict Resolution StrategyreplaceCreate Missing DirectoriestrueMaximum File CountLast Modified TimePermissionsOwnerGroup00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutFiletrueFiles that could not be written to the output directory for some reason are transferred to this relationshipfailuretrueFiles that have been successfully written to the output directory are transferred to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.PutFile3d70d8ec-7859-4431-80a4-f131f7a77b327b4a7fd3-3cc2-4c76-affd-bfbf8f33782a476.0485.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Script EngineECMAScriptECMAScriptGroovyGroovylualuapythonpythonrubyrubyECMAScriptThe engine to execute scriptsScript EnginefalseScript EnginetruefalsefalseScript FilePath to script file to execute. Only one of Script File or Script Body may be usedScript FilefalseScript FilefalsefalsetrueScript BodyBody of script to execute. Only one of Script File or Script Body may be usedScript BodyfalseScript BodyfalsefalsefalseModule DirectoryComma-separated list of paths to files and/or directories which contain modules required by the script.Module DirectoryfalseModule Directoryfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secScript EngineGroovyScript FileScript BodyDDL =
+ CREATE TABLE simplex.users (user_id text PRIMARY KEY, first_name text, last_name text, age int, emails set<text>, top_places list<text>, todo map<timestamp, text>);
+DDL.eachLine { ddl ->
+ flowFile = session.create()
+ flowFile = session.write(flowFile, { outStream ->
+ outStream.write(ddl.getBytes('UTF-8'))
+ } as OutputStreamCallback)
+ session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
+ [
+ statement: 'INSERT INTO users (user_id, first_name, last_name, age, emails) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'Frodo\'' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'Baggins\'' ],
+ [ type: 'int', value: '30'],
+ [ type: 'set<text>', value: '{\'f@baggins.com\', \'baggins@gmail.com\'}']
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE users SET emails = emails + ? WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'set<text>', value: '{\'fb@friendsofmordor.org\'}' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE users SET top_places = ? WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'list<text>', value: '[ \'rivendell\', \'rohan\' ]' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE simplex.users SET top_places = ? + top_places WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'list<text>', value: '[ \'the shire\' ]' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE users SET top_places = ? + top_places WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'list<text>', value: '[ \'the shire\' ]' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE users SET top_places = top_places + ? WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'list<text>', value: '[ \'mordor\' ]' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'frodo\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'INSERT INTO users (user_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES(?,?,?)',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'mattyb\'' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'Matt\'' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'Burgess\'' ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ statement: 'UPDATE users SET emails = ? WHERE user_id = ?',
+ params: [
+ [ type: 'set<text>', value: '{\'mattyb149@gmail.com\', \'mburgess@hortonworks.com\'}' ],
+ [ type: 'text', value: '\'mattyb\'' ]
+ ]
+ ]
+TEST_CQL.each { test ->
+ flowFile = session.create()
+ flowFile = session.write(flowFile, { outStream ->
+ outStream.write(test.statement.getBytes('UTF-8'))
+ } as OutputStreamCallback)
+ test.params.eachWithIndex { param, index ->
+ flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "cql.args.${index+1}.type", param.type)
+ flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, "cql.args.${index+1}.value", param.value)
+ }
+ session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
+}Module Directory060 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secExecuteScripttrueFlowFiles that failed to be processedfailurefalseFlowFiles that were successfully processedsuccessSTOPPEDfalsefalseorg.apache.nifi.processors.script.ExecuteScript02/25/2016 09:26:22 EST
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/ElasticsearchDemonstration.xml b/templates/ElasticsearchDemonstration.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb7a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/ElasticsearchDemonstration.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+A series of disconnected flows which demonstrates different functionality of the FetchElasticSearch and PutElasticSearch processors.ElasticsearchDemonstration2a6a66a4-39fc-4b80-a3fe-655fdc98f5a1851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded31bf7630-4e5a-437e-83f4-0d9cdc8a3fdbPROCESSOR0 sec1success04acf2737-241f-4076-bb2c-9a3556e2fe5f851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9dedccb5ba27-98db-475d-be1e-f85e1276b172PROCESSOR0 sec1matched01f891b8d-57b6-4f5c-b52e-706b6d1610d7851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded47bf5446-b705-42a0-b4b6-c483418d8486PROCESSOR0 sec1matched03fb7edee-629e-437a-bdda-00b8f70b5135851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9dedb1c415b8-a5e7-47f8-a4ce-8433b31670f4PROCESSOR0 sec1Response025a863f7-0b77-45ac-9a05-c871d93d6f53851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9dedd0da290d-6a11-4f57-8068-c4b26335987fPROCESSOR0 sec1merged06c3eab8b-92cb-40b1-8a2d-6ffc53718165851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9dedb7469f68-dd03-47b5-9766-d7a1daa12fefPROCESSOR0 sec1success0b8c1b2a3-637c-4dc8-bb8a-04a54a056a9c851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded3f395d1d-63c6-4dc4-bb60-555910f314f2PROCESSOR0 sec1success0edfbba29-794a-487a-bec1-00d441d1cf4a851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded9f7ee567-8de8-4ae1-b5e8-87cdbc70dc76PROCESSOR0 sec1success0c8d89b2d-01c8-487b-8cd6-98716f78629c851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0cc0e07c-d213-4ed3-9410-bfb18b8dab96PROCESSOR0 sec1split023fdbe7c-3ae9-48bd-b248-53224b7d366f851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded74a545ef-15e9-4c82-af05-2e8034a9f56fPROCESSOR0 sec1success0fff7e1e8-2cdb-4024-b6c6-3255b5f71e4c851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0605add2-07f4-4667-a2f0-bdfdcfa23906PROCESSOR0 sec1success041efa6f7-44a6-4cff-8879-4602cd1c81ed851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded0 MB0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded58f4a514-b265-4e38-bb13-faf03f273477PROCESSOR0 sec1success0c4787068-abec-477a-9412-2fecd8cd58bb851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded536.912050462989399.42426769088786140.57574462890625382.08795166015625f8cbd61c-04c5-42b7-ba0f-b96e140ea3b0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded584.91205046298957.4242676908878680.57572937011719287.08795166015625ceb42eb2-e39a-4385-9585-aaed2246672b851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1176.6878662109375205.4351196289062597.79426574707031361.69561767578125b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded544.0155.00c0e54d7f-0c5b-49c2-8a28-9e4ef4e41afab625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f5240 MB0b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f52437c653e4-efe4-4802-ae19-53424ad54cc9PROCESSOR0 sec1Response09f03c061-c4fd-45d0-a384-4b58d11665d5b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f5240 MB0b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f5241645d0bd-37b2-4e18-93a7-da4b1c02842dPROCESSOR0 sec1split036d4c532-0ddf-45e1-9873-c6d1e92bb96fb625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f5240 MB0b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524c1080534-3010-4f7c-a66e-befcbd755d9aPROCESSOR0 sec1success0fd58c2ee-3b06-443d-a4d6-325857d5f116b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524540.9120199454109146.0837868864445117.82491302490234236.7937774658203a988ce47-c257-4af9-95e0-93b712300aaeb625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524541.40283203125491.8624572753906WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?DirectoryThe directory to which files should be written. You may use expression language such as /aa/bb/${path}DirectoryfalseDirectorytruefalsetrueConflict Resolution StrategyreplacereplaceignoreignorefailfailfailIndicates what should happen when a file with the same name already exists in the output directoryConflict Resolution StrategyfalseConflict Resolution StrategytruefalsefalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruetruefalsefalsetrueIf true, then missing destination directories will be created. If false, flowfiles are penalized and sent to failure.Create Missing DirectoriesfalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruefalsefalseMaximum File CountSpecifies the maximum number of files that can exist in the output directoryMaximum File CountfalseMaximum File CountfalsefalsefalseLast Modified TimeSets the lastModifiedTime on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. You may also use expression language such as ${file.lastModifiedTime}.Last Modified TimefalseLast Modified TimefalsefalsetruePermissionsSets the permissions on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be either UNIX rwxrwxrwx with a - in place of denied permissions (e.g. rw-r--r--) or an octal number (e.g. 644). You may also use expression language such as ${file.permissions}.PermissionsfalsePermissionsfalsefalsetrueOwnerSets the owner on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.owner}.OwnerfalseOwnerfalsefalsetrueGroupSets the group on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.group}.GroupfalseGroupfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDirectorydata/debug/outConflict Resolution StrategyfailCreate Missing DirectoriestrueMaximum File CountLast Modified TimePermissionsOwnerGroup00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secFor debuggingtrueFiles that could not be written to the output directory for some reason are transferred to this relationshipfailuretrueFiles that have been successfully written to the output directory are transferred to this relationshipsuccessDISABLEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.PutFile58c25b1f-8cac-47b8-baa5-71b848bfc82fb625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524180.02.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?HTTP MethodGETHTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS). Arbitrary methods are also supported. Methods other than POST and PUT will be sent without a message body.HTTP MethodfalseHTTP MethodtruefalsetrueRemote URLRemote URL which will be connected to, including scheme, host, port, path.Remote URLfalseRemote URLtruefalsetrueSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService47fdb81f-331c-4171-b448-efa81a7071e1The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL (https) connections.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseConnection Timeout5 secsMax wait time for connection to remote service.Connection TimeoutfalseConnection TimeouttruefalsefalseRead Timeout15 secsMax wait time for response from remote service.Read TimeoutfalseRead TimeouttruefalsefalseInclude Date HeaderTrueTrueFalseFalseTrueInclude an RFC-2616 Date header in the request.Include Date HeaderfalseInclude Date HeadertruefalsefalseFollow RedirectsTrueTrueFalseFalseTrueFollow HTTP redirects issued by remote server.Follow RedirectsfalseFollow RedirectstruefalsefalseAttributes to SendRegular expression that defines which attributes to send as HTTP headers in the request. If not defined, no attributes are sent as headers. Also any dynamic properties set will be sent as headers. The dynamic property key will be the header key and the dynamic property value will be interpreted as expression language will be the header value.Attributes to SendfalseAttributes to SendfalsefalsefalseBasic Authentication UsernameThe username to be used by the client to authenticate against the Remote URL. Cannot include control characters (0-31), ':', or DEL (127).Basic Authentication UsernamefalseBasic Authentication UsernamefalsefalsefalseBasic Authentication PasswordThe password to be used by the client to authenticate against the Remote URL.Basic Authentication PasswordfalseBasic Authentication PasswordfalsetruefalseProxy HostThe fully qualified hostname or IP address of the proxy serverProxy HostfalseProxy HostfalsefalsefalseProxy PortThe port of the proxy serverProxy PortfalseProxy PortfalsefalsefalsePut Response Body In AttributeIf set, the response body received back will be put into an attribute of the original FlowFile instead of a separate FlowFile. The attribute key to put to is determined by evaluating value of this property. Put Response Body In AttributefalsePut Response Body In AttributefalsefalsetrueMax Length To Put In Attribute256If routing the response body to an attribute of the original (by setting the "Put response body in attribute" property or by receiving an error status code), the number of characters put to the attribute value will be at most this amount. This is important because attributes are held in memory and large attributes will quickly cause out of memory issues. If the output goes longer than this value, it will be truncated to fit. Consider making this smaller if able.Max Length To Put In AttributefalseMax Length To Put In AttributefalsefalsefalseDigest AuthenticationtruetruefalsefalsefalseWhether to communicate with the website using Digest Authentication. 'Basic Authentication Username' and 'Basic Authentication Password' are used for authentication.Use Digest AuthenticationfalseDigest AuthenticationfalsefalsefalseAlways Output ResponsetruetruefalsefalsefalseWill force a response FlowFile to be generated and routed to the 'Response' relationship regardless of what the server status code received is or if the processor is configured to put the server response body in the request attribute. In the later configuration a request FlowFile with the response body in the attribute and a typical response FlowFile will be emitted to their respective relationships.Always Output ResponsefalseAlways Output ResponsefalsefalsefalseTrusted HostnameBypass the normal truststore hostname verifier to allow the specified remote hostname as trusted. Enabling this property has MITM security implications, use wisely. Will still accept other connections based on the normal truststore hostname verifier. Only valid with SSL (HTTPS) connections.Trusted HostnamefalseTrusted HostnamefalsefalsefalseAdd Response Headers to RequesttruetruefalsefalsefalseEnabling this property saves all the response headers to the original request. This may be when the response headers are needed but a response is not generated due to the status code received.Add Response Headers to RequestfalseAdd Response Headers to Requestfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secHTTP MethodGETRemote URLhttp://api.randomuser.me/0.6/?format=json&nat=us&results=100SSL Context ServiceConnection Timeout5 secsRead Timeout15 secsInclude Date HeaderTrueFollow RedirectsTrueAttributes to SendBasic Authentication UsernameBasic Authentication PasswordProxy HostProxy PortPut Response Body In AttributeMax Length To Put In Attribute256Digest AuthenticationfalseAlways Output ResponsefalseTrusted HostnameAdd Response Headers to Requestfalse02 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secFetch User DatatrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any type of connection failure, timeout or general exception. It will have new attributes detailing the request.FailuretrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that should NOT be retried (1xx, 3xx, 4xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the request.No RetrytrueThe original FlowFile will be routed upon success (2xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the success of the request.OriginalfalseA Response FlowFile will be routed upon success (2xx status codes). If the 'Output Response Regardless' property is true then the response will be sent to this relationship regardless of the status code received.ResponsetrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that can be retried (5xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the request.RetrySTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.InvokeHTTP1645d0bd-37b2-4e18-93a7-da4b1c02842db625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524186.0324.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Delete Attributes ExpressionRegular expression for attributes to be deleted from flowfiles.Delete Attributes ExpressionfalseDelete Attributes Expressionfalsefalsetruedociddocidtruedocidfalsefalsetruefilenamefilenametruefilenamefalsefalsetruefalse30 secDelete Attributes Expressiondocid${nextInt()}filename${uuid}00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secUpdateAttributefalseAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.attributes.UpdateAttribute37c653e4-efe4-4802-ae19-53424ad54cc9b625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524181.0158.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?JsonPath ExpressionA JsonPath expression that indicates the array element to split into JSON/scalar fragments.JsonPath ExpressionfalseJsonPath ExpressiontruefalsefalseNull Value Representationempty stringempty stringthe string 'null'the string 'null'empty stringIndicates the desired representation of JSON Path expressions resulting in a null value.Null Value RepresentationfalseNull Value Representationtruefalsefalsefalse30 secJsonPath Expression$.results[*].userNull Value Representationempty string00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secSplitJsontrueIf a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not valid JSON or the specified path does not exist), it will be routed to this relationshipfailuretrueThe original FlowFile that was split into segments. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to this relationshiporiginalfalseAll segments of the original FlowFile will be routed to this relationshipsplitSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.SplitJsonc1080534-3010-4f7c-a66e-befcbd755d9ab625eb3f-6ecd-46be-adf8-ac71bae6f524187.0493.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Cluster NameName of the ES cluster (for example, elasticsearch_brew). Defaults to 'elasticsearch'Cluster NamefalseCluster NamefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch HostsElasticSearch Hosts, which should be comma separated and colon for hostname/port host1:port,host2:port,.... For example testcluster:9300.ElasticSearch HostsfalseElasticSearch HostsfalsefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService47fdb81f-331c-4171-b448-efa81a7071e1The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections. This service only appSSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sThe ping timeout used to determine when a node is unreachable. For example, 5s (5 seconds). If non-local recommended is 30sElasticSearch Ping TimeoutfalseElasticSearch Ping TimeouttruefalsefalseSampler Interval5sNode sampler interval. For example, 5s (5 seconds) If non-local recommended is 30sSampler IntervalfalseSampler IntervaltruefalsefalseIdentifier AttributeThe name of the attribute containing the identifier for each FlowFileIdentifier AttributefalseIdentifier AttributetruefalsefalseIndexThe name of the index to insert intoIndexfalseIndextruefalsetrueTypeThe type of this document (used by Elasticsearch for indexing and searching)TypefalseTypetruefalsetrueBatch Size100The preferred number of FlowFiles to put to the database in a single transactionBatch SizefalseBatch Sizetruefalsefalsefalse30 secCluster NameelasticsearchElasticSearch Hosts192.168.99.100:32768SSL Context ServiceElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sSampler Interval5sIdentifier AttributedocidIndexrandomuser.meTypeuserBatch Size10000 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutElasticsearchtrueAll FlowFiles that cannot be written to Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipfailuretrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the database cannot be updated but attempting the operation again may succeedretrytrueAll FlowFiles that are written to Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.elasticsearch.PutElasticsearch1000PutES0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9dedNiFi Flow04b7469f68-dd03-47b5-9766-d7a1daa12fef851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1606.8376339601016876.3435765046215WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Destinationflowfile-contentflowfile-contentflowfile-attributeflowfile-attributeflowfile-contentIndicates whether the results of the JsonPath evaluation are written to the FlowFile content or a FlowFile attribute; if using attribute, must specify the Attribute Name property. If set to flowfile-content, only one JsonPath may be specified, and the property name is ignored.DestinationfalseDestinationtruefalsefalseReturn Typeauto-detectauto-detectjsonjsonscalarscalarauto-detectIndicates the desired return type of the JSON Path expressions. Selecting 'auto-detect' will set the return type to 'json' for a Destination of 'flowfile-content', and 'scalar' for a Destination of 'flowfile-attribute'.Return TypefalseReturn TypetruefalsefalsePath Not Found BehaviorwarnwarnignoreignoreignoreIndicates how to handle missing JSON path expressions when destination is set to 'flowfile-attribute'. Selecting 'warn' will generate a warning when a JSON path expression is not found.Path Not Found BehaviorfalsePath Not Found BehaviortruefalsefalseNull Value Representationempty stringempty stringthe string 'null'the string 'null'empty stringIndicates the desired representation of JSON Path expressions resulting in a null value.Null Value RepresentationfalseNull Value Representationtruefalsefalsefirstnamefirstnametruefirstnamefalsefalsefalselastnamelastnametruelastnamefalsefalsefalsefalse30 secDestinationflowfile-attributeReturn Typeauto-detectPath Not Found BehaviorwarnNull Value Representationempty stringfirstname$.name.firstlastname$.name.last00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secEvaluateJsonPathtrueFlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath cannot be evaluated against the content of the FlowFile; for instance, if the FlowFile is not valid JSONfailurefalseFlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath is successfully evaluated and the FlowFile is modified as a resultmatchedtrueFlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the JsonPath does not match the content of the FlowFile and the Destination is set to flowfile-contentunmatchedSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.EvaluateJsonPath0cc0e07c-d213-4ed3-9410-bfb18b8dab96851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1601.5076656578785550.8467543353819WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Character SetUTF-8The Character Set in which the file is encodedCharacter SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMaximum Buffer Size1 MBSpecifies the maximum amount of data to buffer (per file) in order to apply the regular expressions. Files larger than the specified maximum will not be fully evaluated.Maximum Buffer SizefalseMaximum Buffer SizetruefalsefalseMaximum Capture Group Length1024Specifies the maximum number of characters a given capture group value can have. Any characters beyond the max will be truncated.Maximum Capture Group LengthfalseMaximum Capture Group LengthfalsefalsefalseEnable Canonical EquivalencetruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that two characters match only when their full canonical decompositions match.Enable Canonical EquivalencefalseEnable Canonical EquivalencetruefalsefalseEnable Case-insensitive MatchingtruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that two characters match even if they are in a different case. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?i).Enable Case-insensitive MatchingfalseEnable Case-insensitive MatchingtruefalsefalsePermit Whitespace and Comments in PatterntruetruefalsefalsefalseIn this mode, whitespace is ignored, and embedded comments starting with # are ignored until the end of a line. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?x).Permit Whitespace and Comments in PatternfalsePermit Whitespace and Comments in PatterntruefalsefalseEnable DOTALL ModetruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that the expression '.' should match any character, including a line terminator. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?s).Enable DOTALL ModefalseEnable DOTALL ModetruefalsefalseEnable Literal Parsing of the PatterntruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that Metacharacters and escape characters should be given no special meaning.Enable Literal Parsing of the PatternfalseEnable Literal Parsing of the PatterntruefalsefalseEnable Multiline ModetruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that '^' and '$' should match just after and just before a line terminator or end of sequence, instead of only the begining or end of the entire input. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?m).Enable Multiline ModefalseEnable Multiline ModetruefalsefalseEnable Unicode-aware Case FoldingtruetruefalsefalsefalseWhen used with 'Enable Case-insensitive Matching', matches in a manner consistent with the Unicode Standard. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?u).Enable Unicode-aware Case FoldingfalseEnable Unicode-aware Case FoldingtruefalsefalseEnable Unicode Predefined Character ClassestruetruefalsefalsefalseSpecifies conformance with the Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression Annex C: Compatibility Properties. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?U).Enable Unicode Predefined Character ClassesfalseEnable Unicode Predefined Character ClassestruefalsefalseEnable Unix Lines ModetruetruefalsefalsefalseIndicates that only the '
+' line terminator is recognized in the behavior of '.', '^', and '$'. Can also be specified via the embeded flag (?d).Enable Unix Lines ModefalseEnable Unix Lines ModetruefalsefalseInclude Capture Group 0truetruefalsefalsetrueIndicates that Capture Group 0 should be included as an attribute. Capture Group 0 represents the entirety of the regular expression match, is typically not used, and could have considerable length.Include Capture Group 0falseInclude Capture Group 0truefalsefalsees-doc-ides-doc-idtruees-doc-idfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secCharacter SetUTF-8Maximum Buffer Size1 MBMaximum Capture Group Length1024Enable Canonical EquivalencefalseEnable Case-insensitive MatchingfalsePermit Whitespace and Comments in PatternfalseEnable DOTALL ModefalseEnable Literal Parsing of the PatternfalseEnable Multiline ModefalseEnable Unicode-aware Case FoldingfalseEnable Unicode Predefined Character ClassesfalseEnable Unix Lines ModefalseInclude Capture Group 0falsees-doc-id(.*)00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secExtractTextfalseFlowFiles are routed to this relationship when the Regular Expression is successfully evaluated and the FlowFile is modified as a resultmatchedtrueFlowFiles are routed to this relationship when no provided Regular Expression matches the content of the FlowFileunmatchedSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ExtractTextd0da290d-6a11-4f57-8068-c4b26335987f851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1183.740021528517378.16296934655713WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?DirectoryThe directory to which files should be written. You may use expression language such as /aa/bb/${path}DirectoryfalseDirectorytruefalsetrueConflict Resolution StrategyreplacereplaceignoreignorefailfailfailIndicates what should happen when a file with the same name already exists in the output directoryConflict Resolution StrategyfalseConflict Resolution StrategytruefalsefalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruetruefalsefalsetrueIf true, then missing destination directories will be created. If false, flowfiles are penalized and sent to failure.Create Missing DirectoriesfalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruefalsefalseMaximum File CountSpecifies the maximum number of files that can exist in the output directoryMaximum File CountfalseMaximum File CountfalsefalsefalseLast Modified TimeSets the lastModifiedTime on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. You may also use expression language such as ${file.lastModifiedTime}.Last Modified TimefalseLast Modified TimefalsefalsetruePermissionsSets the permissions on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be either UNIX rwxrwxrwx with a - in place of denied permissions (e.g. rw-r--r--) or an octal number (e.g. 644). You may also use expression language such as ${file.permissions}.PermissionsfalsePermissionsfalsefalsetrueOwnerSets the owner on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.owner}.OwnerfalseOwnerfalsefalsetrueGroupSets the group on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.group}.GroupfalseGroupfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDirectorydata/users/out/Conflict Resolution StrategyreplaceCreate Missing DirectoriestrueMaximum File CountLast Modified TimePermissionsOwnerGroup00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutFiletrueFiles that could not be written to the output directory for some reason are transferred to this relationshipfailuretrueFiles that have been successfully written to the output directory are transferred to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.PutFile47bf5446-b705-42a0-b4b6-c483418d8486851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1185.1105078597466875.199585772652WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Delete Attributes ExpressionRegular expression for attributes to be deleted from flowfiles.Delete Attributes ExpressionfalseDelete Attributes Expressionfalsefalsetrueuserdoc.nameuserdoc.nametrueuserdoc.namefalsefalsetruefalse30 secDelete Attributes Expressionuserdoc.name${firstname:append(' '):append(${lastname})}00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secUpdateAttributefalseAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.attributes.UpdateAttribute9f7ee567-8de8-4ae1-b5e8-87cdbc70dc76851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded573.0865.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?DirectoryThe directory to which files should be written. You may use expression language such as /aa/bb/${path}DirectoryfalseDirectorytruefalsetrueConflict Resolution StrategyreplacereplaceignoreignorefailfailfailIndicates what should happen when a file with the same name already exists in the output directoryConflict Resolution StrategyfalseConflict Resolution StrategytruefalsefalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruetruefalsefalsetrueIf true, then missing destination directories will be created. If false, flowfiles are penalized and sent to failure.Create Missing DirectoriesfalseCreate Missing DirectoriestruefalsefalseMaximum File CountSpecifies the maximum number of files that can exist in the output directoryMaximum File CountfalseMaximum File CountfalsefalsefalseLast Modified TimeSets the lastModifiedTime on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. You may also use expression language such as ${file.lastModifiedTime}.Last Modified TimefalseLast Modified TimefalsefalsetruePermissionsSets the permissions on the output file to the value of this attribute. Format must be either UNIX rwxrwxrwx with a - in place of denied permissions (e.g. rw-r--r--) or an octal number (e.g. 644). You may also use expression language such as ${file.permissions}.PermissionsfalsePermissionsfalsefalsetrueOwnerSets the owner on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.owner}.OwnerfalseOwnerfalsefalsetrueGroupSets the group on the output file to the value of this attribute. You may also use expression language such as ${file.group}.GroupfalseGroupfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDirectorydata/fetch/outConflict Resolution StrategyfailCreate Missing DirectoriestrueMaximum File CountLast Modified TimePermissionsOwnerGroup00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutFiletrueFiles that could not be written to the output directory for some reason are transferred to this relationshipfailuretrueFiles that have been successfully written to the output directory are transferred to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.PutFileb1c415b8-a5e7-47f8-a4ce-8433b31670f4851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1600.6366105836246376.7308569754865WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?JsonPath ExpressionA JsonPath expression that indicates the array element to split into JSON/scalar fragments.JsonPath ExpressionfalseJsonPath ExpressiontruefalsefalseNull Value Representationempty stringempty stringthe string 'null'the string 'null'empty stringIndicates the desired representation of JSON Path expressions resulting in a null value.Null Value RepresentationfalseNull Value Representationtruefalsefalsefalse30 secJsonPath Expression$.hits.hits[*]._idNull Value Representationempty string00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secSplitJsontrueIf a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not valid JSON or the specified path does not exist), it will be routed to this relationshipfailuretrueThe original FlowFile that was split into segments. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to this relationshiporiginalfalseAll segments of the original FlowFile will be routed to this relationshipsplitSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.SplitJson58f4a514-b265-4e38-bb13-faf03f273477851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1594.294492791339525.3916490206191WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Regular Expression(?s:^.*$)The Search Value to search for in the FlowFile content. Only used for 'Literal Replace' and 'Regex Replace' matching strategiesSearch ValuefalseRegular ExpressiontruefalsetrueReplacement Value$1The value to insert using the 'Replacement Strategy'. Using "Regex Replace" back-references to Regular Expression capturing groups are supported, but back-references that reference capturing groups that do not exist in the regular expression will be treated as literal value. Back References may also be referenced using the Expression Language, as '$1', '$2', etc. The single-tick marks MUST be included, as these variables are not "Standard" attribute names (attribute names must be quoted unless they contain only numbers, letters, and _).Replacement ValuefalseReplacement ValuetruefalsetrueCharacter SetUTF-8The Character Set in which the file is encodedCharacter SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMaximum Buffer Size1 MBSpecifies the maximum amount of data to buffer (per file or per line, depending on the Evaluation Mode) in order to apply the replacement. If 'Entire Text' (in Evaluation Mode) is selected and the FlowFile is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, if a single line is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. A default value of 1 MB is provided, primarily for 'Entire Text' mode. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, a value such as 8 KB or 16 KB is suggested. This value is ignored if the <Replacement Strategy> property is set to one of: Append, Prepend, Always ReplaceMaximum Buffer SizefalseMaximum Buffer SizetruefalsefalseReplacement StrategyInsert the Replacement Value at the beginning of the FlowFile or the beginning of each line (depending on the Evaluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be prepended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be prepended to the entire text.PrependPrependInsert the Replacement Value at the end of the FlowFile or the end of each line (depending on the Evluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be appended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be appended to the entire text.AppendAppendInterpret the Search Value as a Regular Expression and replace all matches with the Replacement Value. The Replacement Value may reference Capturing Groups used in the Search Value by using a dollar-sign followed by the Capturing Group number, such as $1 or $2. If the Search Value is set to .* then everything is replaced without even evaluating the Regular Expression.Regex ReplaceRegex ReplaceSearch for all instances of the Search Value and replace the matches with the Replacement Value.Literal ReplaceLiteral ReplaceAlways replaces the entire line or the entire contents of the FlowFile (depending on the value of the <Evaluation Mode> property) and does not bother searching for any value. When this strategy is chosen, the <Search Value> property is ignored.Always ReplaceAlways ReplaceRegex ReplaceThe strategy for how and what to replace within the FlowFile's text content.Replacement StrategyfalseReplacement StrategytruefalsefalseEvaluation ModeLine-by-LineLine-by-LineEntire textEntire textEntire textRun the 'Replacement Strategy' against each line separately (Line-by-Line) or buffer the entire file into memory (Entire Text) and run against that.Evaluation ModefalseEvaluation Modetruefalsefalsefalse30 secRegular Expression(?s:^.*$)Replacement Value{
+ "query":{
+ "bool":{
+ "must": [
+ {"match":{"gender":"female"}}
+ ]}
+ }
+}Character SetUTF-8Maximum Buffer Size1 MBReplacement StrategyRegex ReplaceEvaluation ModeEntire text00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secReplaceTexttrueFlowFiles that could not be updated are routed to this relationshipfailurefalseFlowFiles that have been successfully processed are routed to this relationship. This includes both FlowFiles that had text replaced and those that did not.successSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ReplaceText0605add2-07f4-4667-a2f0-bdfdcfa23906851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1183.125637263058551.0791164516161WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Merge StrategyGenerates 'bins' of FlowFiles and fills each bin as full as possible. FlowFiles are placed into a bin based on their size and optionally their attributes (if the <Correlation Attribute> property is set)Bin-Packing AlgorithmBin-Packing AlgorithmCombines fragments that are associated by attributes back into a single cohesive FlowFile. If using this strategy, all FlowFiles must have the attributes <fragment.identifier>, <fragment.count>, and <fragment.index> or alternatively (for backward compatibility purposes) <segment.identifier>, <segment.count>, and <segment.index>. All FlowFiles with the same value for "fragment.identifier" will be grouped together. All FlowFiles in this group must have the same value for the "fragment.count" attribute. All FlowFiles in this group must have a unique value for the "fragment.index" attribute between 0 and the value of the "fragment.count" attribute.DefragmentDefragmentBin-Packing AlgorithmSpecifies the algorithm used to merge content. The 'Defragment' algorithm combines fragments that are associated by attributes back into a single cohesive FlowFile. The 'Bin-Packing Algorithm' generates a FlowFile populated by arbitrarily chosen FlowFilesMerge StrategyfalseMerge StrategytruefalsefalseMerge FormatA bin of FlowFiles will be combined into a single TAR file. The FlowFiles' <path> attribute will be used to create a directory in the TAR file if the <Keep Paths> property is set to true; otherwise, all FlowFiles will be added at the root of the TAR file. If a FlowFile has an attribute named <tar.permissions> that is 3 characters, each between 0-7, that attribute will be used as the TAR entry's 'mode'.TARTARA bin of FlowFiles will be combined into a single ZIP file. The FlowFiles' <path> attribute will be used to create a directory in the ZIP file if the <Keep Paths> property is set to true; otherwise, all FlowFiles will be added at the root of the ZIP file. The <Compression Level> property indicates the ZIP compression to use.ZIPZIPA bin of FlowFiles will be combined into a single Version 3 FlowFile StreamFlowFile Stream, v3FlowFile Stream, v3A bin of FlowFiles will be combined into a single Version 2 FlowFile StreamFlowFile Stream, v2FlowFile Stream, v2A bin of FlowFiles will be combined into a single Version 1 FlowFile PackageFlowFile Tar, v1FlowFile Tar, v1The contents of all FlowFiles will be concatenated together into a single FlowFileBinary ConcatenationBinary ConcatenationThe Avro contents of all FlowFiles will be concatenated together into a single FlowFileAvroAvroBinary ConcatenationDetermines the format that will be used to merge the content.Merge FormatfalseMerge FormattruefalsefalseAttribute StrategyKeep Only Common AttributesKeep Only Common AttributesKeep All Unique AttributesKeep All Unique AttributesKeep Only Common AttributesDetermines which FlowFile attributes should be added to the bundle. If 'Keep All Unique Attributes' is selected, any attribute on any FlowFile that gets bundled will be kept unless its value conflicts with the value from another FlowFile. If 'Keep Only Common Attributes' is selected, only the attributes that exist on all FlowFiles in the bundle, with the same value, will be preserved.Attribute StrategyfalseAttribute StrategytruefalsefalseCorrelation Attribute NameIf specified, like FlowFiles will be binned together, where 'like FlowFiles' means FlowFiles that have the same value for this Attribute. If not specified, FlowFiles are bundled by the order in which they are pulled from the queue.Correlation Attribute NamefalseCorrelation Attribute NamefalsefalsefalseMinimum Number of Entries1The minimum number of files to include in a bundleMinimum Number of EntriesfalseMinimum Number of EntriestruefalsefalseMaximum Number of EntriesThe maximum number of files to include in a bundle. If not specified, there is no maximum.Maximum Number of EntriesfalseMaximum Number of EntriesfalsefalsefalseMinimum Group Size0 BThe minimum size of for the bundleMinimum Group SizefalseMinimum Group SizetruefalsefalseMaximum Group SizeThe maximum size for the bundle. If not specified, there is no maximum.Maximum Group SizefalseMaximum Group SizefalsefalsefalseMax Bin AgeThe maximum age of a Bin that will trigger a Bin to be complete. Expected format is <duration> <time unit> where <duration> is a positive integer and time unit is one of seconds, minutes, hoursMax Bin AgefalseMax Bin AgefalsefalsefalseMaximum number of Bins100Specifies the maximum number of bins that can be held in memory at any one timeMaximum number of BinsfalseMaximum number of BinstruefalsefalseDelimiter StrategyThe values of Header, Footer, and Demarcator will be retrieved from the contents of a fileFilenameFilenameThe values of Header, Footer, and Demarcator will be specified as property valuesTextTextFilenameDetermines if Header, Footer, and Demarcator should point to files containing the respective content, or if the values of the properties should be used as the content.Delimiter StrategyfalseDelimiter StrategytruefalsefalseHeader FileFilename specifying the header to use. If not specified, no header is supplied. This property is valid only when using the binary-concatenation merge strategy; otherwise, it is ignored.HeaderfalseHeader FilefalsefalsetrueFooter FileFilename specifying the footer to use. If not specified, no footer is supplied. This property is valid only when using the binary-concatenation merge strategy; otherwise, it is ignored.FooterfalseFooter FilefalsefalsetrueDemarcator FileFilename specifying the demarcator to use. If not specified, no demarcator is supplied. This property is valid only when using the binary-concatenation merge strategy; otherwise, it is ignored.DemarcatorfalseDemarcator FilefalsefalsetrueCompression Level001122334455667788991Specifies the compression level to use when using the Zip Merge Format; if not using the Zip Merge Format, this value is ignoredCompression LevelfalseCompression LeveltruefalsefalseKeep PathtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf using the Zip or Tar Merge Format, specifies whether or not the FlowFiles' paths should be included in their entry names; if using other merge strategy, this value is ignoredKeep PathfalseKeep Pathtruefalsefalsefalse30 secMerge StrategyBin-Packing AlgorithmMerge FormatBinary ConcatenationAttribute StrategyKeep Only Common AttributesCorrelation Attribute NameMinimum Number of Entries1Maximum Number of EntriesMinimum Group Size0 BMaximum Group SizeMax Bin AgeMaximum number of Bins100Delimiter StrategyFilenameHeader FileFooter FileDemarcator FileCompression Level1Keep Pathfalse00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secMergeContenttrueIf the bundle cannot be created, all FlowFiles that would have been used to created the bundle will be transferred to failurefailurefalseThe FlowFile containing the merged contentmergedtrueThe FlowFiles that were used to create the bundleoriginalSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.MergeContent7f8b6624-9495-4a3b-a7af-f39573a585e0851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded577.0545.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?File SizeThe size of the file that will be usedFile SizefalseFile SizetruefalsefalseBatch Size1The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocationBatch SizefalseBatch SizetruefalsefalseData FormatBinaryBinaryTextTextBinarySpecifies whether the data should be Text or BinaryData FormatfalseData FormattruefalsefalseUnique FlowFilestruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much higher throughputUnique FlowFilesfalseUnique FlowFilestruefalsefalsefalse30 secFile Size0BBatch Size1Data FormatTextUnique FlowFilesfalse05 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secGenerateFlowFilefalsesuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GenerateFlowFileccb5ba27-98db-475d-be1e-f85e1276b172851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1600.7532958984375723.9892578125WARN0TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Cluster NameName of the ES cluster (for example, elasticsearch_brew). Defaults to 'elasticsearch'Cluster NamefalseCluster NamefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch HostsElasticSearch Hosts, which should be comma separated and colon for hostname/port host1:port,host2:port,.... For example testcluster:9300.ElasticSearch HostsfalseElasticSearch HostsfalsefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService47fdb81f-331c-4171-b448-efa81a7071e1The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections. This service only appSSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sThe ping timeout used to determine when a node is unreachable. For example, 5s (5 seconds). If non-local recommended is 30sElasticSearch Ping TimeoutfalseElasticSearch Ping TimeouttruefalsefalseSampler Interval5sNode sampler interval. For example, 5s (5 seconds) If non-local recommended is 30sSampler IntervalfalseSampler IntervaltruefalsefalseDocument Identifier AttributeThe name of the attribute containing the identifier for each FlowFileDocument Identifier AttributefalseDocument Identifier AttributetruefalsetrueIndexThe name of the index to read fromIndexfalseIndextruefalsetrueTypeThe type of this document (used by Elasticsearch for indexing and searching)TypefalseTypetruefalsetruefalse30 secCluster NameelasticsearchElasticSearch Hosts192.168.99.100:32768SSL Context ServiceElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sSampler Interval5sDocument Identifier Attribute${es-doc-id}Indexrandomuser.meTypeuser01 secEVENT_DRIVEN1 secFetchElasticsearchtrueAll FlowFiles that cannot be read from Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipfailuretrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the document cannot be fetched but attempting the operation again may succeedretryfalseAll FlowFiles that are read from Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.elasticsearch.FetchElasticsearchd39e7410-cd1f-4b2c-84b3-1bbd713ce70c851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1181.158971666072631.254830322412737WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?File SizeThe size of the file that will be usedFile SizefalseFile SizetruefalsefalseBatch Size1The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocationBatch SizefalseBatch SizetruefalsefalseData FormatBinaryBinaryTextTextBinarySpecifies whether the data should be Text or BinaryData FormatfalseData FormattruefalsefalseUnique FlowFilestruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much higher throughputUnique FlowFilesfalseUnique FlowFilestruefalsefalsefalse30 secFile Size0BBatch Size1Data FormatTextUnique FlowFilesfalse05 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secGenerateFlowFilefalsesuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GenerateFlowFile3f395d1d-63c6-4dc4-bb60-555910f314f2851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded574.0697.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Cluster NameName of the ES cluster (for example, elasticsearch_brew). Defaults to 'elasticsearch'Cluster NamefalseCluster NamefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch HostsElasticSearch Hosts, which should be comma separated and colon for hostname/port host1:port,host2:port,.... For example testcluster:9300.ElasticSearch HostsfalseElasticSearch HostsfalsefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService47fdb81f-331c-4171-b448-efa81a7071e1The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections. This service only appSSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sThe ping timeout used to determine when a node is unreachable. For example, 5s (5 seconds). If non-local recommended is 30sElasticSearch Ping TimeoutfalseElasticSearch Ping TimeouttruefalsefalseSampler Interval5sNode sampler interval. For example, 5s (5 seconds) If non-local recommended is 30sSampler IntervalfalseSampler IntervaltruefalsefalseDocument Identifier AttributeThe name of the attribute containing the identifier for each FlowFileDocument Identifier AttributefalseDocument Identifier AttributetruefalsetrueIndexThe name of the index to read fromIndexfalseIndextruefalsetrueTypeThe type of this document (used by Elasticsearch for indexing and searching)TypefalseTypetruefalsetruefalse30 secCluster NameelasticsearchElasticSearch Hosts192.168.99.100:32768SSL Context ServiceElasticSearch Ping Timeout5sSampler Interval5sDocument Identifier Attribute${nextInt():mod(10)}Indexrandomuser.meTypeuser02 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secFetchElasticsearchtrueAll FlowFiles that cannot be read from Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipfailuretrueA FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the document cannot be fetched but attempting the operation again may succeedretryfalseAll FlowFiles that are read from Elasticsearch are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.elasticsearch.FetchElasticsearch31bf7630-4e5a-437e-83f4-0d9cdc8a3fdb851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1596.4421997070312210.25721073150635WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?HTTP MethodGETHTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS). Arbitrary methods are also supported. Methods other than POST and PUT will be sent without a message body.HTTP MethodfalseHTTP MethodtruefalsetrueRemote URLRemote URL which will be connected to, including scheme, host, port, path.Remote URLfalseRemote URLtruefalsetrueSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService47fdb81f-331c-4171-b448-efa81a7071e1The SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL (https) connections.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseConnection Timeout5 secsMax wait time for connection to remote service.Connection TimeoutfalseConnection TimeouttruefalsefalseRead Timeout15 secsMax wait time for response from remote service.Read TimeoutfalseRead TimeouttruefalsefalseInclude Date HeaderTrueTrueFalseFalseTrueInclude an RFC-2616 Date header in the request.Include Date HeaderfalseInclude Date HeadertruefalsefalseFollow RedirectsTrueTrueFalseFalseTrueFollow HTTP redirects issued by remote server.Follow RedirectsfalseFollow RedirectstruefalsefalseAttributes to SendRegular expression that defines which attributes to send as HTTP headers in the request. If not defined, no attributes are sent as headers. Also any dynamic properties set will be sent as headers. The dynamic property key will be the header key and the dynamic property value will be interpreted as expression language will be the header value.Attributes to SendfalseAttributes to SendfalsefalsefalseBasic Authentication UsernameThe username to be used by the client to authenticate against the Remote URL. Cannot include control characters (0-31), ':', or DEL (127).Basic Authentication UsernamefalseBasic Authentication UsernamefalsefalsefalseBasic Authentication PasswordThe password to be used by the client to authenticate against the Remote URL.Basic Authentication PasswordfalseBasic Authentication PasswordfalsetruefalseProxy HostThe fully qualified hostname or IP address of the proxy serverProxy HostfalseProxy HostfalsefalsefalseProxy PortThe port of the proxy serverProxy PortfalseProxy PortfalsefalsefalsePut Response Body In AttributeIf set, the response body received back will be put into an attribute of the original FlowFile instead of a separate FlowFile. The attribute key to put to is determined by evaluating value of this property. Put Response Body In AttributefalsePut Response Body In AttributefalsefalsetrueMax Length To Put In Attribute256If routing the response body to an attribute of the original (by setting the "Put response body in attribute" property or by receiving an error status code), the number of characters put to the attribute value will be at most this amount. This is important because attributes are held in memory and large attributes will quickly cause out of memory issues. If the output goes longer than this value, it will be truncated to fit. Consider making this smaller if able.Max Length To Put In AttributefalseMax Length To Put In AttributefalsefalsefalseDigest AuthenticationtruetruefalsefalsefalseWhether to communicate with the website using Digest Authentication. 'Basic Authentication Username' and 'Basic Authentication Password' are used for authentication.Use Digest AuthenticationfalseDigest AuthenticationfalsefalsefalseAlways Output ResponsetruetruefalsefalsefalseWill force a response FlowFile to be generated and routed to the 'Response' relationship regardless of what the server status code received is or if the processor is configured to put the server response body in the request attribute. In the later configuration a request FlowFile with the response body in the attribute and a typical response FlowFile will be emitted to their respective relationships.Always Output ResponsefalseAlways Output ResponsefalsefalsefalseTrusted HostnameBypass the normal truststore hostname verifier to allow the specified remote hostname as trusted. Enabling this property has MITM security implications, use wisely. Will still accept other connections based on the normal truststore hostname verifier. Only valid with SSL (HTTPS) connections.Trusted HostnamefalseTrusted HostnamefalsefalsefalseAdd Response Headers to RequesttruetruefalsefalsefalseEnabling this property saves all the response headers to the original request. This may be when the response headers are needed but a response is not generated due to the status code received.Add Response Headers to RequestfalseAdd Response Headers to Requestfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secHTTP MethodPOSTRemote URLhttp:// Context ServiceConnection Timeout5 secsRead Timeout15 secsInclude Date HeaderTrueFollow RedirectsTrueAttributes to SendBasic Authentication UsernameBasic Authentication PasswordProxy HostProxy PortPut Response Body In AttributeMax Length To Put In Attribute256Digest AuthenticationfalseAlways Output ResponsefalseTrusted HostnameAdd Response Headers to Requestfalse00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secInvokeHTTPtrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any type of connection failure, timeout or general exception. It will have new attributes detailing the request.FailuretrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that should NOT be retried (1xx, 3xx, 4xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the request.No RetrytrueThe original FlowFile will be routed upon success (2xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the success of the request.OriginalfalseA Response FlowFile will be routed upon success (2xx status codes). If the 'Output Response Regardless' property is true then the response will be sent to this relationship regardless of the status code received.ResponsetrueThe original FlowFile will be routed on any status code that can be retried (5xx status codes). It will have new attributes detailing the request.RetrySTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.InvokeHTTP74a545ef-15e9-4c82-af05-2e8034a9f56f851f4c7e-51a1-4ae0-9cbc-453fa1fb9ded1185.7344975535973719.4959439235047WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Regular Expression(?s:^.*$)The Search Value to search for in the FlowFile content. Only used for 'Literal Replace' and 'Regex Replace' matching strategiesSearch ValuefalseRegular ExpressiontruefalsetrueReplacement Value$1The value to insert using the 'Replacement Strategy'. Using "Regex Replace" back-references to Regular Expression capturing groups are supported, but back-references that reference capturing groups that do not exist in the regular expression will be treated as literal value. Back References may also be referenced using the Expression Language, as '$1', '$2', etc. The single-tick marks MUST be included, as these variables are not "Standard" attribute names (attribute names must be quoted unless they contain only numbers, letters, and _).Replacement ValuefalseReplacement ValuetruefalsetrueCharacter SetUTF-8The Character Set in which the file is encodedCharacter SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMaximum Buffer Size1 MBSpecifies the maximum amount of data to buffer (per file or per line, depending on the Evaluation Mode) in order to apply the replacement. If 'Entire Text' (in Evaluation Mode) is selected and the FlowFile is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, if a single line is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. A default value of 1 MB is provided, primarily for 'Entire Text' mode. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, a value such as 8 KB or 16 KB is suggested. This value is ignored if the <Replacement Strategy> property is set to one of: Append, Prepend, Always ReplaceMaximum Buffer SizefalseMaximum Buffer SizetruefalsefalseReplacement StrategyInsert the Replacement Value at the beginning of the FlowFile or the beginning of each line (depending on the Evaluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be prepended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be prepended to the entire text.PrependPrependInsert the Replacement Value at the end of the FlowFile or the end of each line (depending on the Evluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be appended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be appended to the entire text.AppendAppendInterpret the Search Value as a Regular Expression and replace all matches with the Replacement Value. The Replacement Value may reference Capturing Groups used in the Search Value by using a dollar-sign followed by the Capturing Group number, such as $1 or $2. If the Search Value is set to .* then everything is replaced without even evaluating the Regular Expression.Regex ReplaceRegex ReplaceSearch for all instances of the Search Value and replace the matches with the Replacement Value.Literal ReplaceLiteral ReplaceAlways replaces the entire line or the entire contents of the FlowFile (depending on the value of the <Evaluation Mode> property) and does not bother searching for any value. When this strategy is chosen, the <Search Value> property is ignored.Always ReplaceAlways ReplaceRegex ReplaceThe strategy for how and what to replace within the FlowFile's text content.Replacement StrategyfalseReplacement StrategytruefalsefalseEvaluation ModeLine-by-LineLine-by-LineEntire textEntire textEntire textRun the 'Replacement Strategy' against each line separately (Line-by-Line) or buffer the entire file into memory (Entire Text) and run against that.Evaluation ModefalseEvaluation Modetruefalsefalsefalse30 secRegular Expression(?s:^.*$)Replacement Value${userdoc.name:append('\n')}Character SetUTF-8Maximum Buffer Size1 MBReplacement StrategyRegex ReplaceEvaluation ModeEntire text00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secReplaceTexttrueFlowFiles that could not be updated are routed to this relationshipfailurefalseFlowFiles that have been successfully processed are routed to this relationship. This includes both FlowFiles that had text replaced and those that did not.successSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ReplaceText01/13/2016 11:46:26 EST
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Publish_Consume_JMS.xml b/templates/Publish_Consume_JMS.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5db3c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/Publish_Consume_JMS.xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This template is an example of how to configure and use the Publish and Consume JMS processors.Publish Consume JMS3f9285d4-52a1-4596-b96b-779012ea4b700a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab080 MB00a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab083115f1fa-4562-425d-b677-6cec1e47a520PROCESSOR0 sec1success00ee25fd9-3d03-4fe0-91ab-fbdfb87a69570a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab080 MB00a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab0867fdf167-354a-475e-8019-00080c0d4ca3PROCESSOR0 sec1success0321b545d-0cc3-4cb7-9cb6-bbdbf4cf4c4b0a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab080 MB00a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08da8a88d7-ea32-421b-a0c8-3f4e000af524PROCESSOR0 sec1success025207230-2aa8-4dde-85d3-fb9fe87e212b0a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab080 MB00a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08dba59a3c-cd92-4905-843a-027e68694431PROCESSOR0 sec1failure05d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dcfA fully qualified name of the JMS ConnectionFactory implementation class (i.e., org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory)MQ ConnectionFactory ImplementationfalsecftruefalsefalsecflibPath to the directory with additional resources (i.e., JARs, configuration files etc.) to be added to the classpath. Such resources typically represent target MQ client libraries for the ConnectionFactory implementation.MQ Client Libraries path (i.e., /usr/jms/lib)falsecflibtruefalsefalsebrokerURI pointing to the network location of the JMS Message broker. For example, 'tcp://myhost:61616' for ActiveMQ or 'myhost:1414' for IBM MQBroker URIfalsebrokertruefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceThe SSL Context Service used to provide client certificate information for TLS/SSL connections.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseJMSConnectionFactoryProvidercforg.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactorycflib/Users/jpercivall/Downloads/apache-activemq-5.13.0/lib/brokertcp://localhost:61616SSL Context Service0User NameUser Name used for authentication and authorization.User NamefalseUser NamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword used for authentication and authorization.PasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseDestination NameThe name of the JMS Destination. Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'topic://myTopic').Destination NamefalseDestination NametruefalsefalseDestination TypeQUEUEQUEUETOPICTOPICQUEUEThe type of the JMS Destination. Could be one of 'QUEUE' or 'TOPIC'. Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'TOPICDestination TypefalseDestination TypetruefalsefalseSession Cache size1The maximum limit for the number of cached Sessions.Session Cache sizefalseSession Cache sizetruefalsefalseConnection Factory ServiceJMSConnectionFactoryProvider5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dThe Controller Service that is used to obtain ConnectionFactoryConnection Factory Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.jms.cf.JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinitionConnection Factory Servicetruefalsefalse0a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08cedca257-dfad-4f15-a6fc-e9e69e2f41f0ConsumeJMSUser NameadminPassword********Destination NametestDestination TypeSession Cache sizeConnection Factory Service5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dProcessorRUNNINGorg.apache.nifi.jms.processors.ConsumeJMS0User NameUser Name used for authentication and authorization.User NamefalseUser NamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword used for authentication and authorization.PasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseDestination NameThe name of the JMS Destination. Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'topic://myTopic').Destination NamefalseDestination NametruefalsefalseDestination TypeQUEUEQUEUETOPICTOPICQUEUEThe type of the JMS Destination. Could be one of 'QUEUE' or 'TOPIC'. Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'TOPICDestination TypefalseDestination TypetruefalsefalseSession Cache size1The maximum limit for the number of cached Sessions.Session Cache sizefalseSession Cache sizetruefalsefalseConnection Factory ServiceJMSConnectionFactoryProvider5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dThe Controller Service that is used to obtain ConnectionFactoryConnection Factory Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.jms.cf.JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinitionConnection Factory Servicetruefalsefalse0a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab083115f1fa-4562-425d-b677-6cec1e47a520PublishJMSUser NameadminPassword********Destination NametestDestination TypeSession Cache sizeConnection Factory Service5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dProcessorRUNNINGorg.apache.nifi.jms.processors.PublishJMSENABLEDorg.apache.nifi.jms.cf.JMSConnectionFactoryProvidercedca257-dfad-4f15-a6fc-e9e69e2f41f00a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08303.0354.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?User NameUser Name used for authentication and authorization.User NamefalseUser NamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword used for authentication and authorization.PasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseDestination NameThe name of the JMS Destination. Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'topic://myTopic').Destination NamefalseDestination NametruefalsefalseDestination TypeQUEUEQUEUETOPICTOPICQUEUEThe type of the JMS Destination. Could be one of 'QUEUE' or 'TOPIC'. Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'TOPICDestination TypefalseDestination TypetruefalsefalseSession Cache size1The maximum limit for the number of cached Sessions.Session Cache sizefalseSession Cache sizetruefalsefalseConnection Factory ServiceJMSConnectionFactoryProvider5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dThe Controller Service that is used to obtain ConnectionFactoryConnection Factory Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.jms.cf.JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinitionConnection Factory Servicetruefalsefalsefalse30 secUser NameadminPasswordDestination NametestDestination TypeSession Cache sizeConnection Factory Service5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46d01 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secConsumeJMSfalseAll FlowFiles that are received from the JMS Destination are routed to this relationshipsuccessRUNNINGfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.jms.processors.ConsumeJMS74d8bb8d-83e2-4230-a419-286faa7f4e060a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08769.0109.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?File SizeThe size of the file that will be usedFile SizefalseFile SizetruefalsefalseBatch Size1The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocationBatch SizefalseBatch SizetruefalsefalseData FormatBinaryBinaryTextTextBinarySpecifies whether the data should be Text or BinaryData FormatfalseData FormattruefalsefalseUnique FlowFilestruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much higher throughputUnique FlowFilesfalseUnique FlowFilestruefalsefalsefalse30 secFile Size10 BBatch SizeData FormatTextUnique FlowFilestrue01 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secGenerateFlowFilefalsesuccessRUNNINGfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GenerateFlowFile3115f1fa-4562-425d-b677-6cec1e47a5200a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08788.0357.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?User NameUser Name used for authentication and authorization.User NamefalseUser NamefalsefalsefalsePasswordPassword used for authentication and authorization.PasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseDestination NameThe name of the JMS Destination. Usually provided by the administrator (e.g., 'topic://myTopic').Destination NamefalseDestination NametruefalsefalseDestination TypeQUEUEQUEUETOPICTOPICQUEUEThe type of the JMS Destination. Could be one of 'QUEUE' or 'TOPIC'. Usually provided by the administrator. Defaults to 'TOPICDestination TypefalseDestination TypetruefalsefalseSession Cache size1The maximum limit for the number of cached Sessions.Session Cache sizefalseSession Cache sizetruefalsefalseConnection Factory ServiceJMSConnectionFactoryProvider5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46dThe Controller Service that is used to obtain ConnectionFactoryConnection Factory Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.jms.cf.JMSConnectionFactoryProviderDefinitionConnection Factory Servicetruefalsefalsefalse30 secUser NameadminPasswordDestination NametestDestination TypeSession Cache sizeConnection Factory Service5d66db13-6a4b-443d-9abe-acd7e1bce46d00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPublishJMSfalseAll FlowFiles that cannot be sent to JMS destination are routed to this relationshipfailurefalseAll FlowFiles that are sent to the JMS destination are routed to this relationshipsuccessRUNNINGfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.jms.processors.PublishJMS67fdf167-354a-475e-8019-00080c0d4ca30a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08647.0593.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelLog PayloadAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessRUNNINGtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttributedba59a3c-cd92-4905-843a-027e686944310a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab081045.0593.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelLog PayloadAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessRUNNINGtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttributeda8a88d7-ea32-421b-a0c8-3f4e000af5240a366dc7-4e1e-4d55-98c1-8a7e51c8ab08299.0592.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelLog PayloadAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessRUNNINGtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttribute03/15/2016 14:51:13 EDT
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Splunk_Processors_with_Listen_TCP.xml b/templates/Splunk_Processors_with_Listen_TCP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725af30
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+++ b/templates/Splunk_Processors_with_Listen_TCP.xml
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+Splunk Processors with Listen TCP420ccabf-c795-4a5f-a502-3deead673de3f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f699882610d65054-5258-4cc4-9589-bd1185b07f85PROCESSOR0 sec1failure0b171f7c1-c640-4d17-8a4a-9cee8a0c49a6f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260ac7aebc-7692-4f37-804d-a7f03d2ddd1bPROCESSOR0 sec1success00c10de1c-4917-4bb7-94e3-d346d3a736c2f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826889f8d28-f936-457a-addb-c49ef7eed23bPROCESSOR0 sec1success0c6000652-74be-4bf8-b01f-7fcb1dd0b48cf1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988269fafd271-dcbd-4a6c-9625-29f28259fa4aPROCESSOR0 sec1failure0c6529f3f-b4f5-49cb-9a7a-93b9e52c71faf1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988266c7f545e-c272-4f45-893e-0838b75d744ePROCESSOR0 sec1success0fdbe0740-4be6-4712-917a-77613bb6089af1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826ff3b49ee-8535-4084-82e2-3aa22a10629dPROCESSOR0 sec1success067557f37-c2f5-42b0-b2de-e7660ebc8145f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f699882678471344-9f3d-4eb5-94f9-e25ee9a35f79PROCESSOR0 sec1success080944451-d3b5-45d8-a23d-ab214f6420b4f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988260 MB0f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826792bf873-97f4-4af1-8aa9-0534e79da810PROCESSOR0 sec1success0871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eKeystore FilenameThe fully-qualified filename of the KeystoreKeystore FilenamefalseKeystore FilenamefalsefalsefalseKeystore PasswordThe password for the KeystoreKeystore PasswordfalseKeystore PasswordfalsetruefalseKeystore TypeJKSJKSPKCS12PKCS12The Type of the KeystoreKeystore TypefalseKeystore TypefalsefalsefalseTruststore FilenameThe fully-qualified filename of the TruststoreTruststore FilenamefalseTruststore FilenamefalsefalsefalseTruststore PasswordThe password for the TruststoreTruststore PasswordfalseTruststore PasswordfalsetruefalseTruststore TypeJKSJKSPKCS12PKCS12The Type of the Truststore. Either JKS or PKCS12Truststore TypefalseTruststore TypefalsefalsefalseSSL ProtocolSSLSSLSSLv2HelloSSLv2HelloSSLv3SSLv3TLSTLSTLSv1TLSv1TLSv1.1TLSv1.1TLSv1.2TLSv1.2TLSThe algorithm to use for this SSL contextSSL ProtocolfalseSSL ProtocolfalsefalsefalseStandardSSLContextServiceKeystore Filename/home/osboxes/Dev/certs/distro-1.p12Keystore PasswordKeystore TypePKCS12Truststore Filename/home/osboxes/Dev/certs/truststore.jksTruststore PasswordTruststore TypeJKSSSL ProtocolTLS0PortThe port to listen on for communication.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseReceive Buffer Size65507 BThe size of each buffer used to receive messages. Adjust this value appropriately based on the expected size of the incoming messages.Receive Buffer SizefalseReceive Buffer SizetruefalsefalseMax Size of Message Queue10000The maximum size of the internal queue used to buffer messages being transferred from the underlying channel to the processor. Setting this value higher allows more messages to be buffered in memory during surges of incoming messages, but increases the total memory used by the processor.Max Size of Message QueuefalseMax Size of Message QueuetruefalsefalseMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBThe maximum size of the socket buffer that should be used. This is a suggestion to the Operating System to indicate how big the socket buffer should be. If this value is set too low, the buffer may fill up before the data can be read, and incoming data will be dropped.Max Size of Socket BufferfalseMax Size of Socket BuffertruefalsefalseCharacter SetUTF-8Specifies the character set of the received data.Character SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMax Number of TCP Connections2The maximum number of concurrent TCP connections to accept.Max Number of TCP ConnectionsfalseMax Number of TCP ConnectionstruefalsefalseMax Batch Size1The maximum number of messages to add to a single FlowFile. If multiple messages are available, they will be concatenated along with the <Message Delimiter> up to this configured maximum number of messagesMax Batch SizefalseMax Batch SizetruefalsefalseMessage Delimiter\nSpecifies the delimiter to place between messages when multiple messages are bundled together (see <Max Batch Size> property).Message DelimiterfalseMessage DelimitertruefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eThe Controller Service to use in order to obtain an SSL Context. If this property is set, messages will be received over a secure connection.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseClient AuthWANTWANTREQUIREDREQUIREDNONENONEREQUIREDThe client authentication policy to use for the SSL Context. Only used if an SSL Context Service is provided.Client AuthfalseClient Authfalsefalsefalsef1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988262ddc92dd-5f5b-4b3e-911d-d0aac1823b71ListenTCP SSLPort6589Receive Buffer Size65507 BMax Size of Message QueueMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBCharacter SetUTF-8Max Number of TCP Connections2Max Batch Size1Message Delimiter\nSSL Context Service871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eClient AuthProcessorSTOPPEDorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ListenTCP'SSL Context Service' validated against 'StandardSSLContextService' is invalid because Controller Service SSLContextService[id=871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486e] is disabledDISABLEDorg.apache.nifi.ssl.StandardSSLContextService52c9606a-a147-4bd1-bdfb-faebee77a6c7f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261496.069.0364.0384.018d89174-f53d-4dc0-9f8b-25bf232f2461f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826321.068.0666.0393.04a2cad8e-47e5-4f1d-ad7d-16f35269aaf6f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826736.400024414062568.9998779296875663.0732.010d65054-5258-4cc4-9589-bd1185b07f85f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826777.1999267578126609.4999755859375WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Delete Attributes ExpressionRegular expression for attributes to be deleted from flowfiles.Delete Attributes ExpressionfalseDelete Attributes Expressionfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDelete Attributes Expression00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secUpdateAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.attributes.UpdateAttribute78471344-9f3d-4eb5-94f9-e25ee9a35f79f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826359.0279.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelinfoLog PayloadtrueAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttribute8bae21ad-6c89-4c01-9e71-b26340c50052f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826780.7198486328125113.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?File SizeThe size of the file that will be usedFile SizefalseFile SizetruefalsefalseBatch Size1The number of FlowFiles to be transferred in each invocationBatch SizefalseBatch SizetruefalsefalseData FormatBinaryBinaryTextTextBinarySpecifies whether the data should be Text or BinaryData FormatfalseData FormattruefalsefalseUnique FlowFilestruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, each FlowFile that is generated will be unique. If false, a random value will be generated and all FlowFiles will get the same content but this offers much higher throughputUnique FlowFilesfalseUnique FlowFilestruefalsefalsefalse30 secFile Size1 kbBatch Size1Data FormatBinaryUnique FlowFilesfalse01 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secGenerateFlowFilefalsesuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GenerateFlowFile41eb952d-e8c8-4d9d-85a7-0aabb542ec56f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261529.0112.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?SchemehttpshttpshttphttphttpsThe scheme for connecting to Splunk.SchemefalseSchemetruefalsefalseHostnamelocalhostThe ip address or hostname of the Splunk server.HostnamefalseHostnametruefalsefalsePort8089The port of the Splunk server.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseQuerysearch * | head 100The query to execute. Typically beginning with a <search> command followed by a search clause, such as <search source="tcp:7689"> to search for messages received on TCP port 7689.QueryfalseQuerytruefalsefalseTime Range StrategyThe processor will manage the date ranges of the query starting from the beginning of time.Managed from BeginningManaged from BeginningThe processor will manage the date ranges of the query starting from the current time.Managed from CurrentManaged from CurrentThe the time range provided through the Earliest Time and Latest Time properties will be used.ProvidedProvidedProvidedIndicates how to apply time ranges to each execution of the query. Selecting a managed option allows the processor to apply a time range from the last execution time to the current execution time. When using <Managed from Beginning>, an earliest time will not be applied on the first execution, and thus all records searched. When using <Managed from Current> the earliest time of the first execution will be the initial execution time. When using <Provided>, the time range will come from the Earliest Time and Latest Time properties, or no time range will be applied if these properties are left blank.Time Range StrategyfalseTime Range StrategytruefalsefalseEarliest TimeThe value to use for the earliest time when querying. Only used with a Time Range Strategy of Provided. See Splunk's documentation on Search Time Modifiers for guidance in populating this field.Earliest TimefalseEarliest TimefalsefalsefalseLatest TimeThe value to use for the latest time when querying. Only used with a Time Range Strategy of Provided. See Splunk's documentation on Search Time Modifiers for guidance in populating this field.Latest TimefalseLatest TimefalsefalsefalseApplicationThe Splunk Application to query.ApplicationfalseApplicationfalsefalsefalseOwnerThe owner to pass to Splunk.OwnerfalseOwnerfalsefalsefalseTokenThe token to pass to Splunk.TokenfalseTokenfalsefalsefalseUsernameThe username to authenticate to Splunk.UsernamefalseUsernamefalsefalsefalsePasswordThe password to authenticate to Splunk.PasswordfalsePasswordfalsetruefalseSecurity ProtocolTLSv1_2TLSv1_2TLSv1_1TLSv1_1TLSv1TLSv1SSLv3SSLv3TLSv1_2The security protocol to use for communicating with Splunk.Security ProtocolfalseSecurity ProtocolfalsefalsefalseOutput ModeATOMATOMCSVCSVJSONJSONJSON_COLSJSON_COLSJSON_ROWSJSON_ROWSRAWRAWXMLXMLJSONThe output mode for the results.Output ModefalseOutput Modetruefalsefalsefalse30 secSchemehttpsHostnamelocalhostPort8070Querysearch host="localhost"Time Range StrategyProvidedEarliest Time-5mLatest Time-1mApplicationOwnerTokenUsernameadminPasswordSecurity ProtocolTLSv1_2Output ModeJSON030 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secQuery every 30 secondsfalseResults retrieved from Splunk are sent out this relationship.successSTOPPEDfalsefalseorg.apache.nifi.processors.splunk.GetSplunk73212a32-1340-4423-a302-a884df0231b4f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261129.0112.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Input DirectoryThe input directory from which to pull filesInput DirectoryfalseInput DirectorytruefalsetrueFile Filter[^\.].*Only files whose names match the given regular expression will be picked upFile FilterfalseFile FiltertruefalsefalsePath FilterWhen Recurse Subdirectories is true, then only subdirectories whose path matches the given regular expression will be scannedPath FilterfalsePath FilterfalsefalsefalseBatch Size10The maximum number of files to pull in each iterationBatch SizefalseBatch SizetruefalsefalseKeep Source FiletruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the file is not deleted after it has been copied to the Content Repository; this causes the file to be picked up continually and is useful for testing purposes. If not keeping original NiFi will need write permissions on the directory it is pulling from otherwise it will ignore the file.Keep Source FilefalseKeep Source FiletruefalsefalseRecurse SubdirectoriestruetruefalsefalsetrueIndicates whether or not to pull files from subdirectoriesRecurse SubdirectoriesfalseRecurse SubdirectoriestruefalsefalsePolling Interval0 secIndicates how long to wait before performing a directory listingPolling IntervalfalsePolling IntervaltruefalsefalseIgnore Hidden FilestruetruefalsefalsetrueIndicates whether or not hidden files should be ignoredIgnore Hidden FilesfalseIgnore Hidden FilestruefalsefalseMinimum File Age0 secThe minimum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any file younger than this amount of time (according to last modification date) will be ignoredMinimum File AgefalseMinimum File AgetruefalsefalseMaximum File AgeThe maximum age that a file must be in order to be pulled; any file older than this amount of time (according to last modification date) will be ignoredMaximum File AgefalseMaximum File AgefalsefalsefalseMinimum File Size0 BThe minimum size that a file must be in order to be pulledMinimum File SizefalseMinimum File SizetruefalsefalseMaximum File SizeThe maximum size that a file can be in order to be pulledMaximum File SizefalseMaximum File Sizefalsefalsefalsefalse30 secInput Directory./logsFile Filter[^\.].*Path FilterBatch Size10Keep Source FiletrueRecurse SubdirectoriestruePolling Interval0 secIgnore Hidden FilestrueMinimum File Age0 secMaximum File AgeMinimum File Size0 BMaximum File Size02 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secGetFile ./data/inputfalseAll files are routed to successsuccessSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GetFileff3b49ee-8535-4084-82e2-3aa22a10629df1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261131.2002685546875274.6999267578125WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?HostnamelocalhostThe ip address or hostname of the destination.HostnamefalseHostnametruefalsefalsePortThe port on the destination.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseMax Size of Socket Send Buffer1 MBThe maximum size of the socket send buffer that should be used. This is a suggestion to the Operating System to indicate how big the socket buffer should be. If this value is set too low, the buffer may fill up before the data can be read, and incoming data will be dropped.Max Size of Socket Send BufferfalseMax Size of Socket Send BuffertruefalsefalseCharacter SetUTF-8Specifies the character set of the data being sent.Character SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseTimeout10 secondsThe timeout for connecting to and communicating with the destination. Does not apply to UDPTimeoutfalseTimeoutfalsefalsefalseIdle Connection Expiration5 secondsThe amount of time a connection should be held open without being used before closing the connection.Idle Connection ExpirationfalseIdle Connection ExpirationtruefalsefalseProtocolTCPTCPUDPUDPUDPThe protocol for communication.ProtocolfalseProtocoltruefalsefalseMessage DelimiterSpecifies the delimiter to use for splitting apart multiple messages within a single FlowFile. If not specified, the entire content of the FlowFile will be used as a single message. If specified, the contents of the FlowFile will be split on this delimiter and each section sent as a separate message. Note that if messages are delimited and some messages for a given FlowFile are transferred successfully while others are not, the messages will be split into individual FlowFiles, such that those messages that were successfully sent are routed to the 'success' relationship while other messages are sent to the 'failure' relationship.Message DelimiterfalseMessage DelimiterfalsefalsetrueSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eThe Controller Service to use in order to obtain an SSL Context. If this property is set, messages will be sent over a secure connection.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context Servicefalsefalsefalsefalse30 secHostnamelocalhostPort7689Max Size of Socket Send Buffer1 MBCharacter SetUTF-8Timeout10 secondsIdle Connection Expiration5 secondsProtocolTCPMessage DelimiterNNSSL Context Service00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutSplunk Delimited MessagesfalseFlowFiles that failed to send to the destination are sent out this relationship.failuretrueFlowFiles that are sent successfully to the destination are sent out this relationship.successSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.splunk.PutSplunk0ac7aebc-7692-4f37-804d-a7f03d2ddd1bf1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826778.39990234375441.1199035644531WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?HostnamelocalhostThe ip address or hostname of the destination.HostnamefalseHostnametruefalsefalsePortThe port on the destination.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseMax Size of Socket Send Buffer1 MBThe maximum size of the socket send buffer that should be used. This is a suggestion to the Operating System to indicate how big the socket buffer should be. If this value is set too low, the buffer may fill up before the data can be read, and incoming data will be dropped.Max Size of Socket Send BufferfalseMax Size of Socket Send BuffertruefalsefalseCharacter SetUTF-8Specifies the character set of the data being sent.Character SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseTimeout10 secondsThe timeout for connecting to and communicating with the destination. Does not apply to UDPTimeoutfalseTimeoutfalsefalsefalseIdle Connection Expiration5 secondsThe amount of time a connection should be held open without being used before closing the connection.Idle Connection ExpirationfalseIdle Connection ExpirationtruefalsefalseProtocolTCPTCPUDPUDPUDPThe protocol for communication.ProtocolfalseProtocoltruefalsefalseMessage DelimiterSpecifies the delimiter to use for splitting apart multiple messages within a single FlowFile. If not specified, the entire content of the FlowFile will be used as a single message. If specified, the contents of the FlowFile will be split on this delimiter and each section sent as a separate message. Note that if messages are delimited and some messages for a given FlowFile are transferred successfully while others are not, the messages will be split into individual FlowFiles, such that those messages that were successfully sent are routed to the 'success' relationship while other messages are sent to the 'failure' relationship.Message DelimiterfalseMessage DelimiterfalsefalsetrueSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eThe Controller Service to use in order to obtain an SSL Context. If this property is set, messages will be sent over a secure connection.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context Servicefalsefalsefalsefalse30 secHostnamelocalhostPort7689Max Size of Socket Send Buffer1 MBCharacter SetUTF-8Timeout10 secondsIdle Connection Expiration5 secondsProtocolTCPMessage DelimiterSSL Context Service00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secPutSplunk Single MessagefalseFlowFiles that failed to send to the destination are sent out this relationship.failuretrueFlowFiles that are sent successfully to the destination are sent out this relationship.successSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.splunk.PutSplunk2ddc92dd-5f5b-4b3e-911d-d0aac1823b71f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826366.0440.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?PortThe port to listen on for communication.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseReceive Buffer Size65507 BThe size of each buffer used to receive messages. Adjust this value appropriately based on the expected size of the incoming messages.Receive Buffer SizefalseReceive Buffer SizetruefalsefalseMax Size of Message Queue10000The maximum size of the internal queue used to buffer messages being transferred from the underlying channel to the processor. Setting this value higher allows more messages to be buffered in memory during surges of incoming messages, but increases the total memory used by the processor.Max Size of Message QueuefalseMax Size of Message QueuetruefalsefalseMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBThe maximum size of the socket buffer that should be used. This is a suggestion to the Operating System to indicate how big the socket buffer should be. If this value is set too low, the buffer may fill up before the data can be read, and incoming data will be dropped.Max Size of Socket BufferfalseMax Size of Socket BuffertruefalsefalseCharacter SetUTF-8Specifies the character set of the received data.Character SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMax Number of TCP Connections2The maximum number of concurrent TCP connections to accept.Max Number of TCP ConnectionsfalseMax Number of TCP ConnectionstruefalsefalseMax Batch Size1The maximum number of messages to add to a single FlowFile. If multiple messages are available, they will be concatenated along with the <Message Delimiter> up to this configured maximum number of messagesMax Batch SizefalseMax Batch SizetruefalsefalseMessage Delimiter\nSpecifies the delimiter to place between messages when multiple messages are bundled together (see <Max Batch Size> property).Message DelimiterfalseMessage DelimitertruefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eThe Controller Service to use in order to obtain an SSL Context. If this property is set, messages will be received over a secure connection.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseClient AuthWANTWANTREQUIREDREQUIREDNONENONEREQUIREDThe client authentication policy to use for the SSL Context. Only used if an SSL Context Service is provided.Client AuthfalseClient Authfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secPort6589Receive Buffer Size65507 BMax Size of Message QueueMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBCharacter SetUTF-8Max Number of TCP Connections2Max Batch Size1Message Delimiter\nSSL Context Service871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eClient Auth00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secListenTCP SSLfalseMessages received successfully will be sent out this relationship.successSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ListenTCP792bf873-97f4-4af1-8aa9-0534e79da810f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826363.0607.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelinfoLog PayloadtrueAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttribute6c7f545e-c272-4f45-893e-0838b75d744ef1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826780.9200439453125274.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Regular Expression(?s:^.*$)The Search Value to search for in the FlowFile content. Only used for 'Literal Replace' and 'Regex Replace' matching strategiesSearch ValuefalseRegular ExpressiontruefalsetrueReplacement Value$1The value to insert using the 'Replacement Strategy'. Using "Regex Replace" back-references to Regular Expression capturing groups are supported, but back-references that reference capturing groups that do not exist in the regular expression will be treated as literal value. Back References may also be referenced using the Expression Language, as '$1', '$2', etc. The single-tick marks MUST be included, as these variables are not "Standard" attribute names (attribute names must be quoted unless they contain only numbers, letters, and _).Replacement ValuefalseReplacement ValuetruefalsetrueCharacter SetUTF-8The Character Set in which the file is encodedCharacter SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMaximum Buffer Size1 MBSpecifies the maximum amount of data to buffer (per file or per line, depending on the Evaluation Mode) in order to apply the replacement. If 'Entire Text' (in Evaluation Mode) is selected and the FlowFile is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, if a single line is larger than this value, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. A default value of 1 MB is provided, primarily for 'Entire Text' mode. In 'Line-by-Line' Mode, a value such as 8 KB or 16 KB is suggested. This value is ignored if the <Replacement Strategy> property is set to one of: Append, Prepend, Always ReplaceMaximum Buffer SizefalseMaximum Buffer SizetruefalsefalseReplacement StrategyInsert the Replacement Value at the beginning of the FlowFile or the beginning of each line (depending on the Evaluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be prepended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be prepended to the entire text.PrependPrependInsert the Replacement Value at the end of the FlowFile or the end of each line (depending on the Evluation Mode). For "Line-by-Line" Evaluation Mode, the value will be appended to each line. For "Entire Text" evaluation mode, the value will be appended to the entire text.AppendAppendInterpret the Search Value as a Regular Expression and replace all matches with the Replacement Value. The Replacement Value may reference Capturing Groups used in the Search Value by using a dollar-sign followed by the Capturing Group number, such as $1 or $2. If the Search Value is set to .* then everything is replaced without even evaluating the Regular Expression.Regex ReplaceRegex ReplaceSearch for all instances of the Search Value and replace the matches with the Replacement Value.Literal ReplaceLiteral ReplaceAlways replaces the entire line or the entire contents of the FlowFile (depending on the value of the <Evaluation Mode> property) and does not bother searching for any value. When this strategy is chosen, the <Search Value> property is ignored.Always ReplaceAlways ReplaceRegex ReplaceThe strategy for how and what to replace within the FlowFile's text content.Replacement StrategyfalseReplacement StrategytruefalsefalseEvaluation ModeLine-by-LineLine-by-LineEntire textEntire textEntire textRun the 'Replacement Strategy' against each line separately (Line-by-Line) or buffer the entire file into memory (Entire Text) and run against that.Evaluation ModefalseEvaluation Modetruefalsefalsefalse30 secRegular Expression(?s:^.*$)Replacement Value<10> ${now():format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")} localhost this is a test message ${now()}Character SetUTF-8Maximum Buffer Size1 MBReplacement StrategyRegex ReplaceEvaluation ModeEntire text00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secReplaceTexttrueFlowFiles that could not be updated are routed to this relationshipfailurefalseFlowFiles that have been successfully processed are routed to this relationship. This includes both FlowFiles that had text replaced and those that did not.successSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ReplaceTexted0fa412-fe42-477c-b799-eb3270287221f1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f6998826360.0110.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?PortThe port to listen on for communication.PortfalsePorttruefalsefalseReceive Buffer Size65507 BThe size of each buffer used to receive messages. Adjust this value appropriately based on the expected size of the incoming messages.Receive Buffer SizefalseReceive Buffer SizetruefalsefalseMax Size of Message Queue10000The maximum size of the internal queue used to buffer messages being transferred from the underlying channel to the processor. Setting this value higher allows more messages to be buffered in memory during surges of incoming messages, but increases the total memory used by the processor.Max Size of Message QueuefalseMax Size of Message QueuetruefalsefalseMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBThe maximum size of the socket buffer that should be used. This is a suggestion to the Operating System to indicate how big the socket buffer should be. If this value is set too low, the buffer may fill up before the data can be read, and incoming data will be dropped.Max Size of Socket BufferfalseMax Size of Socket BuffertruefalsefalseCharacter SetUTF-8Specifies the character set of the received data.Character SetfalseCharacter SettruefalsefalseMax Number of TCP Connections2The maximum number of concurrent TCP connections to accept.Max Number of TCP ConnectionsfalseMax Number of TCP ConnectionstruefalsefalseMax Batch Size1The maximum number of messages to add to a single FlowFile. If multiple messages are available, they will be concatenated along with the <Message Delimiter> up to this configured maximum number of messagesMax Batch SizefalseMax Batch SizetruefalsefalseMessage Delimiter\nSpecifies the delimiter to place between messages when multiple messages are bundled together (see <Max Batch Size> property).Message DelimiterfalseMessage DelimitertruefalsefalseSSL Context ServiceStandardSSLContextService871f7215-56c4-4733-927c-00236e82486eThe Controller Service to use in order to obtain an SSL Context. If this property is set, messages will be received over a secure connection.SSL Context Servicefalseorg.apache.nifi.ssl.SSLContextServiceSSL Context ServicefalsefalsefalseClient AuthWANTWANTREQUIREDREQUIREDNONENONEREQUIREDThe client authentication policy to use for the SSL Context. Only used if an SSL Context Service is provided.Client AuthfalseClient Authfalsefalsefalsefalse30 secPort6588Receive Buffer Size65507 BMax Size of Message QueueMax Size of Socket Buffer1 MBCharacter SetUTF-8Max Number of TCP Connections2Max Batch Size1Message Delimiter\nSSL Context ServiceClient Auth00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secListenTCPfalseMessages received successfully will be sent out this relationship.successSTOPPEDfalsetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ListenTCP889f8d28-f936-457a-addb-c49ef7eed23bf1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261533.800048828125294.0WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Log LeveltracetracedebugdebuginfoinfowarnwarnerrorerrorinfoThe Log Level to use when logging the AttributesLog LevelfalseLog LeveltruefalsefalseLog PayloadtruetruefalsefalsefalseIf true, the FlowFile's payload will be logged, in addition to its attributes; otherwise, just the Attributes will be logged.Log PayloadfalseLog PayloadtruefalsefalseAttributes to LogA comma-separated list of Attributes to Log. If not specified, all attributes will be logged.Attributes to LogfalseAttributes to LogfalsefalsefalseAttributes to IgnoreA comma-separated list of Attributes to ignore. If not specified, no attributes will be ignored.Attributes to IgnorefalseAttributes to IgnorefalsefalsefalseLog prefixLog prefix appended to the log lines. It helps to distinguish the output of multiple LogAttribute processors.Log prefixfalseLog prefixfalsefalsetruefalse30 secLog LevelinfoLog PayloadtrueAttributes to LogAttributes to IgnoreLog prefix00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secLogAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.standard.LogAttribute9fafd271-dcbd-4a6c-9625-29f28259fa4af1bee4e8-470b-41b7-97af-ada9f69988261129.99990234375439.10001831054683WARN1TIMER_DRIVEN1EVENT_DRIVEN0CRON_DRIVEN1TIMER_DRIVEN0 secCRON_DRIVEN* * * * * ?Delete Attributes ExpressionRegular expression for attributes to be deleted from flowfiles.Delete Attributes ExpressionfalseDelete Attributes Expressionfalsefalsetruefalse30 secDelete Attributes Expression00 secTIMER_DRIVEN1 secUpdateAttributetrueAll FlowFiles are routed to this relationshipsuccessSTOPPEDtruetrueorg.apache.nifi.processors.attributes.UpdateAttribute03/07/2016 15:29:26 EST
\ No newline at end of file