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Fost on snaps

All of the software linked from this repository is now available as a snap (a universal Linux package).

The snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install fost --devmode --edge

Commands are available under the fost. prefix. In order to use any that require Postgres, you will need a separate Postgres server that you can access.

Building the snap

Building the snap needs to be done on an Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 LTS) machine, but the build tools are too old to actually compile there.

  • Update the gcc compiler using the toolchain PPA:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y g++-8
  • Use the new compiler by either updating replacing the soft links in /usr/bin for both gcc and g++, or using the update-alternatives command.
  • Install a newer version of CMake:
    git clone [email protected]:Kitware/CMake.git
    cd CMake/
    sudo make install
    snapcraft will insist on installing the normal package anyway, so make sure the built version takes precedence.

The build of the snap itself can be done by fetching the fost-meta code, and in the root of the checkout performing:

snapcraft clean fost -s pull && \
    snapcraft snap &&
    snapcraft push --release=edge \
        fost_$(git describe --dirty)_amd64.snap

This will build and push the snap. The build of Boost can be avoided by using cmake to set up a build once. The build of the rest of the software will still happen on each snap build.