The simplest way to run Fostgres is through Docker, although it can also be built from source.
There is a docker image available, fost/all
which can be run. You will need to make Postgres available to it.
Assuming you're running Postgres on your host machine and it has a unix domain socket available in /var/run/postgres
(the default on Ubuntu) you can run the image using:
sudo docker run -it \
-v/var/run/postgresql:/var/run/postgresql \
-v$(pwd):/src \
-w/src \
-u$(id -u):$(id -g) \
fost/all \
fostgres-test todo schema1.sql tests1.fg
This breaks down as:
Run the container interactively-v/var/run/postgresql:/var/run/postgresql
Share the host Postgresql unix domain socket to the container.-v$(pwd):/src
Make the current directory available inside the container in the/src
Use the /src folder as the current directory in the container.-u$(id -u):$(id -g)
Use the currently logged in user and group IDs inside the container.-ePGUSER=$USER
Use the current username as the Postgresql role name when connecting.fost/all
The container namefostgres-test todo schema1.sql tests1.fg
The command to run in the container.
Make sure we have the latest version of the image:
sudo docker pull fost/all
Clone the Fostgres project files:
git clone [email protected]:KayEss/fostgres.git
There are a number of examples that can be used, this is one of the tests:
cd fostgres/Examples/films
And finally run the image:
sudo docker run -it \
-v/var/run/postgresql:/var/run/postgresql \
-v$(pwd):/src \
-u$(id -u):$(id -g) \
-w/src \
fost/all:latest \
fostgres-test fostgres-test-films \ films.fg films.tables.sql
It's probably most convenient to set up an alias for this:
alias fostgres-test="sudo docker run -it
-u$(id -u):$(id -g)